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Our Ultimate Reality – Review of Where We Are & Possible Solutions

Saleena: I share this newsletter as a clear, direct and truthful observation and offering of perspective of our current planetary situation and of possible solutions. Clearly laid out… "in a nutshell" you might say, as the way we have been living on our Planet Earth is rather "NUTS!" 


Recently I have been engaging in a sequence of indepth conversations with a freind. Her life, with husband and 5 children, was rather typical of a comsummerism middle class American Family life. It is now breaking down.


They are going through myriads of

grueling, testing circumstances

as the cosmic fire intensifies,

the vibrations of our whole planet rise

and their unaddressed inner issues

emerge to either be healed

or tear their life and family apart.


Their finances have basically crashed with health issues and unemployment. They are living within an unsustainable lifestyle and system and it is failing. Their home is at risk. Their health and well being is non-existant. The stress levels are ridiculously insane. Their mental health is threatened. They are all being systematically traumatized by the situation and their life is precariously unstable. There isn't enough money to properly take care of her family within the system they are living.


They are church going and receiving some assistance from their local church group. Then there is the added stress of trying to align to their churches principles and fulfill their duties when her life is already maxed out with attempting to raise and support 5 children with 2 parents and no village. She feels confused and really doesn't know the truth of what is happening. She honestly doesn't know what to do to find some equilibrium. She is about to break, to snap, to lose it….considering that death would be better than this.


Both adults are using various substances to try to cope and deal with all the pain, to numb it out. Both are on numerous prescribed medications to "help them cope." They are both out of balnce and blaming each other and have lost any trust they had in each other. Communications have broken down and anger, despair and blaming predominates when they try.


They are lacking skills to work it out from the perspective that the only place they really have any power to resolve this is inside them. They don't really know what ascension is and this is what is happening.


Where do you start when this is

how you are experiencing your reality? 



They are a bi-product of generations of this insane imbalanced industrialized control system. One designed for a few to get very rich and wealthy and the rest of us to serve at all cost. To that system we are here to be used and discarded. This is happening everywhere today. They are not unique.


Our unsustainable, artificially manipulated

reality is shattering.

At some greater levels

everything is being rearranged

to free itself  from these illusions.


This is happening at a cosmic and energetic level

everywhere is creation


the physical densities of 3D are unraveling.


The lies are being revealed

for anyone who is willing to

open their eyes and look around

and give new possibilites a chance.


I ask for help almost daily.

Focus on what I want more of.

It has taken me much time to untangle myself

from all the deep mechanisms of control

and live more genuinely and resonately truthful.


It is what I came for and what I live for.



"These are just a few reasons 

why this must and surely will come 

to an end soon.


Now is this pointing towards

"doom and gloom" and no hope then?

No, not at all…"



I am grateful to Adrian for sharing

the picture so succinctly.


Enjoy one perspective of what has happened

and the proposed solutions:


Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter

18 September 2011


Dear Reader,

I do hope that you have enjoyed a most Joyful, Healthy and Abundant week.


Well I continue to receive much appreciated feedback in respect of my Newsletters of the last few weeks on so called  "real world issues". This feedback is extremely valuable to me in determining readers wish to be informed about.


But please always remember that I am here to  share only that which I personally know, beyond any doubt to be True. All I share "comes" from "Inner Sources" which I can trust absolutely and unequivocally, and my own "teal world" observations.


However, I do remind you from time to time that you should never accept everything I say, or anyone else says, without question. Every single person, without recognises the Truth for what it is because Truth comes from within.


We should always

Trust our Inner Guidance,

without question,

and we should always set aside time

to carry out our own further

research and verification if you feel it necessary.


Anyone who presents themselves as  some sort of  "leader", "guru", "teacher", or any others who seek to elevate themselves to  a status  "authority" or "superiority"  over others, is not and cannot be who they purport to be, wish to be, or think they are.


The purpose of this Newsletter is only to share and discuss, not as fact – there are no "facts" as such – that which I personally  know to be True, and thus openly share, to bring awareness of subjects, states and knowledge that you may not have been aware of at a Conscious level, but can always connect with at a Subconscious level.


