
Theme: Stargate-Portals

There are many openings & passageways to explore omni-dimensionally. Stargates open when certain astrological elements align, often at the same time of year, lasting several weeks before & after . Energies are stronger for lightwork projects.

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2011-08-08 Anchor Into Your Core Star – 8:8:11 Lion’s Gate Channeling & Transmission
2011-08-08 Explore the 8-8 Sirian Lion’s Gate
2011-08-08 8-8 Lion’s Gate & Vibrakeys
2011-07-31 POWERFUL AUGUST & NEW MOON on July 30 & 31
2011-07-30 Live in PARADISE EARTH NOW – August Cosmic Events – Guided Journey & Free Gift
2011-03-19 We are IN the EYE of the Portal NOW – Birthing Gateway
2011-02-03 How Far Down the Rabbit Hole are You Willing to go to Find Truth?
2011-02-01 Strolling Creation – Phase Shifting – Trans-Portals – Reassembling – Reconnection
2011-01-31 Phase Shifting – Trans-Portals & Violence in “Hot Spots” Around the World
2011-01-19 “There is a Golden Star Activation” Jan 23rd – 2011 – Invitation
2011-01-01 Welcome 2011 with More Child-Like Wonder Awe & Curiosity – New Flavors Emerge
2010-12-20 Crystalline Stargate Trilogy-Art
2010-12-12 Belees the Arcturian’s Message -Stargate Pineal – It is Yours Take Control and Use It!
2010-12-11 Break Free – Third in Series of Triple Stargates Assist Us Out of Quarantine – SpinningStarS Update
2010-12-11 12-12 Stargate 3 Journey – Pineal Gland Activation – Message from Suzanna
2010-12-03 12-12 Stargate3 Adventure – Break Free Emerging HOMO LUMINOUS – Last 2010 Webinar
2010-11-16 11-11 Follow-up; Living Abundance – Clear the Cache – Being Clear
2010-10-29 11-11 Stargate Travel Adventure – Benevolent Re-Connection – Webinar Recording
2010-10-29 11-11 Stargate Frequency Mandala – Help Co-Create It – Transformational Art Offer – Special Price with 11-11 Travel Adventure Registration
2010-10-09 10-10-10 Triple Crystalline Portal & Stargate Opening – Energies & Insights
2010-10-08 10-10-10 Crystalline Wave of Love – Free Meditation
2010-10-05 10-10-10 Assist 13 White Whales of Peace to Anchor a Temple of Peace
2010-10-05 10-10-10 Portal – Opening of the Crystalline Portals of the Oceans
2010-10-05 10-10-10 Crystalline StarGate Adventure Tele-Seminar Invitation
2010-10-03 10-10-10 – Heart Weaving with my 33 Councils – Colin
2010-10-03 10-10-10 Crystalline StarGate Adventure Teleconference Invitation
2010-10-03 10-10-10 Galactic Severance: Graduation Time – Founders Invitation – Marimar
2010-10-02 10-10-10 StarGate – Message-Invitation from Council of ONE through Suzanna Kennedy
2010-09-17 Founders Weave a Story; Xopiltletalaua; Peace Council; Peace Summit; New Earth Sanctuary
2010-08-07 Lion’s Gate is OPEN! ROAR the Invocation!
2010-08-07 All Heaven Breaking Loose! Cardinal Cross; Solar Flares; Portals Cross Linking…
2010-08-04 Unified Councils Unite for Us – First Time; New Energies – Collective MUST Wake UP!
2010-08-02 How to Participate; August Grand Cosmic Event: Amplify Your Lifting the Earth Imagination-Creation
2010-07-03 UFO ’seen zooming over eastern Australia’
2010-06-21 It Was Unimaginable Wonder…
2009-12-24 About this Portal
2009-11-11 11-11-2009 Rose Stargate-Temple of Anuenue

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VK12 Stargate - Contact A multidimensional stargate designed to restore your memories of your galactic heritage, family and destiny. Can be used for interdimensional & time travel. Uses sound keys. Wonderful journeying available. A dimensional teaching tool.

VK14 Genetic Feast Helps clear all malevolent genetic tampering, restoring the integrity of your genetic material and opening you to greater potential as it nourishes you at a deep genetic level.

VK21 Flower of Eternal Life - Venus Supports the Ascension process & manifestation of 5th dimensional living and beyond. Through Grace, from the Divine Feminine, your body is formatted to more easily receive full light saturation & patterns of resurrection to assist your body, releasing it from the death hologram (3-Ds: Degeneration, Decay and Dying.) Butterfly Medicine attends.

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VK23 Dolphin's Window Restores us to Primal Time Frequency, re-aligning us with our original Divine Timing, reducing stress & struggles associated with linear time. Restores our connection to natural Earth Rhythms, increasing our ability to trust and relax into the flow of things, and enjoy life more. Fun guided journey into the Temple, first for a chakra tune-up, using Universal Light Language Symbols, then for your Primal Time activation. Our friends, the Dolphins, host this unusual and powerful experience and provided the inspiration and codes for the design. The Golden Dolphin = Soul Level Avatar Mastery. Multi-dimensional time travel codes assist in opening the door for learning and supporting time travel adventures.

VK34 Living Alchemy - Whales It is designed to activate that part of each of us that is a Seer. It is also an alchemical womb for manifestation and co-creation. It draws in the electrical energy of creation to activate the womb where you place your project. This womb aligns with the universal structure of the Flower of Life. There are directions to assist you in becoming clear on the details of your project then calling forth creational support needed to bring your dream-project into manifest form. This is only one of the qualities contained in this design. Besides connecting us with the magnificent Humpback Whales to learn from their vast wisdom, it also connects us to the Ascended Master's Gold vibration to pave the way to manifest abundantly with the projects and creations of our choice.

