You can order more Love Cards Relationship Reports for yourself,

or you can order them as gifts for anyone you know or care about.

Love Cards Relationship Reports can give you a deeper understanding

and insight into any of your relationships.


 This system… “reveals the secret truths 

 about our Love lives and why we are the way we are. ”


There are 3 kinds of reports:


 Love Relationship Report 

 Most useful for people who are dating, lovers, significant others or married.

 Friends and Family Relationship Report 

Most useful for friends and family members, people with whom you have some kind of emotional connection.

 Business Relationship Report 

Most useful for people who are in a business relationship or any other kind of more casual acquaintance. It uses business appropriate language.


 First Love Cards Report

analyzing the relationship between 2 people 



 Additional Love Cards Reports 

 ordered at the same time 

 $20 each 



 To order Love Cards Relationship Reports: 


1.Obtain the following information for each person in the report:

·       First and last name (false names can be used if desired)

·       Date of birth (must be real date of birth for reading to be accurate)

·       Gender

·       Include the name and address for where you want report sent

2. Choose the kind of reports you want to order:

·       Love

·       Friends & Family

·       Business

3. Send the information in an email or text to:

·       wildcardswonder at gmail dot com

·       305-707-7062

4. Make payment using one of the following options:

·       Paypal accepted at paypal.com for wildcardswonder at gmail dot com

·       Credit Cards or checks can be accepted, send an email for more info


Your report will be created when payment is received, and then mailed to you.

You can also request a digital copy to be emailed to you.


Even greater value can be gained from your Love Cards Report

by having a  Personal Interpretation & Reading  done.

Email wildcardswonder at gmail dot com or text 305-707-7062

to schedule an appointment to experience your own





Saleena: Lauri Wild is one of my Sisters! I am so happy to support her and encourage you to give this go. In fact, I am going to order some for holiday gifts for my family. These reports are fascinating and very insightful and most often very accurate. Just as with all readings, there are the high sides and the low sides of our cards, and it depends on you how you will deal with them.


Here is a testimonial-invitation from our other sister, Mary Angelico


If you or anybody you know is still looking for a really great last minute gift idea for Christmas or New Years, my sister Lauri Wild has just started a new business and invested into a computer program that creates relationship reports based on the book “Love Cards” by Robert Lee Camp. 


Here’s one description on the book cover:


This system… “reveals the secret truths

about our Love lives and why we are the way we are.”


It actually is quite an amazing system and quite impressive!  I’ve been involved in the Destiny Card and Love Card System for many years and always find it amazing, insightful to the point of what my son Aaron called “freaky accurate!”  So much so that I always check the relationship connections before entering into any partnerships these days and like to do it for others. 


For Christmas I ordered five reports and am printing them out and/or emailing them to some of my kids who are in relationships.  The ones Lauri did for me were around 30 page reports- starting with the personality profile of the two individuals who are in the relationship, then detailing the relationship connections. 

In all the years I have been doing this card reading system, I’ve never seen a better and easier and more in depth presentation of the information.   When I use the book system the relationship connections go 5 levels deep, but with the computer program it goes even deeper and is quite a bit more intricate and revealing.    

Anyway- at the risk of this sounding like some kind of info-mercial (which I despise!) and since relationship dynamics have always fascinated me so much I just thought of sharing this with you and helping my sister out at the same time- turning it into a win/win!  


For more information check the (above information) to contact Lauri, and just give her first names and birth dates of the ones in the relationship and the reports can be emailed.   They are quick and easy to obtain—and/or Lauri also offers interpretive readings as she’s very skilled as a life coach/counselor/reader.  I also do it, but I think she’s much better than me at it!  And if you are not interested you still you might pass this on to friends or family members who might be looking for a unique gift idea or just insight into a relationship.  


Blessings of Light & Love & Peace & JOY TO THE WORLD!
