Mer-Ka-Ba Activation
VK20 LightBody Bliss Supports re-growth, opening & activation of the Pineal Gland, leading to the natural activation of the LightBody and establishment of a natural boundary system between us and the outer reality. Great for ultra-sensitives. Works synergistically with
VK10 Electric Support. Includes a powerful & simple breathing technique that restores lost memories enabling us to remember ourselves. I love doing this breath in the morning, it seems to open me up psychically. Super energizer!
VK32 Multi-D Reality Am I the Dreamer or am I the Dream? Activates the energy center that is a well of encoded information. As the linking, of this center to the 3rd Eye/ Pituitary to the Crown/Pineal with the Hypothalamus happens, you are then able to decode and use this information. Enter this portal for a new and expanded experience of aligned self in relation to All There Is. Opens your Dream-Gate for more conscious multi-dimensional lucidity. It is time to re-awaken your full glory. Ultimately this opens and activates you to telepathy, tele-transport, and instant manifestation. This key also works with moods, nervous system, regulating sleep, and motivating sexual behavior through the hypothalamus.
VK46 Rainbow LightShip Still in the Birthing Chamber: Introduces a new level of LightBody full of the new Metatronic Full Spectrum Rainbow Light. Activated in the pineal gland.