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Solar Eclipse 11 July through Cosmic Ray of Solar Service

Beautiful Imagery!
Into the Healing Chamber of Light…

Thank you Children of the Sun!
For all you are bridging, co-creating & co-ordinating
to bring in a New Earth, New Reality!

Invocation to the
Cosmic Ray of Solar Service

I call upon the Overlighting of the Company of Heaven, Helios and Vesta,
Nature Intelligence and Mother Earth,
As I align myself through Mother/Father God,
and my Higher Light.

Through the amplified energy of the Sun and new Moon,
I ask to be taken in Soul Consciousness into the Unity Grid of Light,
Within and around this Earth plane,
And connect to the Light workers, star seeded ones and Beings of Light
along this Crystalline Matrix of Light.

I now call upon Helios and Vesta,
And ask to be taken through a portal of Light, a dimensional doorway,
Into the Ascension Seat and heart of the Sun,
So I may experience the amplified frequencies of Love-Wisdom,
So I may bring through the key codes for this Golden Age of Light.

As I enter into this Ascension Seat and new Healing Chamber of Light,
I am surrounded in a beautiful copper-gold flame of Light,
Letting go of all that is not of the Light .
I now merge with my multidimensional Selves at this dimensional level,
And activate the remembrance of my Highest Potential,
As this sacred Master Being in Service to the Divine.

I now actualize the new I AM Avatar blueprint,
My perfect Adam Kadmon Blueprint of Light,
My etheric, electronic body of Light,
Through the downloads of Light
spiralling forth from this Cosmic ray.

I now bring through the new Ascension Codes of Light,
Through this Cosmic ray of Solar Service,
and anchor and activate these key codes within the Unity Grid of Light,
Allowing these Ascension Codes to be available for all Life on this Earth plane.

I now direct the energy of the Cosmic ray,
And this beautiful copper-gold flame of Light,
Into all those areas within and around this earth plane,
Needing these amplified frequencies of Love-Wisdom.

I now bring a focus to the Gulf of Mexico,
And the oil spill within the oceans of this world,
And through the power of manifestation,
Assist in shifting this polarity timeline
Into one of reverence for all Life.

I am a Child of the Sun,
An Ambassador of Light,
In Service to this Earth and Solar System.
I manifest all that I need in reverence,
abundance, joy, Love-Wisdom and harmony.
I Am That I Am.


Saleena: If you are inspired to step beyond the Adam Kadmon blueprint, I would offer a new blueprint:

VK36 Ejahdama; Chariot of the Gods

New Tree of Life
New Blueprint
New Body
Dolphins & Whales
Liquid Blue Light
Resolution of Lemuria & Atlantis
Love & Power
side by side


This Tree of Life is a soul choice. It perfects our blueprint to the next level! Returning to Source power. It evolves us into feelings, senses, knowings, awakenings, en-lightenings bringing us into realms of experiences that before were unknowable. We evolve by rising in frequency which brings more clarity.

This new blueprint will have the full capacity to go to the point of original knowing and being conscious in embodied alignment to Source. Made of Bubbles, something reflected all over creation, and various colors of Liquid Light which is like a mix of color, light, and liquid, sending out waves that alchemically interact with the new codes and activate them.

A gift from all those on the path ahead of us, those we might call Gods & from the Metatronic Realm: Introducing Aluraton, the feminine partner with Metatron. Metaluratronic refers to the wholeness of this being in fullness of union.


Have a

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!