White Dolphins

Theme: White Dolphins

These omnidimensional beings swim in and out of the Metatronic Realm delivering new codes for transformation throughout creation.

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VK36 Chariot of the Gods A "Tree of Life" or "Genetic Blueprint" is a Template for the Creation of the Body-Mind and is, at some level, a soul choice. This new Tree of Life offers a dimensional upgrade of our Blueprint to the next level, removing certain limiting factors incorporated into the current Adam-Kadmon Tree-Blueprint. Included in the upgrade is a reconnection to Source Power. It evolves us into feelings, senses, knowings, awakenings & en-lightenings thus introducing us to realms of experience that heretofore were unknowable. We evolve by rising in frequency & vibration, which in turn connects us to the greater information of Creation. This new Blueprint has the full capacity to go to the Point of Original Knowing and become fully conscious while embodied in alignment to Source. The Ejahdama Tree of Life structure is made of Bubbles and various colors of Liquid Light; sending out waves that alchemically interact within the body to activate New Codes, thus new potential, in the expressed Physical Vehicle. This sources from the Metaluratronic realm, meaning Metatron accompanied by the Feminine aspect Aluraton. When the feminine aspect of any archetype joins the masculine consciously, the power of that archetype accelerates.

VK39 Heart of Creation To introduce you to the idea that there are many places-spaces to explore in this vast creation & you are welcome. To entice you to journey to this beautiful powerful place in creation. To connect you to the Heart of Creation so you can explore & receive the many gifts that await you there.

VK41 New Codes - White Dolphins Introducing you to the Metatronic Realm. It is all about codes & formulas for Creation. The dolphins bring information from the Metatronic Realm to us. We are the lenses of consciousness that process the information to form a holographic reality around us. It is through our perception filters that reality is experienced, like the old saying, “There is only one of us here.” By receiving new codes, our perceptions change & thus our reality changes. White Dolphins bring Codes of Creation in for your-our Evolution.


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