Dreaming - DreamTime

Theme: Dreaming - DreamTime

Many Vibrakeys offer codes to activate higher senses for your lucid awakening into your omnidimensional dream. Dreamtime may be one way we experience other parallels. We can learn to more consciously interact with these alternate selves, even to co-create

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Related Vibrakeys

VK02 Journey Ships Meditation tool, can be used to balance the brain and body magnetics. Alters consciousness and dreams. This was requested to induce an altered state of consciousness without using drugs.

VK25 Retriever Supports us to re-integrate more parts of ourselves, experiences & information we have “lost” across time, space, and dimensions. Also prepares us for new initiations. A Shamanic Soul Retrieval tool assists journeying to bring all of you home. Works well in dreamtime.

VK32 Multi-D Reality Am I the Dreamer or am I the Dream? Activates the energy center that is a well of encoded information. As the linking, of this center to the 3rd Eye/ Pituitary to the Crown/Pineal with the Hypothalamus happens, you are then able to decode and use this information. Enter this portal for a new and expanded experience of aligned self in relation to All There Is. Opens your Dream-Gate for more conscious multi-dimensional lucidity. It is time to re-awaken your full glory. Ultimately this opens and activates you to telepathy, tele-transport, and instant manifestation. This key also works with moods, nervous system, regulating sleep, and motivating sexual behavior through the hypothalamus.

VK33 5D Manifestation - Dolphins New Landing Matrix from the Dolphins- Assisting us as Source Creators to bring into reality; all the dreams, visions, ideas, thoughts, and whatever you clearly see, and spend time feeling strongly about. Helps bring it into form. It also acts as a dream-catcher, as you enter in and return, combing out unnecessary aspects out of your visions, dreams, ideas, etc..

VK40 Rejuvenation - Deep Rest Seboteaus is a group of Sirian Flowers who offer an Energetic Spa to you. When you surrender into their field, your form (body) is rejuvenated, repaired & balanced & you awaken deeply rested.


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