There is however an extremely fine dividing line that I must walk between sharing, that which might invoke fear, anxiety, apprehension etc, and that which only invokes Joy, Peace and Freedom, and a basis upon which you can increase your own Vibratory Frequency, Inner Knowledge and Power, and therefore Spiritual Evolution.


The events unfolding before us

can be met with fear or Joy –

Joy is the only option.


If you have received this Newsletter from someone, you can join us here: Our Ultimate Reality


For those wishing for a higher understanding of the mysteries of Life, my book, Our

Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind can be of Service



The Only Truth And Reality Is Within


The false "consumer boom" of the last few decades has been built on endless debt and fiat currency based money created literally out of nothing by banks through the "fractional reserve banking system", which has really become a "no reserve banking system" on the one hand, and the endless "printing" paper with official looking pictures and numbers upon it called "money".


Ultimately debt and money are the instrument through which the "globalists" had intended to create a "new world order" by first indebting, enslaving and finally culling of people, societies, cultures, whole countries and eventually the whole planet in what would become a tyrannical, fascist, dictatorial society, based on neofeudalism.


The increasingly intimidating and oppressive behaviour of the so called "authorities" is often, but not always, backed by draconian new laws, which are unconstitutional, and  often  contrary to even the most basic human rights, is to invoke submissive behaviour, so that people become "acclimatised" to behaving subserviently.


This is all an assault on the

Wellbeing of the

Human Spirit, Mind and Body.


Examples of this  are the new "full body scanners" being deployed at airports, with the  only  alternative  being  a full body "pat down". Both  of these  are intrusive and dehumanising.  Airports now have people trained to observe the expressions and demeanour of people. If a person looks  "unhappy" in some way, they are led away and asked questions such as "are you feeling happy today?", while the interrogator looks at the face of the person for reactions. If the person does not respond in the "prescribed way" they are banned from flying and placed on a "no fly list".


The "Rawsome Foods" raid was another example of a raid on an organic and natural food club which promotes education and food for a healthy lifestyle. When the armed police arrived they not only threatened the people at gunpoint, they also pointed guns at food such as tomatoes and mangos as if they were dangerous.  The Rawsome Foods owner is now on bail for 11 felony accounts, basically for conspiring to grow and encourage the consumption of organic and healthy foods.


For full details, simply do a Google search for "Rawesome Food raid".


Many other people, communities and organisations are being raided, often by SWAT teams all over the USA, for growing, and/or supplying natural, organic, chemical free, or non-genetically modified foods, including the Amish community for example.


However, It has been easy for these "globalists" to get as far as they have for one main reason  – an insatiable appetite for material possessions, driven by  relentless consumerism, and a programmed culture which convinces people that material possessions – cars, houses, expensive vacations, latest gadgets and technology etc – are a statement of success and "affluence" and therefore status in society.


Most wish to be more successful than family, friends and neighbours, and material possession are, in the Mind of such people, the visible statement of that success.


This is  but one, of many  reasons why, particularly in the US and UK, in many neighbourhoods the over-riding priority is to portray the outer, visible statements of "success", such as multiple, luxury, frequently updated cars, bigger house, latest lawnmower, patio set etc, while the inside of the house is sparse, and both partners have to work to earn enough money just to fund basic living expenses such as food, taxes and energy. Energy costs are so much higher due to the size of the house.


These  overt  and public  "statements of status and  success" have only been made possible due to  banks, who relentlessly  and often misleadingly  market a range of debt based instruments such as credit cards, personal loans and mortgages.


As mentioned a few weeks ago, due to the fact that banks can simply create debt  – or consumer credit  – literally out of thin air, without using any of their own money to extend or  cover the debt, not only do they have zero risk, but  can create as much debt as they wish, limited only by the demand for that debt driver by consumerism.


On the other side of the  equation, the "central banks" relentlessly "print" money to finance deficit spending and war, which further devalues the currency and therefore progressively inflates the cost of all commodities denominated in that currency.


