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Eclipse in BETH; Weaving Everyone & Everything In

Saleena: Today is the Lunar Eclipse and all the aligning planets, whew! The energy are intense for me. So intense I am just wandering around feeling the energy, breathing, touching into Mother Earth, Aligning my body with her's.

VK64 Inside BETH

I had the idea to go into my heart and move into BETH, the new Living Grid. She is so connected to everything , every grid on earth and all that intersects with earth that are of a nature to support our ascension.

BETH is only entered thorugh the heart so whatever I can find hear will be heart oriented…

Eclipse Ceremony in BETH


[6:20:39 PM] Saleena says: Aloha Colin…woweeeee intense energies! I checked in today to see what I wanted to do and what I got was to take everything everyone is doing into BETH… reach out and touch the threads of energy from everyone’s projects and creations… around the solstice, the OM Gateway… the Oil Spill efforts, the cleaning the water…. the balancing magnetics and electrics…the Mother Earth support… the Exopolitics….Obama's efforts and inspirations… the overall making of a path to gain heart in our technology… the final ousting of the dark forces… to continue elsewhere….


[6:22:02 PM] Saleena says: Taking it all into BETH…. bringing it all into a beautiful Celtic kind of knot works… connecting it in a creative way with appropriate geometric configurations… asking for all weavers to assist… at this time… for all councils and federations, committees and higher dimensional beings who would like to assist , please add your part ….


Reaching to the Master Crystals… Atlantean remnants and Lemurian remnants… Telosians, Venusians, Martians, Arcturians, Touching the Grays… thanking them for their evolutionary opportunities yet setting boundaries for a new way with Earth… no more exploitation… reaching out and stroking the Dark Lord's new hearts…. I saw they received them and breathing a new awareness and heart expansion into them….


I am sitting with these strands in my hand… Compassion and gratitude for all the animals and sea life that have sacrificed for this opportunity for us to wake up and take action to rebalance and move with the earth into a spiritual new age… the 5th Age….


Sending love and support to the Dolphins and Whales… I know they are working right now…. Appreciation to the Arcturians, I know they are assisting us with frequency balancing… & other teams that are keeping the winds down and the currents calmer so the oil volcano…the gushing blood of our Mother Earth doesn't move any further than absolutely necessary to wake us up out of the complacent trance…. WAKE UP!!! PEOPLE, HUMANS… WAKE UP!!!!!


Holding the intention to dance on the Mother to create a resonance in our bodies with her once again….Sending Love and energy and support and compassion to her…. I am committed to clear everything inside me that comes up to clear…. and have been doing my share of inner work to change what I have c0-created…


I AM ONE so this is ALL ME!


For the last few days I have felt like a Telephone Operator… the old fashion ones who used to sit at these large panels and unhook and hook-up connections… to keep everyone communicating…. I have never seen so many messages flood in around one period of time, at least not since I started paying attention!


…and I have never felt so called to participate in getting the communications out to everyone via the Messages from Our New Universe…. I am feeling the intensity… nothing deep or dark inside me is coming up, yet I am pondering basic foundational changes I can make in my life to align with creating what I envision, desire the earth reality to be like….


Asking myself what I really will do to step away and out of the lack illusion and what I will and can do to start supporting the emergences of the new heart based sustainable clean energy renewable technologies….


I am examining my consumer habits…what I am doing and buying to support the "trashing" and destruction of the earth. What I buy that has been created at such a low cost to me, it makes me begin to wonder what cost it has been to someone who made it. Were they exploited to make this item?


I am reading the message from Dibarak again… right now sitting in BETH….


The questions that arise while reading this message…. are filling me with heat… ever since I connected to BETH and entered her I am heating up…. intensely….


[7:12:33 PM] Magical Colin says: There will be more local sustainable production of most things, but in the short term it will be quite chaotic I expect. I guess we should be more creator like and move to a new way of providing for our needs, in harmony with Gaia.


Saleena says: I am going to ask the angels and guides, anyone of the councils and beings connected here to feel free to help me see clearly what I am doing and give ideas of how I might change it:


Aloha Dearest One! So happy to feel you…have you joined me in BETH?


I feel a part of me that is scared to ask these questions and see the truth…. I am calming her and assuring this part that we will move through the changes with grace and ease… we have so much assistance…loving compassionate beings who are ready to reach out and help….


