
Sublime Health

For those who desire greater levels of HEALTH & WELL-BEING this mandala will support your process of strengthening yourself biologically, emotionally & spiritually so you are more resilient & adaptable as you evolve & awaken. The Arcturians assisted in the co-creation of this design. They are Crop Circle designers & frequency experts. This design carries & broadcasts an array of general formulas & patterns that have been previously placed on earth as Crop Circles for assisting your transition here on Earth. There are many other elements that work together synergistically to offer you powerful frequencies to help you improve. It is perfect timing to begin playing with this design as we all move though this time of drastic change and creative chaos into a new reality.

Options & Prices

Laminated VK 8.5"x8.5" with eGuide$55.00
Giclée Print 13"x13"$44.00
See VK Prices & Formats for details on formats. An additional shipping surcharge may apply for international orders or mixed Giclée Print and Laminated Print orders.


This Sublime Health Vibrakey is for those who desire greater levels of Health & Well-Being. it will offer supportive frequencies to help make it easier to raise your vibration & ascend, as it carries & broadcasts an array of general formulas & patterns that have been previously placed on earth as Crop Circles with the intention of assisting your transition here on Earth.
Through the design elements you receive support to strengthen you biologically, emotionally & spiritually so you are more resilient & adaptable as you move through the creative chaos & continue to evolve & awaken.
There are many ways to access the benefits of this design:
You can purchase VK37 as a Laminated 8.5x8.5" Card with Back information
As a Fine Art Print to frame and place it where you can bathe in all the transforming frequencies. This can be up to 13x13".
Either way you can meditate into the design and let your eyes rest into where ever you intuitively are drawn. Many dimensional journeys can begin this way. A friend, Colin, used this design as a launching portal for many months of daily meditations and journeys. His experience ranged from fascinating and fun to deeply healing to informative and satisfying.
If you would like to take it to a new level you can purchase:
K-HP Sublime Health Project Kit

Learn More

The Sublime Health Project with Saleena Ki, an interview by Colin Whitby.
This is ultimately what the mandala was designed for. To work together with Belees and the Arcturian A-Team in an easy fun project that will most likely raise your health and your consciousness to a whole new level.
Here is what they say about the Sublime Health Project: “We offer Frequency Antidotes for greater levels of Biological Strength, Sublime Health, Well-Being & Higher Consciousness. This will make it easier to raise your vibration & ascend. Our intention is to, with your conscious consent & co-operation, assess your personal frequencies & create specific antidotal balancing & strengthening frequencies that are broadcast through this design to you. We are Crop Circle designers & frequency experts. This design carries & broadcasts an array of general formulas & patterns that have been previously placed on earth as Crop Circles for assisting your transition here on Earth. We are excited to offer this gift to you.”
There are also several options for Sublime Health Support Session if you desire assistance in setting up your project and getting started and/or having Saleena sit in with you, listen for messages from the A-Team, and add her own wisdom during the time your frequencies are being "read" by the A-Team. See K-HP Sublime Health Project Kit.

Design Elements

The Arcturians guided the total construction of this design, from the beginning dream to the finished technology. The design elements broadcast their own powerful frequencies and include:
Over 50 Crop Circles carefully chosen & alchemically blended into a disc.
Natural Elements such as Living Pearl from Venus and Gold Frequencies in association with Sedna, creating a Solotonic non-dissipating Wave.
Lemurian Crystals and Lemurian Healing Temple Colors and Energies.
Star frequencies.

Related Pages

2013-12-28 Arcturian Portal
2013-07-24 Sublime Health Project Portal
2011-04-21 Medicine of Light LIST
2011-04-12 Vibrakey Testimonials & Stories
2010-12-12 Give a Meaningful Gift and Receive a Free Gift
2010-11-19 The Arcturian Ascension Process - An Interview with Colin Whitby
2010-11-08 11-11 Super Shift Wave of Love – Benevolent Re-Connection in the Living Grid
2010-10-17 10-10-10 Followup – Invitation from FTTCC – Belees
2010-10-03 10-10-10 – Heart Weaving with my 33 Councils – Colin
2010-08-15 Omni-D Travel Adventure: Our Journey to the Sun’s New Healing Room to Create
2010-06-02 May 31st Crop Circle – Belees Talks to Humanity
2010-05-23 5 Day Sun Transmission-Infusion from Source – Arcturian Message
2010-01-20 Sublime Health & Arcturian Message from Belees to Humanity
2009-08-01 The Sublime Health Project with Saleena Ki

Features of VK37

Body-KHAT: physical body, ability to be fully connected, grounded
Brain-Hypothalamus-Pineal: support, grow, activate, balance
Codes: activate and make accessible information and coding within the Alta Major
Hormone Balancing: via Pineal stimulation, breath, relinking vital paths
Immortality: clear genetic tampering, release distortions, kundalini energize and vitalize, practice ecstasy, turn on more codons, activate Lightbody, Breathe Bliss, Gratitude, Appreciation
Immune System: strongest immunity comes with open heart and love
Memory: remembering, enhancing memory
Relaxation-Calming: throughout the body

Vibrakeys that work with VK37

Use VK11 WaterAlive MasterKey or any other water design to structure the water you drink and bathe in. See the Water Gallery for more designs that structure water. See Water Portal for more information about water.
VK08 Multi-D Game Tool helps you practice opening up new ways of learning & perceiving. It also helps to stimulate a new kind of inner vision.