As mentioned previously, the relentless increase in the price of Gold, is not so much due to an increase in the perceived value of Gold per se, but due to the progressive devaluation of the US Dollar. Gold, therefore, has not yet really started to increase in value based on its own  unique fundamentals, of which there are many. When this fundamental phase in Gold is engaged, the price of Gold will surely skyrocket.


Now, this inflationary  and unrestricted printing of money has exerted a much more insidious effect, and that is  accelerating  increase in basic cost of living due to inflation in food, oil and raw materials. So at a time when cost of living is escalating, and bank deposits yield zero interest, while being at greater risk, people are finding


it increasingly and progressively difficult to

maintain their previously accustomed" lifestyle"

and in many cases  increasingly difficult

to survive in absolute terms.


As this process unfolds, house prices are falling and will continue to fall, after being driven massively  to an artificially high  level,  until the  inevitable  collapse in 2008, leaving increasingly more people with a mortgage in a "negative equity" situation.


Unemployment in the US is escalating and will continue to do so as the depression accelerates and may never recover. Businesses need less "workers", if they survive at all, as more jobs are lost to automation, outsourcing abroad and cheap imports.


These are just a few reasons

why this must and surely will come

to an end soon.

Now is this pointing towards

"doom and gloom" and no hope then?

No, not at all.


Only when we can see

beyond the deception and illusion

of the situation, can we put 

Life, Reality and Experience

in to a proper perspective, 

then creating a solid and enduring basis

for moving forward in accordance

with our true Reason for Being.


Our True Reason and most Fundamental reason

For Being here on Earth is to 

Spiritually Evolve Through Experience.


Theme Parks, TV "reality shows", "smart phones", latest car every year and so on, are not necessarily the right Experience.

So what then is the right kind of Experience?


The right kind of Experience is that Experience

which engages us in

Living Joyfully on Earth,

in True Health, and True Abundance,

and in True Harmony With Nature

Other People, All Forms of Life and

With Source and Our Inner Self and Being.


Such Experience provides plenty of  real  opportunities to Serve Others Before Self, and to maintain a Reciprocal Connection and Oneness with Earth and Nature.


Such True Experience can only be  predicated in

Oneness, Harmony and Balance

with no person considered  to be

"higher" or  "lower" in "status" or "society", 

or superior or inferior to any other person

or any form of Life, Expression of Source. 


Source, God, recognises All people

as Equal Expressions of Perfection.


Such True Experience does not recognise "good" or "bad" or any other such dualistic construct, because it is clear that no such dualistic ideas can be real in any way.


Does all this sound like a "utopian ideal"?


If it does, it is only because Humanity

has become so engrossed in the trappings

of what is called "modern society",

the very same trappings that have brought

Humanity to the very brink of collapse,

and perhaps even destruction,

and about to go over the edge.

It was all artificial, all a dream,

all a lie and above all totally unsustainable.



I find it ironic when so called "modern society" looks upon so called "primitive people or tribes" or "native cultures" who have always honoured and maintained what they call the "old ways", as being "backward", "deprived" or even "primitive" in some way.


Such cultures are  generally, infinitely happier, healthier and more  fulfilled in every possible way than those who are slaves to "modern society", and are generally considerably more Spiritually advanced, which, after all, is why we are here.


Technology and monetary wealth is not advancement, it represents just the opposite.


Yes, of course such  "native  cultures" sometimes  encounter  difficulties due to dependence on nature for growing and harvesting crops, water supplies etc, but it is through prevailing over these  natural  conditions,  through  every aspect of Spiritual Being  that Source, God has Blessed us with, and by working with those  people around them as One, they Evolve Spiritually and learn True Experiential Lessons.


Such Harmony and True Living

is corrupted under two fundamental conditions:


1. Outside influences, such as "modern society", intervenes in some way, enforcing their own ideas of  "lifestyle" and religion. 


Roman Catholic "missionaries" have, for example, caused massive and irreparable damage to the ways of these ancient and noble cultures, by forcing them to abandon the "old ways" and the ways, of  The Ancestors, for the control systems and constraints of the Roman Catholic Religion.


