Hosted by Saleena
Kí, Marimar & Friends 08-12-2009 |
our Cyber-Ship Marimar
& Saleena’s Grand Adventures After 10 years of researching & designing
Vibrakeys, I met Marimar. Our lives & visions easily merged & we imagined
something really BIG! To build an omni-dimensional Cyber-Ship with many
portals on the world-wide web. We dreamed of creating a series of
Websites where we could share the best of what we have created, researched,
channeled & gathered to assist humanity into this new cycle, new age
& new reality. Our way of serving humanity as we move through the
Greatest Shift of ALL Time! We’ve been looking-thinking-creating ahead,
imaging a brand new Cosmology. This is the beginning of our bigger dream… In
the last eNewz, in Saleena & Marimar’s
Adventures in the section “Building our Cyber-Ship” I tell more of that
story. After 2 years of wrestling with the
challenge of balancing the left & right brain, the
masculine & feminine aspects of our creation: we figured our how to merge
the left brained details; like how to create a website that is easier to
manage with an amazing program with a central database system so it doesn’t
take up your whole life just managing, with the right brained details of
satisfying the more sensitive creative urges & dimensional perceptions of
the artist. We spent most of our time, between the two of us, programming,
learning website building, creating ways to organize & manage huge
amounts of data, figuring out how to merge the versatile aspects of templates
& styling, creating the graphic designs & updating every Vibrakey
& its information & stories, re-designing & gathering
all the best together to create the new Vibrakey website. The first portal is open!
It is online! What Are Vibrakeys?
Vibrakeys are an amazingly powerful kind of layered artistic
designs They are Energetic Formulas full of codes, keys, colors,
designs, sacred geometries, maps that lead to new places & beings,
remind, activate & inspire to open to a multi-dimensional way of living
& perceiving. They help us learn new sills, with new ideas & inspiration
to inspire us to co-create a New Earth; with Expanded perceptions. Vibrakeys are forms of visual
art which affect those who come into contact with them in a most profound
way. Many of them were originally created in response to a request for a tool
which would have a certain beneficial effect on either body, mind or spirit.
Many are given to humanity as gifts from what I will call the higher
dimensional realms in order to assist humanity to evolve itself towards its
fullest & most glorious potential. For More,
come to the home page. Vibrakey Evolution
From the very first Vibrakeys To this most recent update:
The Vibrakeys & I have gone through an evolutionary
process. Visit Vibrakey
Evolution for my story of how they began & we evolved
through four phases, or generations. The new Galleries reflect the different phases from the Originals to
Black & Whites to Classics & now the updated & newest Vibrakeys.
I decided to share the Vibrakeys that are gestating in the Birthing Chamber.
These are ones that are partially finished & still in their birthing
process. New
Galleries Over
50 newly updated Vibrakeys About,
Choosing & Using Vibrakeys Much new supportive information, stories, Reference Guides & Themes
to help you choose which of these transformational tools will assist you in
the highest way for your journey. Sublime
Health Project Are
you interested in upgrading your Health
& Well-Being? The
Sublime Health Project with Saleena Kí
Interview by
all beautiful beings sharing this moment with us. First, as the Arcturians encourage us, may we open our hearts and touch into
the Oneness that we all are? I would like to begin from a place of unity. The
purpose of this project is to offer an innovative way to upgrade our health,
well-being and consciousness to new levels we may have never experienced in
this body or lifetime. In this Project we offer a simple way to be personally
assessed, then receive Frequency Antidotes that address many negative
frequencies that result in chronic imbalances, hereditary weakness and more. For many years I have desired
a way to deal with difficult health issues. I have many skills &
trainings and have availed myself of many highly skilled practitioners and
modalities. Always making progress and never completely resolving certain
health and emotional patterns. Until recently. That is when the Arcturians
stepped forward and suggested we work together to build a Vibrakey that could
provide a way for this to happen. We also use a combination of Hathor,
Telosian, Venusian, Lemurian, and other Higher Dimensional techniques and
technology to create the mandala which is the interface device through which
your frequency patterns read and through which you receive the antidotal
frequencies from the Arcturians. My intention is that this be made available to many in
an affordable way; the opportunity to resolve difficult health issues, gain
greater biological strength, higher levels of well-being, and raise your
vibration and consciousness to support your ascension process. Continue the story here. August
Special VK37 Click
Here for details. You
get everything you need to get started… If you are
willing to work with a higher dimensional team of beings… (some call them ETs or
extra-terrestrials since they live somewhere other than earth) Then you have
the opportunity to gain some new friends & take
you health & well-being to a whole new level. Our
experience of the Arcturians is very similar in Begin the project by creating your highest vision
for your own Health & Well-Being. You receive a Vibrakey with information
on the back & a Guide to further explain the process. We help you connect
with an Arcturian Team of frequency experts & begin the a new
relationship with some of the most loving beings to begin your upgrade. Learn
to work with the Arcturian Team to assist you in the embodiment of your
vision. See VK37 Sublime Health Project to Learn more Visit
our new Welcome
to our exploration Learn more about this
mysterious element we call water. We offer several Vibrakey Kits &
information about creating the most alive & Intelligent water in a very
easy way. People are surprised at how good these structured waters taste and
how good they feel in your body. Learn about many more things you can so with
the Water Treatment designs & how it also can assist in raising your vibration. Vital Alive !! WATER !! Pure Clean I have to confess that I am
obsessed with water. I love water! The greatest part of my mission here on
earth is to clean, heal & transform the waters, both inside you &
everywhere in the earth system. Water is the most amazing substance in
creation! No one really understands what water is & there is a tremendous
amount of research being done searching for that answer. Water is Very Popular Right Now The consciousness of the
general public has opened up to embrace the idea of energized, restructured,
pure clean water. Every form of treated & restructured water you can
imagine is on the market now. They search for the most pristine sources to
sell you. They spin, zap, charge, purify, add all kinds of things to water, in
hopes of giving you something unique. Some do it for profit, and some do it
because they must: it is part of an inner calling that drives them. Evolution of our Water Designsbegan with
this first WaterAlive design This
original WaterAlive design has found its way into many Vibrakeys. In 2008 the whales brought a new water codex in to
begin to evolve our earth’s water to a new level. This is where a new kind of
water frequency comes into play. It is called
powerful new codes are gifts from a race of beings we call the Ambassadors.
They come from a daughter universe. Our universe’s water was used to create
their universe. They brought these to us to assist in the evolution of a new
level of intelligence in our water. See Water Intelligence
for more.
We present here Lightwork
Events that are upcoming or happening now. Today there are millions of
conscious Lightworkers who know that participating in these kinds of events
can change our reality. My focus is on helping us to usher ourselves into a
time where we are living in a sustainable, balanced creative way with our
Mother Earth & each other.
you each do counts" These are projects that are designed to help You can work with your own
personal reality or the bigger consensus reality. Practicing these higher
vibrational skills & using these technologies will give you ways you can
assist in creating a new way of life & new way to live together on earth.
We are also opening the doors to move into a bigger family circle as our
veils thin & our consciousness rises. As we are ready our galactic star
families step forward & we begin to remember who we really are. We are
just beginning to add to this portal. Here is the first one: Calling Rainbows: Into the 5th
Age Visit Visit
our for
more stories Explore
how we might serve you in Omni-Dimensional Travel
Adventure Sessions
Life Changing – FUN – Educational – Deep Healing Psychic-Intuitive-Energy Session
Interactive phone or Skype Session. Checking to see what is ready to be done. Energetic Tune-up, BodyTalk Balancing, Activations, Support with particular focus. Psychic-Intuitive
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