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Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventures & How They Are Birthed

An Interview with Saleena Kí

by Colin Whitby

This month we welcome back Saleena Ki who shares with us how she has been inspired to lead some really amazing teleconferences this year, each one seems to be more powerful than the last.

Colin: Welcome back Saleena, there is so much to talk about, where shall we start?…


…Colin: Ok, thanks Saleena, the last teleconference was very popular, how were you inspired to do that particular ceremony.

Saleena: Well, I tried and tried to figure it out. I was getting very frustrated because the topic I had chosen, Galactic Freedom, wasn't opening up very easy… no-one was very inspired about it…. even though the 8-8 was on the anniversary of Galactic Freedom Day.

I had to finally toss up my hands and surrender and admit I really didn't know what to do… and let go….It was getting close to the time I needed to get out information for the teleconference….


…One thing I have been curious about is if anyone on the Council of OM or Council of Light had anything to share with us about what has happened on Earth or otherwise since we lifted the Earth. What is the effect of what we did? I know many people joined us on the call and many others joined to assist in their own ways.

I know that the energies were so strong yesterday (Wed. August 18th) and the day before… Things were happening to our electrical appliances that was very strange. Suddenly our dryer won’t turn on. There was a lot of surging energies we could all feel… very unsettling and strange. Our little dog, who is prone to seizures, had a really intense set of 5. Then after they all stopped, the dryer came on.


So last night I asked Belees what was happening…

He said: Saleena, it is quite busy right now… I would love to talk maybe tomorrow when you awaken… we are working with stabilizing right now. Much love to you… thank you… we did send you some loving support to today. Yes there are strong impulses happening now & earlier today.

He had indicated a few days ago that there were strong impulses being sent out both from & through the Sun and from HAARP. That the Controllers were trying to kick up the frequencies to make it harder for everyone and easier for them to retain control. The Arcturians and others who help with these kinds of things were there working to ease things for Mother Earth. It is their assignment to do this for her and for us.

He also mentioned that the strongest of the natural impulses are beyond our instruments capacities to read and they are affecting us….

I keep feeling dolphins calling to us to follow them…. this is how we do this… we ask for what we want then we follow our clues…. clues say “Follow the dolphins…” They are spiralling up into the sky yet the sky seems to be water…. and we are moving toward a very bright light… come on… take my hand, let's go!

Colin: Yes, cool, let's follow the Dolphins

Saleena: So the dolphins…I was looking at this picture. Did you see or feel anything?

Colin: Yes, a kind of pulling sensation, upwards

Saleena: When I looked it seems they are making a vortex with the water and that is what is helping this interview flow so easily… and there is more….

Colin: I can feel the energy swirling around my heart like a big whirlpool, and the balance of male female energies is there, perfectly balanced.

Saleena: Now it seems I am being drawn to the bright light… looks like the Sun when you are under the ocean and looking up at the surface on a bright sunny day…. beautiful! We are breaking through the surface of the water….



About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!