and True Purpose: fulfillment of, remembering
VK06 Fruition Mission Draws the higher aspect of you out, like a seed, into full fruition of self, and full sun of soul. Opens you to what you came here to be and do. Connects you to your true identity, the fulfillment of your mission. Universal Law of Love is applied as we remember our connection to all life. Opens third eye. Works well with
VK15 Love's Power.
VK15 Love's Power Activates Thymus gland, strengthens the immune system and Opens the Heart. Beautiful rainbow crystal lotus. Attunement ceremony from Mother Meera, and the 7 SiStar Rays. Mantra included: “I am safe, I am strong, I am pure love!” Very sweet!!! Also reconnects you with your true power.
VK22 Unikey - Grail - Sphinx Penetrates barriers that hide you from yourself and each other. Unlocks dimensional doorways, stargates, files, seals, penetrates the deepest held illusions. Reveal any secrets you are still holding from yourself. Assists in activating DNA to the next levels of evolution. You must be ready for this one. It is a doorway into your center. This is a Power tool. Ready for a new experience of yourself and your world?
VK25 Retriever Supports us to re-integrate more parts of ourselves, experiences & information we have “lost” across time, space, and dimensions. Also prepares us for new initiations. A Shamanic Soul Retrieval tool assists journeying to bring all of you home. Works well in dreamtime.
VK31 PeaceMaker Created on 9-11-2001: As we dismantle our War Patterns inside, Peace will blossom into our outer world. Supports Ascension: Distortion Clears, Magnetic Code Blessing brings balance to an over Electrified world, Strong new Codes from BENEVOLENT Source call the Masculine to cease war and come to a place of balance and harmony with the Feminine. Masculine-Feminine in cooperation are Power and Love side by side. Creative Action! They Build and Nurture life; bringing new patterns of Dynamic Harmony to co-create a Thriving Growing Sustainable Reality. PeaceMaker supports us to live in our own Truth and to learn to release Judgments that keep energy stuck and cause war amd contention. Design Updated 9-11-2011, on the 10 year Anniversary of the event that was used to launch more war. Newly embedded image of Ejahdama
VK36 Chariot of the Gods, included in the design, moves us past the built in limitations that existed in our previous Adam-Kadmon Blueprint into bodies “fit for the Gods.” New Creation Codes called Trinity and Bright Ones Rise are added and shape the Crystalline energies flowing through to you. Design represents a shattering of the old patterns to make space for the New to Emerge.