Another, more  highly damaging and insidious development, is medical intervention through forced vaccination with substances that go far beyond any medical benefits, and are  very  often extremely debilitating and in many cases lethal. This is a deliberate ploy by the globalists, and part of their Eugenics and genocide policies.


While this program of enforced vaccination is usually perpetrated on cultures who have no reason to suspect adverse effects, it is also very much perpetrated on so called "modern society" through "vaccination programs" on  school aged children on the false pretext of "protecting health in some way". All of these vaccines are unnecessary and damaging, sometimes lethal.


A recent example of this is vaccinations with the chemical agent "Gardasil", which is claimed to protect against an "HPV virus" claimed to lead to cervical cancer. This has been proven to be absolutely untrue, and is simply a ploy to potentially harm young girls as well as make a fortune for the patent holder "Merk and Co" and for their paid agents who promote and enforce this vaccination. While Gardasil vaccinations are usually optional, higher pressure and fear based marketing has caused many parents to subject their daughters to this process. In Texas, presidential candidate, Rick Perry, issued an executive order that all school girls entering sixth grade must be  compulsorily injected with a series of Gardasil shots.


Perry has since admitted his "mistake", but not before a number of young  girls had died, or suffered chronic and debilitating consequences, many for life, and all in the name of power and money, not concern for the Well-Being of Divine Human Beings.


2. Self Destruction: 

For thousands and even millions of years,  Humanity has experienced countless cycles of Natural Living, Health, True Abundance, Freedom and  thereby Spiritual Evolution, followed by  natural events  which eventually either destroys the civilisation through external forces, or causes Humanity to destroy itself.


The usual such catalysts are greed, power, over-indulgence, abusing Nature instead of Living in Harmony with Nature, disconnection from the Spiritual aspect of Being and Source, and accepting the illusion of separation leading to conflicts and wars.


There have been countless discoveries, both on land and beneath the sea, of the remains of these civilisations, going back tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions of years, with plenty evidence that the above factors predominated at the moment of their demise.


As discussed in previous Newsletters recently, if these "versions" of Humanity do not destroy themselves through actions arising from Freewill, then the Universe, Source, God if you prefer, creates the conditions for a "purgative", or "cleansing" event, e.g. a "cataclysm" of some sort, in order to "reset" Humanity to the beginning once again, that  yet  another cycle of Evolution may  proceed over the next 10,000  or  11,000 years or so, that Humanity may finally "get it right", and thereby Evolve to the next level of Human Evolution, or to start over again as has generally happened so far.


The most notable event in recent history of course is the Great Flood. The Great Flood  is not simply an Old Testament  biblical story. The book of Genesis originated with the Ancient Sumerian culture of thousands of years previously, then modified and abbreviated. This cataclysmic event is also recorded in the records and stories of thousands of cultures throughout the entire world, often in great detail.


The Genesis version asserts that the  "Great Flood" was sent due to the "sins" or "wickedness" that  Humanity had  "fallen" to. While "sins" and "wickedness" are not really appropriate words in the context of "modern society", the meaning is clear  – Humanity sank to its lowest levels, became totally polarised, and had failed to Evolve in that particular cycle due to its own disconnection from Source and True Nature.


All of the conditions detailed in 2. above

apply today, except that this time there are 

around 7 billion people on this planet,

thereby compounding all of these conditions.



This is why "modern society" must,

and will end very soon,

as we inevitably conclude

this current Great Cycle of Human Evolution,

and commence the next Great Cycle.



Of course, those Who have learned,

or will soon learn the lessons,

and there is still time,

will prevail and become the "seeds"

for the next Cycle of Human Evolution.



As previously mentioned,  it has been conclusively proven through DNA sampling and analysis, that every single Human Being on living on Earth today originates from a very small group of a few hundred ancient ancestors, and half a dozen females.


The above explains why this is the case. This small surviving group of Humans were the ancient "seed survivors" from a previous cyclical purgative, purification  event.


So what then does this mean

in practical terms

as we near the conclusion of this

Great Cycle of Human Evolution?



Well this, Dear Reader is a  certainly a  subject for a  Newsletter in the near future, however, in broad terms 


Humanity needs to "get back to  basics"

and realise and understand our priorities,

both as individuals and collectively

as the human race.



