on any level, shifting personal grid to receive
VK05 Abundance Connects you to your true nature, calling forth more of your natural light essence, your divine GodSelf, which naturally attracts abundance and the perfect balance of caring for others and self. Helps to cut away all that is not useful anymore. Also assists in connecting with destined connections.
VK07 Harmonious Relations Balances male and female aspects within you, ending polarity conflict. Imagine internal cooperation, internal peace, and this reflecting into your outer world! The war ends inside first, then we can have peace on Earth. Beautiful messages from our internal male and female.
VK16 Receive Mother Your own health & wellbeing depends on your ability to receive nourishment and then assimilate it to your Body-Mind-Spirit in such a way you flourish. Your comfort level in any moment is a matter of your being in presence with yourself, wherever you are. Any time you are feeling turmoil or anguish you have drifted far from this knowing. Associating Mother with comfort lies in her willingness to be there for you whenever you ask. You may associate Mother with gentleness, because somehow in her presence, you are able to release all you’ve been hanging on to & just Be.
VK20 LightBody Bliss Supports re-growth, opening & activation of the Pineal Gland, leading to the natural activation of the LightBody and establishment of a natural boundary system between us and the outer reality. Great for ultra-sensitives. Works synergistically with
VK10 Electric Support. Includes a powerful & simple breathing technique that restores lost memories enabling us to remember ourselves. I love doing this breath in the morning, it seems to open me up psychically. Super energizer!
VK33 5D Manifestation - Dolphins New Landing Matrix from the Dolphins- Assisting us as Source Creators to bring into reality; all the dreams, visions, ideas, thoughts, and whatever you clearly see, and spend time feeling strongly about. Helps bring it into form. It also acts as a dream-catcher, as you enter in and return, combing out unnecessary aspects out of your visions, dreams, ideas, etc..
VK58 Crystal Seeding Higher Source Consciousness entering the Earth plane & all life. Crystal seed codes activate the highest level of Crystalline Christ Consciousness ever brought to Earth. Activates Codes of Light in the grail lineage, those working within the Sirian Ascension project. Provides newest frequency of abundance, reconnecting us to live in the flow of the Universe. At its heart is the Cosmic Resetter & Resynchronizer from VK55 to help align systems of all kinds into harmony with the greater whole. Gifts from Source Creator, MaRi Magdalene, JeSu, Sirian Ahkus and Butterfly Beings.