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Atlantean OM Crystal & the Magic of Mt.Shasta

Saleena: Since we are being blessed by a special activation from the Council of OM on 8-8, I will share this video, even though it is about a 9-9-9 activation. After being introduced to the beginning of the activations of the Atlantean Crystals by James Tyberonn, we journeyed to visit all the Atlantean Crystals. It was marvelous standing in the presence of each one and meeting some of the guardians. It will be fun to post that Omni-D Adventure someday…

Since I have been to Mount Shasta & had my own experiences in Panther Meadows, I especially love this place. In the summer of 2004 we hosted a Psychic Kids Kamp and had some amazing adventures with 12 of these amazing new children, including Zachary, Lizzy, Rachel and more… I know it is a very powerful grid spot and a place where many phenomena are experienced.

As I am writing this and tuning into the OM Wave… and the Mountain's spirit and the higher dimensional beings that reside there… I am beginning to feel that we will be invited into the mountain tomorrow for the activation.

I can feel them now… the Council reaching out to me and through me; bringing their greetings to us. Close your eyes, breathe deep and feel it… almost as refreshing as that high mountain air!

Here is a quote from the article below that stood out to me:

"Much of this was to enable
and learn the
intricate aspects of self-love.

Love of self, I was told,
is essential to become ‘crystalline’.
It is more than just a feeling;
it is also a frequency,
a key code vibration
necessary to achieve the
higher levels of mastery. 

Love of self enables passion,
to love others.

I was shown that it has
always been easier for me
to give love, than to receive it."

Saleena: Now I can relate to this!

The OM Crystal of Shasta

AA Metatron Channel via J Tyberonn


"The great crystal of Om, beneath the matrix portal of Shasta, incorporates the golden mean, and the universal frequency. It does so by the resonance of its intricate faceting and angular design. It exist in the now and is contained within that termed the past and the future. Can you imagine that?"

""Greetings beloved! I am Metatron, Lord of Light. And so again we speak of Shasta. Indeed its importance is tantamount to the expansion of the Crystalline Field.

Now, far beneath the expanded massif of the mega portal that is Shasta, stands an amazing crystal of Atlantis, a crystal of Arcturian origin. It glows in a silveresque hue of argentum, emitting the frequency of crystalline platinum and etheric gold.

It once stood in the great Temple of One on the Atlantean Isle of Poseida, and was formally called the Crystal of Om. The Atlantean scientist- priest, the Atla-Ra referred to it as the Crystal of Multidimensionality. Indeed, this sentient crystal is omnipotent in its frequency and holds within its structural alloy of platinum, gold and hyper-quartz , the ability to fold, concentrate and amplify that which you term light, space and time.

The Platinum Ray

"The Om Crystal draws to itself and emits what is termed the Platinum Ray, an omnipotent energetic beam of multidimensional resonance. The Platinum Ray is essential to the balance of the coming Ascension. It holds within it what may be termed the code of Universal Law, of the Cosmic Axiom. It holds within its frequency Universal Truth, multidimensional Truth that expands and migrates into every aspect of the Cosmos. It has the nurturing feel of the femine frequency, yet it is in fact the optimal balance of both the female and male vibrancy. The Platinum Ray is one of unity and balance that in fact lessens the differential between left and right aspects of the brain. It unifies consciousness and helps create a great synchronicity of mind within duality.

The magnificent crystal of Om is one of nine enormous and potent Templic crystals that were saved from the deluge of Atlantis before the fall and crash of the crystalline spherical satellite, termed the second moon of Atlantis. The Crystal of Om was and is the most complex of all of the Atlantean Crystals, second only to the great crystalline satellite in its omnipotent capabilities and technical intricacy. Indeed it was the most prized and first of the magnicient Templic crystals to be sought and relocated in the chaotic final days of Atlantis."



Another Great Shasta Story

If you would like a great story & some more Mount Shasta adventure & a connection with Saint Germaine, one of the mountain's Guardians, shared vicariously with James Tyberonn:

Mount Shasta – Multidimensional Portal

Tyberonn Channel June 2007

Here is an excerpt: Click the Title for the full article:

Tyb’s Journal – July 2005:

It is almost sunset and although it is early July, the air is cold. Beds of alabaster snow still block the road to upper Panther Meadows. I am with Israel, master soul, and my spiritual mother of many lives.  We park the car at Bunny Flats, and fumble through the backpacks in the trunk to find parkas and ponchos.

We pause to feel the energy and watch the crimson magenta of the sunset morph into burning orange and peach. It’s too beautiful to watch on foot. We find a smooth boulder and sit in silent reverence as the sun dips below the western horizon.

Once white clouds are now sky borne silhouettes, deep blue, etched in silver. Venus, the evening star emerges brightly above the fading montage of the spectacular sunset. Other stars are beginning to wake, slightly pulsing, sprinkled across the dark velvet canopy above.

We stir simultaneously from the hypnotic spell of the twilight. It is now dark, and the energy has shifted. Crickets and tree frogs twir and croak in modulated percussion, starlings sing from distance, a snow owl coos from the trees. In the music of night, we silently rise, and walk by starlight up the rocky path into the meadow above.

Shasta at night is teeming with devics. I saw flashing peripheral movements from the corner of my vision, as I focused on walking the rising footpath. It was really dark now, moonlessly dark! The wind shifted to the east and had an icy edge as it flowed down in waves from Shasta’s snow covered peak.

