OmniDimensional Skills

Theme: OmniDimensional Skills

Activate your super senses, uplevel your body-mind system to higher frequencies & begin to spend time visiting with & learning from omnidimensional beings. Many skills & Vibrakeys on these websites make connection, communication & co-creation easier.

Related Pages

2014-01-09 Final Key of Harmony
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Related Vibrakeys

VK75 Final Key of Harmony Assists one to begin to break one's polarity habit and make space for our new reality. It helps one learn to move massive amounts of stuck energy. We get to practice non-judgment as one learns to integrate duality. By a brave gesture of showing one's acceptance of ALL our experiences and aspect one begins with a powerful Oneness Initiation & Ceremony where one merges with one's own polarized Masters of Duality into Rainbow Mastery. A gift from Benevolent Source, the final 18th code is presented to complete the previous set of 17 codes flowing into our Earth plane as seen in VK73 Seeding New Potential. Home
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