Rainbow Adventures
Saleena Kí
So the decision was made that we, in our community, would do the Rainbow Calling Chant as often as we could. Daily if possible. Veronique & I started it & it took us a few days to get used to the sounds & anchor in what we were doing with the energies. Later Marimar joined & we all found it such a rejuvenating & energizing expereince, we all looked to the next chance to “sing” in the rainbow energies. |
Photo by Richard Fleet
Emptying on the AH. Becoming the vessel, going into my
heart, opening up to receive & calling in my higher self on EH. Then EE for calling in & receiving
the full spectrum full light Rainbow light. Filling up. OH is the sound I use to send the Rainbow light to my own body, into every cell & even to the base seed strings. Then I send it down & out my feet into the Earth. I see it go to her heart & then out into her various grids, to all others; humans, animals, trees, plants, flowers, insects, minerals …. Everywhere… even into the inner Earth cities & to the beings there. Then it comes back around & I send it out to Barack Obama, our newly President Elect, & then to all the new leaders who are emerging to assist us to bring about our new reality. Then on to the EW or UU; I first send
it to the Sun, through it & through all the levels of suns to
the Great Central Sun. Then to the Galactic Mother & see it stream into her heart & out the spiraling arms everywhere into the Universe. Then I send it to Source Creator & feel gratitude for this great gift. I then send gratitude & thanks to the Rainbow God for bringing this wonderful light in. |
I found that at the end of the chant, I would feel things open up, as if other dimensions open. Veronique would see many visions & energies as we went through all the sounds. Marimar joined us & he loves the energies we engender when we chant. The energies we feel are so delicious, bonding & powerful. At first I would feel a connection very strong with the Rainbow God & sometimes I would hear the message to check in & see what gift was awaiting. One time a messaenger brought a scroll. I was to open it & “read” the energies by running my hands through it. I shared this with Colin & Marimar & the form of the gift changed for each of them. We have so much fun playing with these amazing gifts. I have a long list of gifts, experiences (recorded in my Daily Weave journals.) & new energies that are changing our consciousness & bodies. Several new Vibrakeys have been born of this relationship. I plan on adding to this page & sharing them. See Newest Vibrakeys It continues to be such a gift to call in the rainbows. I believe it is all part of the prophecy of the Rainbow Warriors coming true. I have always been attracted to & fascinated by rainbows. I feel such a thrill & joy seeing them. Even looking at pictures of them stirs something inside me. I realize now that Lanny’s first intention was to call in Rainbows into a clear sky for three days as a sign to the people that all is magical & well with this shift we are going through;. to engender hope. What I have expereinced is a constant flow of these rainbow energies into my life & now I pass them on as a gift to humanity. All as a results of meeting Lanny, the Rainbow God & calling in rainbows. |
Open to Light by Saleena Ki
I realized that
the rainbow light we are calling into all of creation is a full spectrum light,
helping us to
evolve our reality into Metatronic Light. Here is a description I found:
“Metatronic or Metatronic spiral
refers to the full light presence spectrum of awarness, while Oritronic or
Oritronic spiral is the half light, incomplete light presence spectrum in
which the earth for the most part, dwells within. One cannot simply switch
from Oritronic to Metatronic in their awareness, but must unravel the
Oritronic way of thinking before they can begin the Metatronic spiral of
awakening. Certainly many individuals have bursts of Metatronic awareness at
times, but this is not actually accepting the Metatronic spiral as your path.
One must release the Oritronic modality completely before they can truly say
"I exist in the Metatron." www.spiritmythos.org/misc/defs/meta-oritronic.html |
There are many stories & wonderful gifts that have come to me from doing this Rainbow Chant often.
Soon I will post some of my personal stories & experiences.
is the name I heard when I asked what was the name of the new Rainbow God that was born to assist us in entering
& creating a New Reality in the Golden 5th Age. When I shared
this with Lanny, he was a little shocked… why that name? When he asked, he
heard a voice singing, “Just Kahl out my name & you know wherever I am,
I’ll come running to see you again.” I think that is an old James Taylor
song! We all laughed & knew there was a lot of truth in this. Being introduced to Kahl & chanting the Rainbow Chant every day to
bring this wonderful new rainbow light into everything has blessed my life
time & time again. We send it to all the emerging leaders of light to
strengthen them in taking their roles in this emerging new world we are all
creating from the inside out. We participated in a three day ceremony to
“land” & anchor the energies of this new sacred space connecting Heaven
& Earth. The which means Rainbow in Hawaiian, is a sacred space we helped to anchor into the earth plane. It represents a new kind of spiritual governance where we all
participate. It is a place anyone can visit. It is non denominational & has
much information embedded in its dimensional walls. Just intend to visit it
when you go into meditation. Ask Kahl to guide your way. It is a lovely
amazing peaceful beautiful place. I am designing a Vibrakey to connect you to
this place as a bridge to the energies. Here is the beginning: VK51 I feel us as Rainbow Warriors & our role is emerging in helping to
bring about a new reality. |
I just found the
most amazing websites all about rainbows & all kinds of optical effects
of light & water! I was looking at them for hours in delight!!
Bows & Halos |
you Richard Fleet for being such a creative genius and loving the rainbows
& light effects so much. I love the way you explore & finds rainbows
everywhere! |
“Light playing on water drops, dust or ice crystals in the atmosphere produces a host of visual spectacles - rainbows, halos, glories, coronas & many more. Some can be seen almost every day or so, some are once in a lifetime sights. Find out where to see them & how they form. Then seek & enjoy them outdoors.” |
Chant is the five vowels: a (ah), e (eh),
I (ee), o (oh) & u (oo) |
= release all your concerns, fears, distractions, etc. Send everything away that is not part of
who you really are. Physically you can
place your feet apart & your hands at your sides & let everything flow
out of your hands & your feet into the Earth. |
= center in yourself & call in your highest expression; be an empty
vessel to be filled. Physically, you
can raise your arms in front of you, as if holding a bowl. |
= call in the divine energy to fill you; in this instance call particularly
for the Rainbow Energy to fill you.
Fill the bowl with light. |
= send out Rainbow Energy to every molecule of the Earth. Tip the bowl & give some to the Earth. |
= send out Rainbow Energy to the entire Universe. Offer the bowl up & send your light
into the Universe. |
The physical practice of this chant can be a health promoting activity. So many of the forests have been cut & so many oxygen consumers are on the planet that the actual amount of oxygen in the atmosphere is growing less. The more you do to oxygenate your body, the healthier you will remain. Also the more oxygen in your body, the more you will be able to absorb & make use of the higher energies that are flowing into our planet. |
You should find that the more you repeat the chant on a given day, the longer you can hold the note. That means that you are expanding both your lung capacity & your ability to assimilate the oxygen you bring in. |
Bringing people together takes the experience to an even higher level. As you tone the notes with others & harmonies arise, you will be engaging in a unification process that transcends all the artificial barriers Humans have placed between themselves & between the Human Family & the rest of the Natural World. |
underlying prayer of this exercise is peace & reconciliation within the
Human Family & peace & reconciliation between the Human Family &
the rest of the Natural World. |
Imua! |
P.S. For those not yet ready to belt out the notes or adopt body postures or tone with others, you can do all of the exercise within your mind. The value is in the intent, not the performance. |