Our basic needs as

Expressions of Source, The Divine,

are very simple:


Quality, nutritious, fresh food

that has not been modified or tampered with.


Adequate and reliable shelter

in the form of a home that is

just the right size for our

family living purposes,

with the means to  sustain a

comfortable living  environment

throughout the Seasons.


Larger houses are nothing more than an Ego statement, to create an "impression" on those in the neighbourhood or visit,  but also wasteful on natural energy resources as well as taking more time to clean, maintain and so on.


Love. All humans need Love,

not love in its  basic sense,

i.e. a chemical attraction

between two people,

but rather Unconditional Love

and respect for each other as

equal aspects of Source,

Who always Expresses Divine Love For All.


These are the fundamentals.


Of course we require rest and relaxation,

but there is an

abundance of opportunities for these

in infinite variety and choices of Nature.



All the latest techno-gadgets, theme parks and other forms of  "entertainment" do is to "dumb people down" through gratification and saturation of the physical senses, and therefore have no place in our future.


The entire World is our "theme  park".

The choices and opportunities available

are Infinite as well as

most fulfilling and valuable.


In such a future there can be no money,

work, banks, debt, credit, government, 

military, police, leaders and so on.

Any of these will  set  Humanity on the same course

as numerous previous Cycles of Humanity,

and will surely end the same.



Ultimately however,

All We Need can be found Within.

Mind and Consciousness, Spirit 

is Our Ultimate Reality. 


No matter what is "happening"

in the "outer world" we can always find

Infinite Joy,

Abundance and

Health Within.



All we need ever do is to

disconnect our Mind and physical senses

from the physical world,

relax, in a place of solitude,

quiet the Mind and Focus Within,

With Source.


You may consider this to be "meditation"

if you wish – the label matters not.


Our Ultimate Objective is to

Live every Moment in this way,

permanently connected

to our Inner Self and to Source,

while Expressing Source from Within.


This is our True Power and Glory

and where Humanity must Be

to finally Evolve.



But before this must come realisation

as to the True Nature of the outer, physical world,

that it might be placed in a proper context

and perspective, as an

Blessed opportunity to Evolve

Through Experience

by Unconditionally Serving Others.


We Should Be In This Physical World

But Never Of This Physical World.



And I will conclude with my closing words of last week:


People must realise that they do not have to conform to the expectations of family, friends and society, and that It Is Fine To Simply Be, and to Express Yourself.


People must realise  that  we are not here to serve ourselves – We Are Here To Serve Others.


People Must Realise That There Is No "Us" and "Them" – We Are All One.


These  Truths, Dear Reader, should be Self Evident,  and dwell Within Us All,  but have become subsumed through Humanity allowing itself to be enslaved and controlled by Banks, Religions and Governments through money,  debt and protectionism.


The first step is to stop watching "news"

or at least the "mainstream news".


All mainstream media, such as Fox, CNN, MSNBC etc are controlled by the same "global elite" who control money, debt and governments  – all Mind Control. One of the only TV news presenting a true picture is RT America and RT International.


Everyone should do their own

Open-Minded, independent research

on the Internet and

Trust Your Own Inner

Guidance and Feelings –

they will never let you down.


Above All – Please Do Your Utmost,

In Any Way You Can,

To Awaken Others.


This "System", Contrived by

Very Few Humans, is Unsustainable –

It Must Go.


We Are In The End Game –

The Moment Of Awakening Is Now.




Final Note: Sincerely, you can help enormously by sending this Newsletter to everyone you know, and encouraging them to Subscribe for themselves if they feel like so doing.

As you know, there is no charge or obligation whatsoever. I have dedicated every Sunday since 2005 to publishing this Newsletter, read by many thousands of people around the World, as my contribution towards achieving that Critical Mass of Awakening which has now become so crucial as we approach the Pivotal Singularity.

And So It Is.

Until next Sunday, I wish you a most Joyful, Healthy, Abundant week.

Brought to You In Divine Love, Light and Service,


About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!