
helps clear old patterns for easier evolution

VK19 Codons - DNA Activates a new system of omni-dimensional reception and triggers a new sequence of alchemical action to support your awakening and the restoration of your DNA Blueprint to perfection.

VK22 Unikey - Grail - Sphinx Penetrates barriers that hide you from yourself and each other. Unlocks dimensional doorways, stargates, files, seals, penetrates the deepest held illusions. Reveal any secrets you are still holding from yourself. Assists in activating DNA to the next levels of evolution. You must be ready for this one. It is a doorway into your center. This is a Power tool. Ready for a new experience of yourself and your world?

VK27 Golden Pyramid Contains many evolutionary codes and energies. Much to discover. Learn to be in harmony with & thrive with the photon belt energies & the increasing plasma from the sun. Create a space of energetic resonance & harmony to live in.

VK54 Crystal DNA An invitation and activation. Something brand new has arrived in Creation! At the most personal level it is happening right now within your bodies. Your DNA is turning more Crystalline. that means your Consciousness and your body are tuning and turning more crystalline. There is now an opportunity for Humans to merge with Celestials to creation a new kind of evolutionary step for Humanity and the Angelics. You might say it is another opportunity to take the term hybrid life to a whole new level.

S-ALL All Vibrakeys 1 of Everything Kit includes 1 of every current Vibrakey design & guide, 1 print for each Vibrakey in the Birthing Gallery, 1 of every Kit, Set & Manual. Powerful support for your personal transformation, healing, family dynamics, relationships, educational material, home schooling.


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