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Living My True Dream

News from The OD Life of News from The OD Life of Saleena Kí 3 days ago I posted this message:

Are You Living Your High Dream?

This is my Follow-Up:


I said I would let you know if things change, according to my theory, when I change inside me. Well I did and they did. I mentioned that all my website branches in my OD Life Tree were shut down. Today they are back online… still in progress… and back to enjoy what is there. I cleared myself with The Emotion Code, I did Ho’oponopono, and I did a Quantum Jump called Limitation Breaker. It worked because before I went to sleep that night my Webmaster happily announced that The OD Life of Saleena Ki websites were all back up and running! I was elated!

The next day I have began to reorient myself with what I was creating… I feel happy that there is something I have the power to do that so quickly made a difference. Sending warm gratitude to my webmaster. Thank you for being part of my rearranged reality! Today I am back in the inspired seat… I had the idea to create a Storytelling Slideshow. I posted it on The OD AWEd Life of Saleena Kí Facebook. It is called Fairy Surprise .

It seems like it has been so long since my creativity was flowing and I have places to share it. I am grateful to everyone that helped me regain my flow so I can get on with living my high dream.



About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!