OH yes, I forgot to ask all of Nature to connect in here with me… to add their strength and offer their assistance to all….


Colin, How are you today?


[7:17:14 PM] Saleena says: Time lag is slow today… I will go on with my examination….



according to Dibarak:


When we take more than our fair share of something and leave less for others – it's we who will experience the lack that we have created for others.


Magical Colin says: So far am feeling good, just waking and reading your comments. We watched some of our favorite bands playing at Glastonbury in TV last night, with the full moon in the sky, quite magical…


Saleena says: 1. Do I take more than my fair share of anything?


Not getting any answer for that yet…..


Magical Colin says: In this age of the consumer even our label is out of sync, we should be conservers, if we have more or less than someone else isn't the point, it's how we came by it, and what we subsequently do with it. That's the key. Like Love, do we let it flow?


I hate going to the municipal tip with old stuff that's destined for landfill, we should have ways of gifting back what we use to have a zero or positive impact on our environment.


So let's create using our shipbuilding skills, let's use organic living technology that adds to our overall environment rather than takes…


Am asking Beloved One and the ShipBuilders to give us some 'reminders' of how we do this…


Saleena says: We are on the front lines of developing something that will be ready for others to follow….


Medrahnkt and AtMan are here, waiting for us to visit with them… it has been so busy… amazingly busy through this time illusion…


Dibarak: Abundance is created through open hearts,

Through generosity and through

never stopping the energy flow

or the material flow.


To always be attentive to where

the need is greatest at the moment,

without thinking in limiting terms of

ownership, regulations and musts,

but rather naturally following

the flow of energies that all of

cosmos consists of

and that all life consists of.


Magical Colin says: Feel how much love we are when we create from the heart… This is how we create in harmony…


Saleena says: That is how we create something new… non polarized creations…


Sitting in BETH, she is this…Heart infused technology… a comprehensive grid that is connecting so many hearts and souls…. everywhere! In the Cosmos… in Creation and on Earth….


Magical Colin says: We have been getting a crash creator course with our shipbuilding…


Dibarak: To follow the flow and go

where you are most needed,

and to give where the biggest need is.


In that way you create

new possibilities,

new development

and new abundance,

since abundance is an ongoing process

which never ends.


Saleena says: I AM having so much fun… I have been getting the urge, the hint that passionate creativity & creation is KEY for us in the next stage…at least it is for me, and I have read it in many of the latest messages….


So I have been fanning my creative fires…. adding new thoughts… did you get the eBook I sent you? "Creativity; Its Glory, Its Passion and YOU!"


Magical Colin says: Yes, this could be the context for our interview for new month?


Saleena says: I created the eBook from a document she is freely giving… I was inspired to make it real nice…. a PDF e-Book…. and do a kind of Pass it Forward gesture… it was fun to do something for her and everyone because I really wanted to, because I was being paid to do it….


Yes, that sounds very fun!


Magical Colin says: Yes, haven't had a chance to read it yet, still enjoying my 'rest' on hols (holidays), we’ve had such a lovely week here, weather has been perfect.


Saleena says: Really examining what we can do to transition truly transition back into alignment with the LAW of ABUNDANCE and into the flow of the Universe as we move into these new energies….


Saleena says: you know…that law….


Magical Colin says: Can you feel something moving in our hearts, something is beginning to flow….


Creator is moving through us…


Dibarak: (Saleena, (I feel him as if he were right here talking with us… they are a beautiful and mighty people…) When you are in this process,

when you become a part

of the divine flow

and let the flow take you,

like a wave;

when you share the abundance

and make it bigger so that it includes all

– you will always have exactly what you need.


Saleena says: I am feeling this emotion rise up… it feels so good, so wonderful to hear this… I am so happy to have these words to align me… thank you Dibarak and all your people…. and yes… opening to the Flow of the Divine… of Source Creator…


Sophia is moving and stirring within me…. I feel the Divine Feminine…Isis SiStars…I love what is happening….


I want to acknowledge how wonderful it is to weave so many beings and their messages together into ONE energy to move us through and support our awakening….


Magical Colin says: We create together, that is our new way, sharing what we create feeds us in many ways… Giving freely, as we give our love… A completely new way of being…


Saleena says: Here… do you see the beautiful geometric shape all the ribbons of energy make here. See right there in front of us?


