Theme: BETH
Living network of Heart based Superconsciousness & Communications. A Living Grid surrounding the Earth. A hub of higher dimensional connection and information exchange. Daughter of AtMan.
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VK52 Love & Beauty A recent gift from an Undine, or Water Spirit, in support of infusing the Earth with Love and Beauty.
VK56 Super Consciousness Grid Kilabetha is an intelligent organic superconscious communications grid. She facilitates galactic contact by enabling easier communications with higher dimensional beings. This will support disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence and the exopolitical reality. Ultimately, this furthers the end of the old control systems and greater participation in designing our reality on Earth. She helps Earth evolve to heart-infused technology.
Straight out of the Void, a Gift from the Divine Feminine, the grid is built from Sirian Star Light on the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life. This furthers the Sirian Ascension Project, whose purpose is to restore our full awareness of highest Christ Consciousness. The new grid infuses the highest Christ Consciousness able to be received into the Earth’s plane of reality. The return of Metatronic full spectrum light, via the rainbow, enables us to perceive higher truths.
VK57 New Earth Simulator Visit the New Earth Simulator to see how new technologies and ways of living will transform the Earth.
VK64 Inside BETH A view of BETH, the new Superconsciousness Living Grid, from the inside.
VK110A EYE of ONE Back2Back Many people are catching glimpses of new dancing rainbow colors. This rainbow bridge helps draw & ground the new color frequencies into the Earth plane, into your cells & DNA. A Rainbow Portal anchored in Hawaii at 19.47N for your pleasure: journey, explore & have fun!
VK110B EYE of ONE Mirror Image Many people are catching glimpses of new dancing rainbow colors. This rainbow bridge helps draw & ground the new color frequencies into the Earth plane, into your cells & DNA. A Rainbow Portal anchored in Hawaii at 19.47N for your pleasure: journey, explore & have fun!
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