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Arcturian Wisdom: Money as a Golden Veil

Arcturian Wisdom

We would like to talk about finances.

It has come to our attention, as many of you know,
that the financial condition of many of those on the path,
so called, is less than optimal or acceptable.

We view this, in the light of what we've just said, to be an anomaly. We view this with very great interest.

Because the financial dimension
appears to be one way
in which humans give away
The love of money,
the dependence on money,
the allure of
money is one of the
innate attractions of the
human material condition.

Releasing a dependence on money
will take some adjustment.
And yet it is possible.

It is possible to move forward
and take steps without concern
for the financial consequences.

This freedom is an important step in the ultimate goal of personal freedom. So money training, using money to look at your own mental process, is a very powerful tool.

Please take these steps every day.

Look at your money,
love your money,
and see your money
as an
extension of yourself.

As a kind of covering that you wear, and decide how you want to invest it, what you want to keep, what you want to let go of. Because many of the thought forms and ideas clustered around your money may be things you want to let go of.

So imagine your money as a costume
and on that costume are embroidered
the many messages
that you have in your mind
around money.


Read those messages to yourself and decide which ones you find supportive and which ones you'd rather not continue to believe. The one's you do not want, imagine the writing, the embroidery, becoming unstitched.

Letter by letter it's pulled out of the fabric and just let go into a stiff breeze that carries it away. It's just a thread in this fabric. Watch as the tunic gets unburdened from all these messages.

Take a moment to do this
each time you have financial concerns.

Look and see what the message is that you are wearing, that you have written into the fabric you are wearing, and unstitch those messages that are no longer supportive, that are no longer true to your highest understanding of who you are.

As you do this you will notice that the fabric feels, the clothing fits better, that the costume has its own powerful support for you. It can be warm, it can be beautiful, it can be well cut, and it can allow you to move with ease to accomplish what you wish to accomplish.

As you wear it and you use it, you are mobile, it's not tying you down, but is supporting you in an environment that it's adapting you to.

Money is an adaptation,
it's an interface,

between what you really are
and the place that you
find yourself physically.

So money is kind of like a veil.

It's a way that you can interact with certain regions of your reality in the same way that the etheric veil allows you to interact with certain unseen worlds.

Money allows you to interact with a certain non-physical world of numeric figures and accounts, accounting.

So as you pay attention to this
golden veil you will find
that you can look and step into it.

By steeping toward it,
you can surround yours

in a golden suit,
a golden covering,
that allows you to move around
in the golden money world.

With that thought you'll find it's easier to be in that world, in that dimension. And when you wish, you can back out from that golden world, step back from the veil that covers it, into your essence, and move into other worlds as well.

You have the freedom to come and go from all these other worlds as well. Its just a matter of wearing the right clothes for the right conditions.

Arcturian Channel 2004-01-10 through Marimar

Full Message & more HERE

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!