Dibarak: When you are in this process,

when you become a part

of the divine flow

and let the flow take you,

like a wave;

when you share the abundance

and make it bigger so that it includes all

– you will always have exactly what you need.



You will always have more to give to others,

and others will have more to give to you.


In this way abundance is created,

new abundance,

and everyone's needs are met.


Magical Colin says: I can feel all aspects of divine masculine too, like in that picture, all golden sparks and starlight…


Saleena says: which picture?


[7:41:41 PM] Saleena says: Marriage of Heaven and Earth?


Marriage Of Heaven; Earth; SkyMan Meets EarthWoman


Magical Colin says: The one you sent when I was in the internet cafe has feminine looking up with a snake in her back, and the masculine looking down with sparks in his hair…


Saleena says: yes…


Magical Colin says: I'm asking future me to help us 'see' how we did this, it's truly magical, we really got it and started to create together, spreading the word and gifting the skills and codes, whilst being fully supported, abundance is never an issue, we simply create


So this process starts with creator beings coming together and sparking their hearts, then they envision what they would like, and creation is assured… Harmony guaranteed…


So whilst we spark in this magical way, I am asking future me to inspire our creative energy so that we create a new way, for ourselves and for others, a way to share and create, that sustains easily and magically…


Saleena says: Amazing design!


Dibarak: It's not until the principle of abundance

is broken that lack is created.


When you stop helping others,

when you stop living with an open heart,

trusting that whatever you need

will come to you right

when you need it

and that you can always share

your abundance with others.


When you instead let fear

and lack of trust control you,

and you begin to hoard,

fabricating conditions

and demanding compensation,




that you strangle the principle of abundance

and you strangle the divine flow,

and thereby create lack.



The present economic system on Earth,

where you buy and sell,

is a direct violation of the law of abundance.


As long as you continue to live by this system,

you will have lack on Earth.


All giving must happen

without the expectation of repayment.


All giving must happen

without the expectation of repayment.


All giving must happen

without the expectation of repayment.


Saleena says: I am opening up to allow this to enter me…. deeply where I know it is true…. asking for the future me who is living this way easily as a way of life… to reach right here, into my heart… into my mind and plant the seed of what ever I need to begin this now….


I remember what Suzanna said… we have to stop worrying about how we are going to pay our rent and get excited and involved in a BIGGER project that is really FUN!


Dibarak: When you demand compensation,

it's not giving anymore;

it's a business agreement,

and all business agreements create lack.


When you live your life

in accordance with

the divine flow

and live with an open heart,

you are in trust and feel safe

in the conviction that you will

always have what you need

and that everything presently missing

will come to you.


You don't use your energy to worry

about how the future will look

or exactly how you will get your needs met.

Instead you trust that it will happen

one way or the other.


You know that what humanity

today calls "miracles"

– are possible.


Saleena says: When I open to this…I get really excited…everything else I have tried to do just doesn't hold my attention or I feel resistant to it….


Magical Colin says: Like when we are weaving, we simply give whatever gifts come up; it's such a natural thing to do…


Saleena says: When we do our lightwork-play…we just go and do what there is to do because we love to do it…. so happy to do it…. I get so much from these excursions…


Magical Colin says: So I'm starting this process, or at least continuing, by gifting all my love to the process, I'm calling on my Creator Self to be fully present and give all that is required to set this process in motion, today!


Saleena says: I am asking the angels

and the universe

to assist me in fully being able

to let go of the old system

and embrace and co-create

a new one we desire.


And so it is, since my universe always says, Yes!


To bring it into our physical world… into the place where we live in a body here on Earth…. and have daily needs to fulfill….


Magical Colin says: And so it is. Am going to make some tea now, back soon…


Saleena says: I am wondering what that looks like if I have products to sell, all my art and when we do sessions, they take so much of our time… and when we do the teleconference calls? How does all that work? What will I do with this? It is all selling and marketing that is ahead of me…. commercializing all these amazing Vibrakeys… and art….


It is my habit,  living inside the Corporate Model…to think of buying and selling… to expect compensation for what I do… and to feel like I have to so I can Make ends meet and pay the bills…. how do I let go of that? What will that look like?


I am going to go back to focus on sitting inside BETH. Looking around… looking at the weaving in front of me… I can touch any strand… there is Marilyn or Gail… Tyberonn, Barbara Hand Clow…. There is the Arcturians, and Pleiadians, pulling gently… Galactic Federation and all the space they hold for us… and there. That one goes to Mother Earth's heart… and that one goes to where here blood is spilling….


