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As the Economics Crumble… What do I do? How do I Create Abundance?

Saleena: I have been riding the waves
of the old breaking down
and surfing the glorious new energies…
Quite an exciting & sometimes scary ride!

One thing that has shifted in our life
is the income; the way money flows in…
for the last few months
our income has decreased so drastically
we have had to become more
creative & thoughtful than ever.


It has given me the opportunity to
learn to be at peace & trust
no matter what it looks like "out there."


Also to work with whatever inner issues
that come up surrounding any fears or nervousness
I still have in me about
having my needs met or having enough.


I have been wondering what we will have to do
to break out of this old system

and truly help create
and embrace a new way of life,
especially since most of us
have become reliant and addicted
to money & debt.

We have been trained this way.
There is a reason for it…

The plan is designed so that the 

top few can become extremely wealthy
& the rest of humanity will have to work
so very hard & struggle to survive,
much less thrive,

that they haven't the time
to be creative.

Having no time and energy
for creating change makes it
all that much easier to control us.



Several friends have been reading
and working with this book;

"Busting Loose From the Money Game:
Mind-Blowing Strategies for
Changing the Rules of a Game You Can't Win"

Go ahead, read more inside the book… from what they tell me, it follows along in the same kind of premise that the next message holds. I was very happy to find this message from our higher dimesional friends.

I feel like these both
hold important keys for us;
to give us ideas of what to do next,


to inspire us & assimilate into us
as we are making the shift
from the old to something brand new…
and maybe eternally old…


A return back to the heart
& a life driven by love
instead of greed or fear.


Excerpt from:
Channeling #2 of
Leader of the Ascended Civilization
"The Invincible Ones,”

March 1st, 2010

VK05 Abundance: Your True Nature


When we take more than our fair share of something and leave less for others – it's we who will experience the lack that we have created for others.

Abundance is created through open hearts,
through generosity and through
never stopping the energy flow
or the material flow.

To always be attentive to where
the need is greatest at the momen
without thinking in limiting terms of
ownership, regulations and musts,
but rather naturally following
the flow of energies that all of
cosmos consists of
and that all life consists of


To follow the flow and go
where you are most needed,
and to give where the biggest need is.

In that way you create
new possibilities,
new development
and new abundance,

since abundance is an ongoing process
which never ends.


When you are in this process,
when you become a part
of the divine flow
and let the flow take you,
like a wave;
when you share the abundance
and make it bigger so that it includes all
– you will always have exactly what you need.


You will always have more to give to others,
and others will have more to give to you.

In this way abundance is created,
new abundance,
and everyone's needs are met.


It's not until the principle of abundance
is broken that lack is created.


When you stop helping others,
when you stop living with an open heart,
trusting that whatever you need
will come to you right
when you need it

and that you can always share
your abundance with others.


When you instead let fear
and lack of trust control you,
and you begin to hoard,

fabricating conditions
and demanding compensation,


that you strangle the principle of abundance
and you strangle the divine flow,
and thereby create lack.


The present economic system on Earth,
where you buy and sell,
is a direct violation of the law of abundance.


As long as you continue to live by this system,
you will have lack on Earth.
All giving must happen
without the expectation of repayment.


When you demand compensation,
it's not giving anymore;
it's a business agreement,
and all business agreements create lack.


When you live your life
in accordance with
the divine flow
and live with an open heart,
you are in trust and feel safe
in the conviction that you will
always have what you need
and that everything presently missing
will come to you.


You don't use your energy to worry
about how the future will look
or exactly how you will get your needs met.
Instead you trust that it will happen
one way or the other.

You know that what humanity
today calls "miracles"
– are possible.

Saleena Note: I am asking the angels
and the universe
to assist me in fully being able
to let go of the old system
and embrace and co-create
a new one we desire.

And so it is, since my universe always says, Yes!

Thank you Dibarak & Maria

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!