ASCENSION PROCESS Channeled Message Indigenous Wisdom Insights Lightwork-Lightplay Meditation Messages New Mother Earth World Event

Haiti Part 5: Message from Mother GAIA: Haiti was not of Her Doing…

“She, (Mother Earth-Gaia) impressed very simply, that “Haiti” was not of her doing and that she would never do this, in this way, to her children. She went on to say that this occurrence was not of the Divine Plan, that our transition and accompanying earth changes are meant to happen in as much ease and grace as possible…” Tiara Kumara

Saleena: I receive these emails for Planetary Grid Transmissions every full moon and new moon with an invitation to participate. I felt this message was so important I want to pass it on. I have also been watching how Haiti is being assited and what everyone is doing to assit them to get back on their feet. I also had the sense the earthquake was man-made. So…. there is a tendency to get very upset with all these implications. That is why am glad that the next message Re-defining the Darkness is available with its insight & with an organized Grid Transmission to help us focus this shift within so the outer reality can shift also.

Dear Children of the Sun,

As a planetary race, we stand on the brink of new expansions and potentialities that are so magnificent that it is not even possible for the human mind to fully grasp what is about to unfold. As Children of the Sun, we incarnated this time through as the wings of Spirit to help usher in this magnificence while also knowing that the process would not be without challenge.

I share a recent experience which helped me to more  greatly understand our deepening roles as planetary lightworkers. This sharing is intended to bring further exposure to a vast and oftentimes hushed subject matter that calls forth keener awareness and determined action. Please read with discernment and from compassionate awareness that, together, we CAN shift all rising potential, and prediction.

On the morning of January 13, as reverberation of Haiti’s earthquake was being felt and the news stories heard, an immense wave of energy swept through my office. It crashed my computer, deleted all open programs and immediately left me and my partner strangely ill. I was very perplexed about this occurrence which left a unsettled feeling that something just wasn’t right.

I went deep into meditation to receive much needed clarity. I found myself journeying into the heart pulse of Mother GAIA. It was so intense that my body convulsed for a time prior to receiving her tender message.

She impressed very simply, that “Haiti” was not of her doing and that she would never do this, in this way, to her children. She went on to say that this occurrence was not of the Divine Plan, that our transition and accompanying earth changes are meant to happen in as much ease and grace as possible. She shared that what happened in Haiti was triggered by “man-made” causes and more outplay of this type are in great potential.

As this meditative journey continued, several vivid scenes flashed before me of rising potentials which all carried varying outcomes. I will do my best to capsulate this meaningful message and as this pertains to lightworker roles in these times of both revelation and great unpredictability.

2012 False Messaging

There seems to be determined contingencies of opposition upon this sacred Earth who are deliberately causing fear and confusion among the human race, especially capitalizing upon the prophecy of 2012.

They work with the same principles and Universal Laws as we do and know very well that human thoughts create material plane reality…

Read Full Artcle: Message from Mother GAIA

The Light of God never Fails
Through the choices that humanity has already made on much greater levels, we have come too far for the darkness to prevent our ascension into light. This does not mean, however, that the Divine Plan cannot be compromised. We are inspired to more boldly take our own evolution in hand and acquire the power, as a unified whole, to shift all obstacles and even prophecies that have been seeded in our consciousness.

These rising potentials, no matter the size, must be immediately addressed from expanded group awareness and focused illumined light activity. Clear vision, compassionate love and a stronger unified voice from all of us…all races, religions, cultures and tribes… is absolutely essential.

GAIA summons all of us to help spread her message wide and far…

Full Artcle: Message from Mother GAIA

In closing, we are here as one Group Avatar to help raise this sacred celestial body and its humanity. May we align more deeply with the heart pulse of Mother GAIA. May we open the gates of our minds to the winds of Heaven and meet with fearless calm, clear vision and determined action the changes and challenges before us.

Blessings of love upon us all, Tiara Kumara

Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation
The GAIA Federation of Light

Saleena: I am sharing this message  to lead into the next message that defines the purpose of  Sunday’s Transmission: Re-defining the Role of Darkness.

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Hall of Records

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!