What I see & feel is all the players who are focusing on the solutions… all who are creating with strength, determination and compassion… giving love and taking action… all those who are clearing their inner old patterns of lack and limitation… right now as we approach the eclipse….


Our skies are cloudy, unfortunately, for us here in Hawaii have an opportunity to see the eclipse…so I am asking if we can have some help to clear the clouds for optimum visual delight… I want to take pictures and dance in the light when the new codes flow out after it is over….


Saleena says: Someone said there is a new cropcircle…


That reminds me, two nights ago… as I was going to sleep… that would have been in the early am of the 24th… I heard, “You are moving through a dark portal."


I saw a group of beings standing around and watching the earth moving through a dark long tunnel kind of thing…. I was so tired, I went to sleep and haven't asked what they meant and so I am asking now… who ever showed this to me, what do you mean by this?


I am open to any messages that might want to come through at this time…. here in BETH….


I am making a commitment to make changes in how I work in this earth plane…to open to changing how I give…and receive… to do what it takes to step into the flow of the universe and to return to the full energies of the Law of Abundance….


Still feeling some scared part, getting all nervous when I say that… She demands that I understand what that could mean…”Total disaster… We will lose everything we have so carefully created!”


“People will take advantage of us. Take everything and give nothing back!”


Saleena says: okay, I am listening… anything else?


Scared Part: How are you going to do your business? How will you pay your rent? How will you have enough for paying the bills? How will you do anything in this world the way it is? You are crazy to even consider this!

Saleena more awake part says: I have always been willing to try something new… whenever it is time to make a change; we have to be courageous…to step into the unknown… to move through a doorway that we don't know what is inside it… or how it will turn out…

That is what Metatron said… we have to trust…. that it will all be wonderful … once I let go of you… or give you another job… I will be free to experience something new…. and I am ready for that.


The Extraordinary Eclipses of the Grand Cross

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn



“There are three very significant astrological occurrences over the next five weeks

(June 26-August 4). These are:


·        The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse -June 26


·        The Solar Eclipse of July 11


·        The 5 Planet Alignment of July – The Grand Cross


The June 26 eclipse of the full moon is extraordinarily powerful and will set the stage. Indeed this full moon eclipse is a double edged sword and can be the impetus of great change to the positive, if correctly understood and utilized accordingly.


Or its intensity can rupture your auric field and set you in a downward spiral…”


“It is up to you, depending on if you react in impatience and emotion or if you

wisely utilize this resonance for creativity and inward cleanse.”


“We tell you that the recent solstice and the impending Diamond Triad of the Grand Cross are among the most powerful energies felt on the planet for millennia, and many of your savant astrologers have recognized this….and so must the wise among humanity. Indeed the 5 planet configuration and associated angles represent an extremely rare and extraordinarily unique frequency that can offer a template of magnanimous change, yet within a resonance that can also be quite chaotic.


“…Better to use this cutting energy to go inward, and review for hidden habitudes and obstacles that may yet lurk within. There is no better time to release these.”


“ …That that is in shadow will be revealed in this time, and that which could not easily be seen in other sojourns, in other phases of the 'present' lifetime, will be visible if such self- search is truly desired and diligently executed. And Masters, while such an examination will require courage and humility, the rewards are great…”


“For indeed the eclipses and Grand Cross affords you the opportunity to pass through an important doorway, into a higher and more pristine version of true self.


“So we urge you to seek the hidden obstacles and confront and release them on the lunar eclipse. We further and emphatically recommend you to meditate intensely on the attributes you desire to achieve on the solar eclipse, for indeed the ability to be creative in the phase of the solar eclipse is amplified as well.”


“A perfect time for resolve and surprisingly

for artistic expression,

or manifestation of desire.”


“…use this time well, and you will make a quantum leap.”




“As we have said, what lies before you is a difficult energy for you to master, but it can indeed be experienced and great gain is possible. The Cosmic Council of Light has sent a wave of energy over the past days, that has been termed the 'OM Wave'. Tap into this energy, and it will serve you well as you navigate the next 5 weeks.”