VK10 Electric Support Improves and repairs nerves and your nervous system Protects you and your computer equipment from damaging electrical effects.

VK14 Genetic Feast works at DNA-RNA level to nourish and clear genetic material.

VK16 Receive Mother Helps with Spleen and Assimilation. Clears blockages to receiving nourishment from the "Mothers" both Divine and Earth,

VK17 Biological Strengthener Works on the level of the Bone Marrow, Heart, Thymus strengthens immunity and T-Cells and Another Crop Circle gift & more.

VK18 Kundalini Rising Strengthens understanding and connection to the use of your body's Kundalini energy to increase health, well being and longevity. Also works with keeping the Crown-Brain & chakras balanced, Includes guidance about how to use Sex Magic for Rejuvenation.

VK19 Codons - DNA helps to turn on your dormant Codons which it is believed that this helps to immortalize, help with immunity and bring unification and balance to Masculine and Feminine aspects of your being.

VK20 LightBody Bliss helps with the activation of the MerKaBA or Lightbody. So does VK46 Rainbow LightShip. These two come together in a K-LB Rainbow LightBody Kit with a comprehensive guide to activation. Easy state of ecstasy. Improves function of pineal gland easily.

VK21 Flower of Eternal Life - Venus Take steps to immortalize your body, activate the resurrection codes, deactivate the death hormone & experience true love in the tissues of your body from the Emerald Venusian Healing Temple. May have an anti-aging effect.

VK27 Golden Pyramid Make friends with Solar Plasma & Photon Belt energies. Ascension support. Many Host offer a variety of experiences This one is definitely for the Explorer or Adventurer. The protective and supportive energies radiating from the design work unnoticed in the background full time.

VK28 Safe Haven Helps clear your environment of negative waves & inappropriate electrical spins. It is a beautiful and super easy way to protect yourself at many levels from harmful environmental toxins and destructive waves. It also floods your environment with loving soothing vibrations. The design is offered in a variety of ways to extend the safety to all areas of your life: K-SH2 Safe Haven Kit comes with 2 sizes of cards and stickers for your cell phones and other electronic devices. K-SH Safe Haven Travel Kit Is for your car or when you travel away from home. Stickers for your cell phones or devices.

VK32 Multi-D Reality Works with the Glandular system and activates your Dream Codes. Helps to reconnect energetic & biological pathways that enhance your abilities to access your super senses. Learning Lucid Dreaming expands your influence as a Creator.

VK36 Chariot of the Gods gives your body the latest update to your bodies Blueprint,

VK38 Sacred HeartGate Offers easy techniques to help you find your Sacred Space of your Heart where all language is the same & it is easier to communicate with ALL beings. You then carry the frequency of love into all contact with other dimensional beings. This help us build a new reputation for Earthling Humans as we enter the Galactic Community. We are then seen as ones who are of the FREQUENCY OF LOVE.

VK42 Essence Imbuer can assist in creating essences from anything you are attracted to. It brings the vibration into water so you can bring that vibration into your body. I have been creating delicious Flower Waters by placing the water on the design and the flowers floating in the water. This brings such a delicate taste and energy into the water. I use Roses, Jasmine, Honeysuckle, Hibiscus, Passion Flowers. You can also use herbs.

VK45 Sol Dancing Sun Eat Light! Begins with a White Gold Alchemy Technique by the Hathors. Literally learn to be nourished by the Sun & the energy of life; prana, mana, chi, qi. Take it another step and learn to read from the library in the living Sun, we call SOL. This is a gift from the Ambassadors.

K-EE Environment Enhancement Kit is a wonderful kit with Vibrakeys to cover many energy needs in your home or work environment.

K-EP Energetic Pyramid All the Benefits of a Pyramid without the Physical Structure! "Build" yourself a pyramid; an octahedron space where you feel more specifically energetically supported. It has a wonderful energetic design to support you in your environment & protect you from some negative frequencies maliciously broadcast.

K-HC Higher Consciousness Kit includes the Rainbow Activator Front that includes a multi-layer disc with some of the best codes & frequencies from the Vibrakeys plus the BluWater Crystal & higher consciousness disc from the Ambassadors. It energizes you & your food in a new way.

K-PW PowerWater & Energy Kit includes C-PW to energize food and bring the Wild Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin's magical loving energy to you and into your home.

Rainbow Activator Front found in K-HC Higher Consciousness Kit is wonderful to energize your body, food and supplements, Power way to raise your consciousness.

G-BB-Bliss Breathing Guide is available as an e-Guide in several places online. If for some reason you are unable to find it, email me.
Saleena: Well by now I realize that almost all the Vibrakeys have some way to support your health and wellbeing. So that is enough for now... enjoy.

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