 We carefully chose our footing as laterite pebbles crunched beneath our hiking shoes. After a brisk 30-minute walk, we parted from the trail, and walked into an opening in the meadows of Bunny Flats. The stars above were now fully exposed, and afforded a subtle silver light on the valley floor as we treaded over rises and falls. We found a dry crevice and walked through it until we came to long felled tree trunk. We laid our backpacks down, and sat a few feet apart in silence, to begin our merkaba mediations and shamanic journey. We offered prayer songs and offerings in the Native American modality, honoring the directions, the earth, sky and creator. We honored the energy of Shasta, of all beings, and asked permissions to be here in grace and humility. Israel and I spoke for a few moments, then silently, began our journey.

I lay flat on the still warm earth, and stared in amazement at the incredible starry universe above for what seemed a timeless eternity. Meteorites occasionally streaked across the sky.

My Vision on Shasta:

The night was getting colder, as I lay on the ground and stared upward at the amazing starscape. After a time,  I closed my eyes, and to my delight, I could still see the stars. I felt like I was flying among them, my telltale signal of being in lucid state. Timelessness pervaded, and minutes seemed like hours within that sensation. Suddenly I sensed a powerful presence. I was overwhelmed with emotion as a cloud of beautiful energy, purple and gold enveloped me. It was beautiful beyond words, and I felt I was in the presence of an Angelic being. 

I wept in deep yearning as the energy  embraced me. The tears were cleansing, and trapped emotions leapt for expression and release. I felt so at home, so at one with the energy. This loving presence & embrace, and its resulting emotional purge lasted about 45 minutes (as close as I could interpret time from that state). As it ebbed, I slowly sat up & came back into my body , in revelry and amazement, still emotional. I glanced about in the darkness in silence. I  soon heard a distinct voice instructing me to visualize my merkaba, and to see it spin, and to tell  Israel to do the same. I did, and we began the visualization.

Almost immediately, the purple energy reformed, and then materialized as Saint Germaine. He smiled, and instantly both Israel and I were transported inside a massive Hall inside the mountain. We were surrounded by the Ascended Masters. Some were like giants, some were reptilian in appearance, some were Indigenous shaman, all exuded an incredible love. Tyberonn was one of them. I was told to step onto a small platform, and when I did, a sphere of spinning light was placed onto my head. When this was done, I was given an immediate understanding of the changes in my life, and knew their purpose. This portion of the higher dimensional journey was experienced conjointly by Israel and I. Israel was helping me to interpret what we were shown. Her ability to navigate and communicate in that realm were simply amazing, and far greater than my own. For the next few minutes we sat in our 3d bodies side by side and with eyes closed, and  verbally communicated what we saw in the dream state, in the Hall of Ascended Masters, inside the dimensional folds of the holy mountain.

The remainder of the night was very long and very personal. The visions were varied and complex and dealt primarily with me being taken into pieces of my life for review, understanding, confronting and releasing energetic blocks. Much of this was to enable and learn the intricate aspects of self-love. Love of self, I was told, is essential to become ‘crystalline’. It is more than just a feeling; it is also a frequency, a key code vibration necessary to achieve the higher levels of mastery.  Love of self enables passion, to love others. I was shown that it has always been easier for me to give love, than to receive it. That  point stayed with me and seeded much deeper contemplation.

On the second night in the high meadows my journeys were into a realm of geometric grids. Saint Germain was my guide, and we entered into a realm that was like a mosaic of pentagonal tiles, superimposed over everything.

This was a living field and occasionally the tiles would seem to open, and we passed though the aperture, into another realm of octagonal geometry, and then a third of 12-sided tiles. Each progression had a higher frequency. I was told that sacred geometry is the language of the higher dimensions, and that each dimension, each grid had a unique expression based on a geometric matrix. I asked about my theories of grids around the Earth, with 12 dimensions, and this was confirmed. Saint Germain laughed and said that this was only the tip of the iceberg. The grids do not spin, but they do breath. They are aware, but not conscious, as entities. Their geometry is generally as described, dodecahedron, icosahedron and double penta dodecahedron, but it is not fixed, the geometry can alter depending on the dimension from which it is viewed. The grids do shift within their dimensional access. I was shown parallel realities where different aspects of my oversoul worked with these energy systems. I interfaced with three of these aspects.

I was given a another sphere of spinning light to absorb, and told that there were greater grids that encompassed our Universe, and that our universe had 356 dimensions. That the geometry of the Universal grid was geometry of light, a formless geometry, not understood by humanity at this point in evolution. I was told that many of the power points and grids on our planet were activated in a variety of complex manners. That the geometry of high dimensional portals like Mount Shasta and Hawaii are faceted, in dodecahedral and icosahedral geometries, and perform a multitude of functions depending upon the faceted activation, according to solar, lunar, stellar and planetary angles in synergy with the unique mineralogy (electromagnetic field) and terraqueous nature of each. The angle in which light is received influences the effect and genre of energy function at grid points, powerpoints and portals. Geometric shapes have consciousness, and are capable of holding & organizing thought, in a similar manner as crystals. Incredible synergy occurs when crystal fields and specific angles intersect.

I was shown that Shasta is about alignment of life, while Hawaii for example is about rebirth, creation. The living Earth does have 12 chakras, but these shift, and do not correspond on a one to one basis with the 12 major facets of the geodesic grids. Each of the planetary grids open and effect all of the human chakras, and while we often assign a planetary sacred site as a heart or root chakra, in truth, this is not really the case, they each effect all human chakras, but may in specific timings or angles of activation, have a greater effect on one human chakra than another."


Full Message: Mount Shasta – Multidimensional Portal

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!