“Dear ones, keep ever in mind, this energy is extremely intense, and is quite capable of throwing you off center, if you do not maintain your guard. It is the Diamond Triad, and can serve you well and offer a quantum leap if you consciously utilize this energy and retain Auric Integrity.”


“Be calm,


be patient,


be creative,


be wise,




nurture yourselves




one another.”


I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths.


And so it is….


Saleena says: And so it is…weaving all this into the beautiful mandala I am making here…. lovely….


Time to go look for the crop circle….


Sure enough…there is one on the 25th… yesterday….


Circles Everywhere


A stunning formation appears in a really beautiful part of Western England. Whitesheet Hill is steeped in history. With ancient sites going as far back as Neolithic times.


Six key circles surround a seventh circle in the middle. Eighteen circles provide an outer ring. I dare not try and count the many more smaller circles that pepper this wonderful formation.


There is a magical feel to this formation which is set in this magnificent setting connecting the ancient past to this modern day phenomenon.”


Magical Colin says: Is this a group chat?


Saleena says: Well, a big group chat… hadn't opened it to anyone else on Earth…. would like to post it on the blog… most of it… was thinking of doing it live…. starting it then updating as things come through…. the group is big though!


This crop circle is so new it hasn't any groundshots or reports… it is beautiful though… back awhile?

Can you see or feel the lovely mandala I am making here… see right there… touch it anywhere and you can feel all the beings who are working together…. tonight…


I saw a Celtic knot called the endless knot… I like that idea for this one…..

Magical Colin says: Yes just going to the beach. Tide is in, sea calm, sun shining, sky blue…


Saleena says: okay I will be here…seems to be an ongoing process of creation tonight….


Will practice teleportation…Nice… I will take your hand and walk with you… or maybe I will just follow you like a little breeze….nice flow… very nice….It is our right, our job, our choice to practice big universal love and also personal love at the same time…that makes it a fractal doesn't it… from the largest to the smallest…. it is the same….or is that a hologram?


My Creator Source loves your Creator Source which means I love myself… as we are ONE…


[9:11:44 PM] Magical Colin says: Yes Yes Yes absolutely.


Saleena says: mmmm nice…. Goddess energy… me between Heaven and Earth… sitting in BETH… stroking your strands…. where you attach to her grid….playing you like a harp's string… OMing…stroking, sending love and appreciation… thank you for playing with me…. life is fuller with you in it….


“How very noble!

    One who finds awakening

    in the lightning-flash”



“Born out of the mysteries of the dawn, they ponder how the day can have such a pure, transparent, transfigured and cheerful face between the hours of ten and twelve….”   Friedrich Nietzsche, 638 Human All Too Human


Magical Colin says: Later I get to a beach where the sand is soft, I'm going for a paddle then, special treat… too cold for a swim tho…


Saleena says: Fun! You are really relaxing and playing…how nice!


Magical Colin says: Mmmm this is nice… Thank you…


Saleena says:

“Love is the raw material that forms itself into substance.

Focusing on love manifests EVERYTHING.”

– Jane Elizabeth Smith


Magical Colin says: Love is walking on the beach heart in heart…


Saleena says: Hey it could be that we are: Sui Generis

Sui generis is a Latin phrase meaning "of its own genus or species," and is used in Spanish to denote that what applied is of a genus or species unique and exceptional. The term was created by the scholastic philosophy to indicate an idea, an entity or a reality that can not be included in a broader concept, namely that this is something unique in its kind.


Magical Colin says: Just saw seven swans swimming in the sea… Wow!  Feels like you are here inside me unlocking something in my DNA… My cells are tingling…and Gaia too


Saleena says: One the first day of lunar eclipse, my true love sent to me… seven swans a swimming….and one full moon hanging in a pear tree….


Magical Colin says: And now a Skylark flying just overhead…and now to paddle. Cold but so so good…


[10:47:21 PM] Saleena says: Send the water some love and healing…going to check for the moon…


Nothing…so dark & thick outside for a full moon night… amazing…. guess I will have to wait for someone else’s photos…..


Still in BETH…. kind of quiet….


[10:55:05 PM] Magical Colin says: And now the steam train home… Could it get better?


Saleena says: Fun sharing this moment with you… though you are in daylight and I am in pitch dark… neither of us can see the eclipse… interesting…we hold such interesting space… maybe it can get better and in this moment I am having so much fun…doing what I love to do with someone I love to do it with….

