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The OD Life of Saleena Ki is the Home Tree Trunk for all her other websites, she calls Branches. It is the trunk that support everything she does, which she does Omni-Dimensionally, including Omni-D Storytelling, Omni-D Art and Omni-D Travel Adventuring.
Saleena Kí , Joan Ov’Art, OD Life, Storytelling, Omnidimensional, Omni-D,
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OD AWEd Living News

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These are some of the Creative Projects  you will hear about:


VIBRAKEYS – Vibrationally Dimensionally Potent Art Tools I Co-Create

Art of Saleena Kí – Anything to do with my Art

Omni-D Travel Adventures – Learn to Navigate & Play into an Omni-dimesnional Life

Benevolent Contact – includes ETs, UTs, ITs, Angels, Higher Dimensionals, Nature Beings, Fairies, etc. All the previously unseens.

GardenSong Project – Conscious Co-creation with Nature

WaterAlive – All about structuring your Water to be more delicious & supportive.

Omni-D Hi-Vibe Living – Everything about learning to live in new ways as our reality changes and expands

Sublime Health & Wellbeing – Info & Ideas, Hi-Vibe Products, Tools & Techniques

Omni-D Photography – Sharing my Stories through Photos

Celebrate New Feminine Balanced with New Masculine 

Messages from Our New Universe – Lightwork, Lightplay, Vibrakeys, Changing Reality, Ascension Process, Messages from our New Universe, Energetic Events & Channeled Messages.

If you would like

Messages from Our New Universe –

Transformation-Energy Reports & Support  

it is now included in OD AWEd Living News

♥ Thank you! ♥