opening to inspiration
VK32 Multi-D Reality Am I the Dreamer or am I the Dream? Activates the energy center that is a well of encoded information. As the linking, of this center to the 3rd Eye/ Pituitary to the Crown/Pineal with the Hypothalamus happens, you are then able to decode and use this information. Enter this portal for a new and expanded experience of aligned self in relation to All There Is. Opens your Dream-Gate for more conscious multi-dimensional lucidity. It is time to re-awaken your full glory. Ultimately this opens and activates you to telepathy, tele-transport, and instant manifestation. This key also works with moods, nervous system, regulating sleep, and motivating sexual behavior through the hypothalamus.
VK35 Telos Generator A Gift from our inner Earth family. This design is an energetic generator that uses your existing heart field and expands it. It is a super skill, easy to learn, to activate an internal generator. It helps you customize a field of frequencies x13, to raise your energies immediately so healing, transformation and daily activities are more effective. It is an invitation to reach across the barriers of perception and connect with many other dimensional beings to share technology and skills. It is a focusing point, a Crossing in space/time where beings from a variety of Star Nations, and other sentient Tribes (Elementals to Angelics, beings from ALL our Relations) can share their technologies, techniques, and practice new techniques of co-operative living. It is a way to “land” new civilization and live in a new omni-dimensional way together.
VK36 Chariot of the Gods A "Tree of Life" or "Genetic Blueprint" is a Template for the Creation of the Body-Mind and is, at some level, a soul choice. This new Tree of Life offers a dimensional upgrade of our Blueprint to the next level, removing certain limiting factors incorporated into the current Adam-Kadmon Tree-Blueprint. Included in the upgrade is a reconnection to Source Power. It evolves us into feelings, senses, knowings, awakenings & en-lightenings thus introducing us to realms of experience that heretofore were unknowable. We evolve by rising in frequency & vibration, which in turn connects us to the greater information of Creation. This new Blueprint has the full capacity to go to the Point of Original Knowing and become fully conscious while embodied in alignment to Source. The Ejahdama Tree of Life structure is made of Bubbles and various colors of Liquid Light; sending out waves that alchemically interact within the body to activate New Codes, thus new potential, in the expressed Physical Vehicle. This sources from the Metaluratronic realm, meaning Metatron accompanied by the Feminine aspect Aluraton. When the feminine aspect of any archetype joins the masculine consciously, the power of that archetype accelerates.
K-SS Sacred Space Kit Creating Sacred Space is a wonderful & powerful thing to do for yourself. This kit can help you do this easier by describing ways to so this & by helping with the energies once it is set up.