Glad we can share the moment… makes life sweeter….


Marimar is upstairs with Peter working on getting my new computer to unfreeze… something in the new kind of system…64 bits and Windows 7. They are trouble shooting…


Something in the new system is incompatible. Have been asking the angels to help… I am grateful and appreciate them….


Magical Colin says: Well the angels helped my phone…


Saleena says: Yes. I know it has been such powerful fluxes and magnetics and electric surges going on, I bet many have experience electrical stuff this last week…


Magical Colin says: Mine was during the Solstice… Very strong connection with all that is today, nice to touch god with you… lovely gentle flow, but so much more than ever before…


Saleena says: Do you feel satisfied with the eclipse experience?


Magical Colin says: Not sure I fully got the eclipse, have been enjoying the OM crystal and the solstice, and the full moon tonight…


[11:20:01 PM] Saleena says: peak will be happening in about an hour… here is what was recommended by a friend, Estaryia:


“The Lunar and Solar Eclipses are

quite significant shifts of energy on a planetary scale.


Remember, our main sources of light

have been from our Sun and our Moon.


This light, gives us information,

codes of energy that

support our consciousness in physical form.


Biological life here on Earth

breathes the light

of the Sun and the Moon.


We receive this light information,

the codes of energy for our biological forms.


When we experience an eclipse,

a new light is shining with new information.


The old energies are washed away

and there is room for new codes of light

to be absorbed into

the biological structure of our body.


Our emotional expression is our key to transformation  and recalibrating ourselves to a higher, lighter frequency of energy that is in divine alignment with the Earth's new etheric body.


An energy of "delight" is one that is useful

for us to feel in our hearts.

Attuning ourselves with the energy of "delight"

keeps us

De – Light – Ful!


Spend some time

meditating and attuning yourselves

with the Earth,

and aligning yourself (through your intention)

with the eclipse cycle.


Simply breathe into your body,

and begin breathing as if you are

filling up the whole Earth with your breath.

Breathe into the Earth.

Breathe as one with the Earth.

Breathe into the Earth's new body of light.


Feel your heart connected

to the heart pulse of the Earth,

the pulse of life that rhythmically moves

as a gentle pulsing wave of energy.


Surrender your mind, surrender your emotions,

as you sink into this wave

and breathe with it as one.

Breathe as one wave of energy,

one rhythmic pulse of life.


Acknowledge your connection with the Sun and the Moon and the heavenly celestial bodies.  Breathe in divine light shining through you and through the Earth.


Call to the angelic realms, the angels, for there assistance and support. Call on your spirit guides that are here to support you, and call to your animal guides.


In this feeling of connection,

feel and express your gratitude

for your connection with all life.


Express your loving prayers of your heart.

Ask for the washing away and letting go of all emotions

that no longer serve your highest expression.


Ask for what you truly desire.

Ask to be in divine alignment with your

highest expression and service here on Earth.


Breathe in Joy,

Breathe in Light,

Breathe in Connection

to your divine connection

with the matrix of life.


[11:22:22 PM] Feel the energy of "De-light" in your heart.


I suggest, taking some time, can be just moments, to be in the Moonlight if possible before, during and after the eclipse.


After the eclipse, bathe in the new light from the MOON and breathe this light into your body.  Breathe in De-light!


Say YES to more Love,

more Joy, more Light, more Expression!

More Celebration!


From Estaryia


Magical Colin says: Going to join Children of the Sun later..


[12:11:05 AM] Saleena says: Guess it is time to check in and see what I want to do now? Going to see if I can remote view the moon… or use my imagination strongly….


[1:41:20 AM] Saleena says: Wow it is about the peak of the eclipse…able to get some great photos… dream come true… lovely!


[2:50:19 AM] Saleena says: The clouds parted and I got some great shots! didn't get the ending and coming out because the clouds got thick and hid it from me… though it was fun…. well now we have a new light coming out now… according to Estaryia.. so I got plenty of bathing in the new light…

So am going back to my focus in BETH…moving back into her and looking at the new mandala, energy configuration… it is still there… I feel it is going to stay now to help us while we work out this whole transition. Anyone can move into BETH as long as they go into their heart first and have the intent to assist in a good way.

Thank you BETH! Thank you every beings that helped tonight! Thanks Colin for your presence on this adventure…. Aloha All… Time for my Dreamtime to integrate….

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!

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