Saleena Ki in a profusion of Wild Flowers at Fairy Grotto May 2015
First and foremost I am a STORYTELLER. Everything I do reflects this. I love ALL Creativity of Humankind! We are AWESOME CREATURES! I love Mother Earth & Nature. I love dimensional Adventure – exploring new space, inner and outer, meeting new friends from ALL (OMNI) Dimensions, co-creating, updating our reality with lightplay, resolving the old patterns so there is room for a new experience and mapping out paths so we all might accelerate our abilities to hold more light, I love when we see and perceive reality in new ways and I love it when you come explore with me. I love to share bigger overviews and new perspectives of these continuously amazing times we are moving through here on Paradise Earth. Most of all, I love creating my reality the way I want it to be! There is much joy in coming to a place in my life where I savor every thing I have experienced as just that; experience and doing my best to let go of everything that gets in the way of my happiness, peace and love.
Here is what a friend wrote about of me: “Saleena Kí has a knack for working in all Dimensions, Realms, Times & Angles of Space. She is here to activate change as prolific Visionary Artist, Psychic-intuitive Transformation specialist, Meta-physician, Writer, Inventor & Explorer, with numerous skills & deep understanding, which result in plethora of creative works.
Her works have a deeply healing, activational, transformative effect on those who view them. They seem to crackle with lively energy. She weaves in living elements of life, love, light, fire, earth, air, water, sacred geometry, mathematical formulas, sounds, light codes & light languages.
Her art seems to live, breath & dance through dimensions with a kind of vital aliveness. Designed to inspire, entice, activate, raise vibrations, they invite & give permission to step fully into life & take it on with ecstatic joy & splendid power. Her artwork embodies & fuses Love & Power into one.” Michael Levy author of The Joy of Live Alchemy
Today, in May 2015, I am totally in love with playing in my GardenSong and co-creating with Nature and sharing stories. I LOVE STORYTELLING! That is why I decided to create this online book of my inner, outer and other OD Life Stories. I imagine you will get something from them…
This is a living (alive, growing, changing) book filled with the stories of my OD Life.
To me OD means Omni-Dimensional.
My experiences happen in so many dimensions that multi wasn’t encompassing enough, thus omni meaning ALL was a better word.
I have had so many amazing experiences and adventures packed into this one life, I decided to share them.
Instead of publishing a printed book or eBook I’ve decided to offer it to you online as a monthly subscription.
I am using a omni-media style of storytelling to create an immersive fun environment, free of unrelated distractions.
This is created by using Aesop Story Engine.
I will be adding stories often… in no particular order.
I have created Chapters that represent different Life Eras.
I will add them as I remember them.
Sometimes I add them as I experience them.