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Coming HOME to Your Life via the Eclipse Energies

Saleena: I AM amazed at how so obsessed I AM with this event!

The energies of the SUN & MOON
are enticing me,
calling me to pay ATTENTION!

Opportunities are HERE NOW
& to move my life into a

Move my SOUL

REALITY together.

I have posted so many articles about the SUN, the ECLIPSES, the PLANETARY ALIGNMENTS, I thought I could relax and just enjoy the intensities of the ride… alas… this article is so insightful with more detailed suggestions and pertinent questions I desired to share it. Elizabeth is a grand weaver of fact and possibilities…Thank you!

Last night I felt like I was on
I stayed up late
fueled by the increasingly intense energies
flowing through creation
& into the through
my earthen body system.

I woke this morning with intense tension in my solar plexus and a headache in the back of my head. Nothing new. I am born under the sign of CANCER, with 5 aspects in watery signs, so these energies are resonatingly emotionally deep & moving for me.

So with a few skills;  like turning the points of tension inside out to expand and relax them and move any blockages, some intentional focus on how I desire to experience my moment, some Bliss Breathing to shift my emotional seat upwards in vibration into a higher perspective, & sharing a love bubble with my partner… my body opened up, the Solar Plexus, which seems to be one point of clearing eased and the headache ceased.

Then I could feel the
excitement of the energies
buzzing through my whole body!

It seems that the clearings that are happening are focusing around anything that keeps us from realizing our true nature; our interconnectedness with ALL LIFE or keeps us out of balance in the polarity dance between the expression or love or power and fully living in both love & personal power. The lower chakras, all the ones that keep us connected with our sexual, creative earth connected energies are coming up for their turn to be cleared and reckoned with.

The buzz word is GROUND GROUND GROUND & keep yourself as full of earthy red magnetic energy to balance the over load of blue electric spiritual energy flooding the earth right now.

This seems to be in alignment with what the WOLVES shared with us a few months ago, and with the MOTHER EARTH HEALING NETWORK suggestions.


Coming Home to Your Life
The Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010

By : Elizabeth Jones via  Astrology of


Elizabeth: In this article, I have chosen to write about the Solar Eclipse on July 11th  from a personal-spiritual perspective.Please know that there are other vantages from which to view its influence and numerous ways this event will be impacting us globally, economically and politically to name a few.

It may also trigger intense weather, hurricanes, earthquakes or other such events.


The impacts of the Eclipse
will be felt for 30-90 days


“The Self awakens only as he contacts the Earth.”
~ Dane Rudhyar



The Solar Eclipse on July 11th is occurring in Cancer at 12:41 pm,


  • which rules home, among other things. And while it rules our physical home, the place where we live, in a Universal sense it also rules the intended home for our own higher consciousness.
  • This higher part of each of us has a very specific agenda in this regard and that is to descend into its home in the physical realm, specifically in our body.


  • I feel this Solar Eclipse
    will create openings
    for this occur.


Dane Rudhyar, considered by many to be one of the greatest astrologers of the last century, says the…


  • …sign of Cancer is where "the abstract word is made flesh…the fulfillment of Spirit that must embody in earth-substance".  And that "until the 'I Am' urge of our true spiritual self asserts itself into form (i.e. the body) living is only dreaming."



As I read this, and consider its meaning,I could feel my own higher Self quicken within me as the desire to give this Self a home in my own body seemed to become more real.

  • I saw anew that the fulfillment of Life is the decent of Spirit into Matter. And for each of us this manifests as our Soul presence residing, and finding its home, in our body.


“Matter is our foundation and the first condition
of all our energies and realizations.”
  ~Sri Aurobindo


So what does this mean?


  • First is to awaken to the reality that our body is our home.


  • Then to create a place within our being to be a home that is able to carry the Light of our own Soul.

    This is our foundation, which we must have if we are to heal feelings of separation and isolation. In thinking about this,I wonder if how “at home” we feel, in a more general sense, is in direct relation to how fully incarnated our Soul presence is.


  • If you feel a strong urge to be a part of the healing that is needed on the planet now, though are not sure what that is or how to make that happen, could it be that your primary task is to welcome yourself Home?



Here is another thought that occurred to me…


  • Could it be that the Earth herself, being the benevolent Mother that she is, is allowing the injustices being done to her to help us awaken out of our slumber?


  • Is the pain and frustration we feel a way to shock us into awakening so that we hear the call of our own Soul?


  • And that this will in turn empower each of us with the resources and awareness that we must have to respond to her call for help?


  • A friend once said to me “it is too great a task to be born unconsenting”. Did we all sign up for this? I believe we did.


Yet another thought:

In order for us to fulfill our purpose, of which a part may well be to assist the Earth in Her own healing, must we first begin the process of healing our own separation from our Soul?