VK38 Sacred HeartGate The heart space is not just a physical space inside a physical heart. It is physical and energetic. The “Whole Heart" is a vast experience! There is so much to explore inside each of your own hearts.

VK39 Heart of Creation To introduce you to the idea that there are many places-spaces to explore in this vast creation & you are welcome. To entice you to journey to this beautiful powerful place in creation. To connect you to the Heart of Creation so you can explore & receive the many gifts that await you there.

VK43 Primal Creation Contains the first code-gift from the Butterfly Beings that give a new kind of freedom from the inside out. Also helps you learn to create with the Creator Whales for a new bigger level of co-creation within a Universal level.

VK45 Sol Dancing Sun Communications with our Sun lead to more awakening. Learn from our Sun Sol. Includes a detailed process for creating White Gold Alchemy in your pineal gland. Align yourself through the glyph given by the Ambassadors for a journey into the Sun's Living Library and discover what is there for you.

VK59 Venus-Earth Portal Reunion of Venus & Earth. Ancient relationship reconnection brings a new song to creation. Portal to Galactic Kachina, Galactic Mother - Center & Greater Central Sun. Divine Feminine Infusion. Newest level of Crystal Seeding Codes of the Christ Consciousness Ascension Project. Hosted by Sirian Akhus, MaRi Magdalene, JeSu, Sophia & the Great Mothers.

VK62 Cosmic Rose Stargate Opening the Rose Stargate with Mary Magdalene-Connecting with Cosmic Christ Consciousness

VK63 Lyran Song of Home The Lyran Heart is a dimensional Portal-Stargate opening through which the Song of HOME flows, connecting us to the Heart of our most Ancient Genetic Origins, the beginning of the Humanoid form. Creating a conscious Energetic Bridge allows The Founders; our Lyran Parents, to send their Sweet Nourishing Nurturing Love Vibration of HOME into our Living Tissue with the assistance of Living Codes and Keys. Suffused with Blue Crystal Seed Liquid Light and high vibrational Crystalline Lyran Waters this design allows full Reconnection to our Lyran Blueprint and opens the Higher Dimensions. Part of the Ascension Project Plan, we awaken to many of our Higher Dimensional Aspects who are inviting us to Merge with them, bring the higher dimensional energies to Earth and begin to Co-create a New Reality for ALL Creation. Updated on 2011-09-16: Strong New Living Codes demand the Mascuine, the archetypal Warrior King come to balance NOW with the Feminine, the archetypal Nurturing Queen. A new Lyran Key Activation is given to help bring these HOME Energies straight into your Body, from seed strings to particles to cells.

VK64 Inside BETH A view of BETH, the new Superconsciousness Living Grid, from the inside.

VK68 10-10-10 Crystalline Stargate ONE It is by allowing and acknowledging all your myriad possibilities, tens of thousands upon millions of them, that you regain your connection to the One that is you. So this is part of what this design is reflecting...this is part of the experience we are opening to on 10-10-10 to share. Attended & Hosted by: Council of Arcturian Elders, The Founders, Syrians, Lyrans, Belees and the A Team, Arcturians, Pleiadians, Andromedans. Sophia & Moreahl, Angelics, Whales & Dolphins, Tirisian, Venusians, MaRi, Hathors-Kah-Eh-Lahn & Ancient One.

VK70 Rainbow SunFire Initiation Four Stage Initiation: (1) Bathe in Rainbow SunFire, Converting body fibers to more a more crystalline state; (2) Remove cellular barriers; (3) Bring Pineal Gland flame into Master Cell; (4) Receive a "Piece of Home": Creator's Heart.

VK71 11-11 Crystalline Stargate 2 Reconnect to BENEVOLENT Higher Self and BENEVOLENT Source. Energies come from Alcyone through our Star (Sol) and go into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth. The design Includes 7 New Code Discs from Beyond Local Source. This gift comes via the Pleiades: 7 Sisters Star Portals.

VK72 12-12 Pineal Stargate 3 Your Pineal Gland is your Stargate. It is time for you to take control of your stargate and learn to use it. This Pineal Gland activation helps you break free of restriction-filter of the old matrix and emerge into a "lighter" being who accesses the Higher Realms more easily.

VK73 Seeding New Potential Golden Sun Star Beings offer a piece of the best in each of their hearts to help humanity awaken. As you awaken, an internal Sun Star will be lit inside of you & you will shine in a new way. Provides new Information from Beyond Source in the form of 17 glyphs. Hosted by Sirian Lion Beings

VK99 Dragon Eye of Creation Gaze into the Eye of a Cosmic Creator. This represents the Eye of a Dragon. What I can tell you and what you might discover by taking to time to look in and open to your own informing may differ. I have had my experience, thus I could create the art, the portal. Meditating into this "portal" may open you to new levels of understanding of reality. Do you dare?

VK110A EYE of ONE Back2Back Many people are catching glimpses of new dancing rainbow colors. This rainbow bridge helps draw & ground the new color frequencies into the Earth plane, into your cells & DNA. A Rainbow Portal anchored in Hawaii at 19.47N for your pleasure: journey, explore & have fun!

VK110B EYE of ONE Mirror Image Many people are catching glimpses of new dancing rainbow colors. This rainbow bridge helps draw & ground the new color frequencies into the Earth plane, into your cells & DNA. A Rainbow Portal anchored in Hawaii at 19.47N for your pleasure: journey, explore & have fun! Home
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