Gula Grid - Heart of the Whale

Sea Eagles by Saleena Kí
from the Art of JuiceyLiving
is a Lightwork Project where you use your dreams & visions to co-create a
new reality. You can also receive special energies through it from Source.
Whales’ Message to ALL:
15, 2009 through Saleena Ki
Greetings ALL
bright & glorious beings on Earth.
We desire to extend
an announcement; an invitation to all Light Workers this day:
time has come to make a new kind of bond between you all.
of you has been guided to participate in your own way
in the Awakening of the Earth & her children.
Frequencies are rapidly rising
& the time stands open now to reach out & touch each other in the
deepest places of the heart. Open
yours & consciously reach out to every other Lightworker on Earth or in
Earth & around Earth. Touch the
center of your own heart & imagine this is touching every other one, for
you are all one.
There is a new network that is
constructed & dropped into place, using the very same kind of bonding
power. This network lines the
membranes of all creation, from the micro to the macro. If you look within your own cells, it is there
already. We tend the largest one at
the borders of creation.
This is a piece of the "net" or section of the grid I saw:

the Grid Works:
The invitation stands throughout creation. The heart is a sacred space where truth is revealed.
Since creation is holographic & the new grid is found lining the
membranes of all creation, that means you can touch into the lining of your
heart & access the grid from there.
If it is for the good of all, for this is a universal law, it will enter
the grid here; ignite & merge, forming an energetic field; synergy of all
the newest vibrations in creation.
your Gifts into the Grid:
Whales: By taking time to
clearly define what it is you want to contribute & then imagining holding
it in the center of your heart, then connecting it to the new network which
lines your heart, you help create the reality you desire. Use your imagination & intuition, each
of you will know the best way to do this.
Clearly identify, then see -& feel your contribution.
Bring it into the center of your heart.
Touch the new grid by reaching into the lining of your heart,
let the energy of your offering flow freely into the grid.
It is done! Thank You! You may place
as much as you desire into it.
Your Gift from Source Creator
Whales: We
have an elixir of love to melt any hardness. We hold the space for special
kind of bonding within your very structures, your manifest form. This is the
beginning of a new era of oneness, as this structure (a new grid) bonds all
your hearts deeper together; your efforts will be magnified. You are invited
to touch in & receive a gift from Source Creator through the Creator
Whales through the Gula Grid.
Get in touch with your desire to receive this elixir of love from Creator.
Open your heart & imagine yourself in the center.
Touch the new grid by reaching into the lining of your heart,
open to receive the energy as it flows out of the grid.
When it is done, please thank Creator & the Creator Whales.
E: Come often to rejuvenate as you desire.
What is the Purpose
of this New Grid?
Whales: To
gather the newest & highest aspirations from all over creation & infuse
it into the very structure of our creation.
To bring a surge of new life & purpose to all, to the one. We have all journeyed for experience, now
we co-create something new & give it back to source. All contributions at every level are needed
for it to be whole. As creation, our Source Creator's creation, we are
crossing into a new age of energy. New
opportunities await us. This will help
us move forward all together.
Saleena: The bonds of love between us; as Earth humans to
all the different groups we work with, on up to our connections with these
Creator Whales, must deepen our commitment to each other to assist all to
It is
time we bring it to a new level of love, bond, support & awareness.
need each other.
is a time to open, as LightWorkers,
to a
new level of this with each other on earth,
our Star families,
Spirit families,
our Ancestors.
with the natural elements or
of Creation & all Nature in all its expressions.
This is a
big step, a new Bond, a safety network, to help ALL make this passage.

Whale-a-bration by Saleena Kí
from the Art of JuiceyLiving
More of the Gula Grid Story Here: