
Theme: Creativity

The ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, & to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness or imagination. Needed & encouraged at this time!

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2011-01-31 Phase Shifting – Trans-Portals & Violence in “Hot Spots” Around the World
2011-01-18 Humanity’s Anthem – Together We Change Our World Reality – Power of Storytellers
2011-01-01 Saleena
2010-12-11 Have some Fun…Are you Having Fun? Wonderous Delightful Gifts of De-Light-en UP!
2010-09-22 What Can One Little Person Do?
2010-08-14 Friday the 13th Morning Message Serapis Bey; Creators of the New World – It’s All Vibration
2010-08-03 There’s Only One of Us Here; CLEAR & CREATE August 5th-8th
2010-07-03 Surprise Me Deliciously…It’s My Birthday!
2010-04-01 4-4 Human Thought can Literally Transform the Physical World
2010-03-29 4-4 Invitation: Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure Journey into the New Super Consciousness Living Grid
2010-03-27 Invitation: New Super Consciousness Grid; Create a Unified Heart & Mind; Create the Reality We Desire Now
2010-03-15 United as ONE We Co-Create the Life-Reality We Desire

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VK24 Creation Legends Presents many archetypal stories to help us understand and create with, including the feminine and her relationship roles with the rest of creation. Fresh from the Library under the Sphinx, we are happy to present these 72 Creation Glyphs and stories. Offers more opportunity to work & play with Light Languages.

VK64 Inside BETH A view of BETH, the new Superconsciousness Living Grid, from the inside. Home
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