  • What could be more healing, and empowering, than that of welcoming our own Soul into our bodies, and thus into our lives?


  • Could it be that as we each do this to greater and greater degrees (as I am quite certain it happens in increments) that the Earth will also heal and become whole?


  • It is said that we are One…could we all be a part of her destiny and perhaps even Soul?


  • And that as we each tend to our own Soul-Self becoming at home in our body, thus becoming more whole, that the Earth will as well?


These are big concepts, I know. Maybe even a little wild. Yet these are the thoughts I find myself thinking as we enter the energies of this Solar Eclipse~New Moon in Cancer. Perhaps they trigger something deep within you?


. . . . .


The Path of the Eclipse

Eclipse Path of July, 2010

A solar eclipse has a narrow path as it moves across the Earth, and astrologers feel that where that path is has significance of its own. (The path is created by the moon's shadow as it races across the Earth, an inspiring image to behold itself.)

Easter Island at Sunset


This eclipse crosses directly over Easter Island. The chances of this are truly astronomical! And while the scope of this article is not to delve into the possible meaning of this,


  • I can't help but revel in the fact that secrets these ancient standing stones hold may be activated in the collective psyche in some way.


  • Perhaps they hold keys to our own origin and even destiny?


The Influence of the Lunar Nodes

All eclipses are aligned with either the North or the South node. The North Node is considered to be where we are heading and the South Node where we have come from. This Eclipse is aligned with, or conjunct, the South Node, representing the past in some way.


  • This suggests that indeed it could be bringing to our awareness, out of our deep memory (Cancer does rule our memories), our ancient past and original purpose.


  • So is this Eclipse an opening to us consciously remembering our true purpose for being alive at this time?


  • Could it be a call from our ancient past to our present to wake up and remember who we are?


  • Will there be openings during this time allowing greater unification with our Higher Self?


"There are billions of Souls
wanting to incarnate at this time.
Your being alive during the
next several decades
is such a precious gift."

~Told to me by my Grandfather in the early 1970's



The essence of what I am saying is this…

That the energies of this Solar Eclipse and the other Cardinal influences occurring now


  • are designed to activate our ancient memories so that we can see and know that our true destiny is to be here now, in our bodies, on the Earth at this powerful time of accelerated planetary and Soul evolution.


This activation will decrease our egoic resistance, which will assist us to align our lower will with our higher will, plus bring us the insights needed to move our life in this direction.


  • The Great Work to be done on our planet at this time is daunting if we are not aware of and able to utilize the power and resources our Soul brings us.


We are not doing this alone…to do so is exhausting indeed.


  • What a privilege to be here, incarnated, at this time.


The words of my Grandfather have more meaning to me now than ever.


  • To open to this energy,
    start by simply being
    in the awe
    at the
    wonder of it all.

Photo by Saleena Ki June 26th 2010 Partial Soalr Eclise from the Big Island Hawaii


On July 11, 1991 there was a solar eclipse in Cancer whose path went directly over the big island of Hawaii and I was fortunate enough to be there. Ever since, I have been an absolute Eclips-oholic. It was an experience I put in the top five most amazing of my life. During the eclipse of last July, I wrote: Solar & Lunar Eclipses ~ Mayhem or Magic?


Here is an except, as the information applies now as well:


How do Eclipses affect us?


There are two  Solar Eclipses each year and this one is quite potent for sure. Will there be some calamity whereby the World will hover on the edge of disaster as a direct result of this Eclipse? I'm going to say, No. Is it significant from an Astrological point of view. Yes, quite so. Before we go there, let's look a bit closer at just what a Solar Eclipse is.


During a Solar Eclipse, the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking out the Sun itself, which amazingly reveals the Sun's corona, as in the photo above.


  • Have you ever considered why this most remarkable of natural events even happens?


Let's start with the fact that there are two discs, in our sky, the Sun and the Moon, that appear to be of about equal size. Yet we know they are not of equal size, so what's really going on here?


The Magic of 400

Why Solar Eclipses even occur:

The Sun is 400 times further from the Earth than the Moon, AND the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun. Hence, they appear to be the same size to us as we gaze upon them in the sky.


And so on these bi-annual events called Solar Eclipses, when, during a new moon, the Moon crosses in front of the Sun, it is able to block out the Sun, revealing it's corona.


All this because of the 400-400 phenomena.

What are the chances?


In fact, the Moon is actually falling out of orbit with the Earth (this will take millions of years) and as it does, solar eclipses are becoming of increasingly less duration.


How may the Eclipse influence you?


  • When the Moon eclipses and blocks out the Sun, our emotions can seem stronger or more active than our higher-functioning self, and that part of us is diminished to some degree, we can feel a little crazy or off center, which can generate feelings of fear and instability.


