Creator Whales
Theme: Creator Whales
Loving, wise, OmniDimensional beings whose Souls are made up of many of us & could be one of your Higher Aspects of Soul. We have been involved in many co-Creational events & projects with them that promote evolution & ascension throughout Creation.
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Related Vibrakeys
VK28 Safe Haven Disharmonious energies can be cleared easily & quickly by placing this Vibrakey in your home, office or automobile. Immediately neutralizes unpleasant or harmful energies from electro-magnetic frequencies, radio waves, cell phones & other electrical equipment.
VK36 Chariot of the Gods A "Tree of Life" or "Genetic Blueprint" is a Template for the Creation of the Body-Mind and is, at some level, a soul choice. This new Tree of Life offers a dimensional upgrade of our Blueprint to the next level, removing certain limiting factors incorporated into the current Adam-Kadmon Tree-Blueprint. Included in the upgrade is a reconnection to Source Power. It evolves us into feelings, senses, knowings, awakenings & en-lightenings thus introducing us to realms of experience that heretofore were unknowable. We evolve by rising in frequency & vibration, which in turn connects us to the greater information of Creation. This new Blueprint has the full capacity to go to the Point of Original Knowing and become fully conscious while embodied in alignment to Source. The Ejahdama Tree of Life structure is made of Bubbles and various colors of Liquid Light; sending out waves that alchemically interact within the body to activate New Codes, thus new potential, in the expressed Physical Vehicle. This sources from the Metaluratronic realm, meaning Metatron accompanied by the Feminine aspect Aluraton. When the feminine aspect of any archetype joins the masculine consciously, the power of that archetype accelerates.
VK43 Primal Creation Contains the first code-gift from the Butterfly Beings that give a new kind of freedom from the inside out. Also helps you learn to create with the Creator Whales for a new bigger level of co-creation within a Universal level.
VK48 Divine Alchemical Union Representing an Alchemical Womb from which many new levels of your being can be birthed. Triunes - Trinities - Triads; Explore the power of the Third element to stimulate evolution.
VK56 Super Consciousness Grid Kilabetha is an intelligent organic superconscious communications grid. She facilitates galactic contact by enabling easier communications with higher dimensional beings. This will support disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence and the exopolitical reality. Ultimately, this furthers the end of the old control systems and greater participation in designing our reality on Earth. She helps Earth evolve to heart-infused technology.
Straight out of the Void, a Gift from the Divine Feminine, the grid is built from Sirian Star Light on the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life. This furthers the Sirian Ascension Project, whose purpose is to restore our full awareness of highest Christ Consciousness. The new grid infuses the highest Christ Consciousness able to be received into the Earth’s plane of reality. The return of Metatronic full spectrum light, via the rainbow, enables us to perceive higher truths.
VK64 Inside BETH A view of BETH, the new Superconsciousness Living Grid, from the inside.
VK68 10-10-10 Crystalline Stargate ONE It is by allowing and acknowledging all your myriad possibilities, tens of thousands upon millions of them, that you regain your connection to the One that is you. So this is part of what this design is reflecting...this is part of the experience we are opening to on 10-10-10 to share. Attended & Hosted by: Council of Arcturian Elders, The Founders, Syrians, Lyrans, Belees and the A Team, Arcturians, Pleiadians, Andromedans. Sophia & Moreahl, Angelics, Whales & Dolphins, Tirisian, Venusians, MaRi, Hathors-Kah-Eh-Lahn & Ancient One.
K-EE Environment Enhancement Kit K-EE Environment Enhancement Kit clears energetic pollution and creates and sustains a supportive nourishing nurturing protective energetic environment in your home, office, studio, etc. Some levels of it are testable. Can be used in any building or area used for community activities, such as work, school, nursing home, business. Enhanced environmental frequency protection is foundationally based on
VK28 Safe Haven. I miniaturized the design for cell or wireless phones or devices, including lap tops or tablets. Most people can muscle test their self with their cell phone; without the sticker and with the sticker to see and feel a dramatic difference in your body's well being and strength. This Kit includes an 8.5x8.5"
VK28 Safe Haven Vibrakey, a
K-SH Safe Haven Travel Kit which includes a C-28 4x4", Three C-SH-ST1 for your cell phone, wireless phones or devices, tablet, or lap top computer, 1 Safe Haven eGuide, 8.5x8.5"
VK10 Electric Support to keep near your computer or use for nerve support,
PowerUp! Vibrakey 4x4" energizer & water & food treatment card & 1 Power-Water eGuide, plus
K-TW Transform your Water Kit with
Rainbow WaterAlive Water structure treatment card and eGuide. Extra Stickers can be purchased for $11 each.
K-SH Safe Haven Travel Kit Disharmonious energies can be cleared easily & quickly by placing this Vibrakey card in your home, office or automobile. Immediately neutralizes unpleasant or harmful energies from electro-magnetic frequencies, radio waves, cell phones & other electrical equipment. This small card has the same qualities as
VK28 Safe Haven. For full description visit
VK28 Safe Haven.