(This is true of both solar and lunar eclipses, but especially true of Lunar when the moon's shadow races across our planet. Again, more on the upcoming lunar eclipse in a couple weeks.)


  • During this time, it is true that you may feel off and more emotional and sensitive than usual.


  • And this influence is certainly not confined to just the day of the eclipse, and is strongest the two weeks before and after.


But why do we feel this way?

Because the "normal" balance of our emotional nature (the Moon) and our higher self (the Sun) is thrown off.


 We are used to them being in a certain relationship to each other, which is most likely "out of alignment", but normal to us nonetheless.


We usually walk around with our lower (ego) and higher selves (Soul) not in a state of mutual awareness, or alignment (read part one of this article).


  • And so, during solar eclipses, when they are more aligned than at other times, we feel odd, off, different than usual. Things are more intense and even surreal.


But, is this a bad thing? No. Not at all.


  • The trick is to make a conscious effort  to adjust to this increased sense of Self as well as our personal Universe.


The Solar Eclipse path will go
directly over Easter Island


How to Align with these Potent Energies

If you look at the images of a solar eclipse, such as those on this page, you will notice that the coronais clearly visible, which of course it usually is not. This is, to me, beautiful beyond anything I have ever seen. What is that amazing glow around the Sun?


  • Can you imagine that the Light around the Sun is a representation of the Light around you?


  • As you tune into this Light, you can actually activate or charge your auric field, which can be energizing and bring you clarity, insights and guidance.


Other significant aspects of this eclipse chart

Click pic for Larger Chart


~There are three prominent quincunxes occurring at the time of the Eclipse.

These aspects can either hide things from our view or reveal what is hidden.

Here are some keys to working with this so that you won't be caught off guard:


  • Look in unusual places for answers. Ask different questions than usual, and perhaps of people you don't usually seek help from.


  • Do not assume that you know your weakest link, or what is in you own "blind spot".  Turn to see it directly. Ask for whatever it is to be revealed to you with clarity.


  • When seeking out answers or guidance, be open and willing to find something different than what you thought it would be.


Jupiter is squaring Pluto

While I will be writing more about this later this month, it is worth making mention of this event here. Jupiter in Aries is a call to expand our life force in some way. Perhaps you could say it is an activator for our own essence to grow and become stronger. Pluto in Capricorn may try to contain that in some old form that you have outgrown.


This combo suggests that as you seek to expand into a higher level of consciousness, you must go through layers of old patterns, or even wounds, in order to do this.


Some keys to this not being quite so uncomfortable, and actually being a productive process, are:


  • Realize that this expanded state of consciousness is your True Self, and that as it expands into your awareness some false aspect of your identity will likely resist, fighting for its very life.


Lots here, I know (I can feel it as I write!).


  • Trust your True Self to lead you through this process.


Uranus, the Great Awakener, is nearby to keep you from getting too bogged down or stuck.


  • Keep asking to Awaken in whatever ways you are ready to do so!


~Saturn is still at the last degree of Virgo. (Read more about this influence here.)

The fact that it is here during this eclipse strongly suggests to me that

  • an old cycle is ending and that a new one is at hand.

    Here's the good news about this:

  • You really are ready to complete the old pattern or you wouldn't be here, doing what you are doing, trying to awaken to your Soul (or reading this article!).


  • Saturn means it when it says


  • "You're done now", "it's over", "end of this phase", "time to move on". If you have been feeling that you are at the end of something, that you are done with a particular pattern, belief or situation in your life, I say believe it!


I offer several "keys" in my post "Saturn's Swan Song" to better understand the impact and meaning of Saturn being here. Perhaps it would help to re-read it to see how you can facilitate the endings that are ready to take place in your life at this time.


The Bottom Line

  • This Eclipse marks a turning point from an old way of living to a new one.


It is an invitation to take up the task of


  • Living in greater alignment and with an expanded awareness of your Prime Directive ~ for your body to be the home of your Soul.


  • To live our true purpose, our true Soul work, we must be in our bodies. We must descend into our "earth home".


  • For then, we have the true power and wisdom of our own higher self to more directly influence our life.


Read more about this in Part One of this 2-part article on this Solar Eclipse.


Cancer is the sign that rules the qualities and acts of nurturing.


  • And there is no more important act than nurturing yourself, tending to your own being, so that your Soul can feel at home on Earth.

Your Own Healing by Saleena Ki


  • This, in turn, will give you the power to create the life you were meant to have and to fulfill your true purpose at this most important time on Earth.


Blessings and Light to you during this most amazing time,


 © 2010 by Elizabeth Jones. All rights reserved.
Feel free to forward or link this article, but please do so without change or alteration, and giving credit to ©  & Elizabeth Jones

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!