Body-Mind Clearing & Balancing

Theme: Body-Mind Clearing & Balancing

Keeping your whole system clear, in balance & harmonious within itself. Balancing & clearing your personal energetics.

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2011-01-30 Charging Your KA Body with Solar Wind – Hathors Message

Related Vibrakeys

VK02 Journey Ships Meditation tool, can be used to balance the brain and body magnetics. Alters consciousness and dreams. This was requested to induce an altered state of consciousness without using drugs.

VK03 Feminine Power Great for those who are in process with or ready for completion with the past. Assists in gently opening you to cellular release of past trauma and no longer useful beliefs. Helpful in trauma abuse recovery and completing unfinished business. Frees stuck energy for use in the present. Angelic and feminine influences oversee this one. Lots of grace applied here.

VK04 Masculine Power Are you ready to open up and release old trauma that is buried so deep you haven’t been able to consciously access it? This helps to break up the most stuck old patterns, beliefs, emotions etc. It’s as if Lightning strikes and opens, then Water washes away, cleansing & freeing you. Gets things moving. Strong male energy.

VK05 Abundance Connects you to your true nature, calling forth more of your natural light essence, your divine GodSelf, which naturally attracts abundance and the perfect balance of caring for others and self. Helps to cut away all that is not useful anymore. Also assists in connecting with destined connections.

VK07 Harmonious Relations Balances male and female aspects within you, ending polarity conflict. Imagine internal cooperation, internal peace, and this reflecting into your outer world! The war ends inside first, then we can have peace on Earth. Beautiful messages from our internal male and female.

VK08 Multi-D Game Tool Learn to communicate through the Psychic Kids Network. Activate a new inner vision and how to see omni-dimensionally. Dissolve old operating systems easier and install new ones to help land a new civilization inside first. Encounter new ways to learn and perceive.

VK10 Electric Support Supports you physically around electronics & assists electronics to stay stable. Great to place around computers or other electronic equipment.. Protect & upgrade your nerve’s capacity to receive electric energy.

VK11.5 RainbowWater Changes and energizes water, providing it with vibrational patterns to restore it to a vital, natural state; more alive & pure, sweeter tasting, with more energy for your body to use. Water molecule de-clumps, allowing it to be more easily accessible, more cleansing. Supports the DNA recoding process, activation of the crystalline LightBody. Restructured, energized water is one super way to support your body in this time of great transition.

VK11 WaterAlive MasterKey Great for Moving & Directing Specific Energies for healing or for clearing stagnant energy in your environment. Easy to use for Feng Shui. Helps Focus desired energies from other objects. Creates a refreshingly sweet, full bodied, energized water.

VK13 Universal Library The Master Engine for the whole Vibrakey grid. It includes 4 Power systems: Pyramid Power, 7 Fold Geometry, Super Collider, All-In-All-Ring made of God’s Gold Key and Mother's Silver Ring which is made up of symbols that give access to a Universal Library of information. This is based on ancient Atlantean technology and is even more ancient. There are sounds, colors, names, math formulas, angelic keepers to be discovered within each symbol. Use your imagination, pay attention, observe & open up to the creativity. You can use the Potentizer part of the design to increase the potency of anything you expose to it; food, water, supplements, materials, even yourself. Use it to build power grids for healing & ceremony.

VK14 Genetic Feast Helps clear all malevolent genetic tampering, restoring the integrity of your genetic material and opening you to greater potential as it nourishes you at a deep genetic level.

VK18 Kundalini Rising Balances and interfaces the four quadrants of the brain, releasing disease patterns (miasms) held in the body and balances or equalizes the Body-Mind-Emotions-Spirit connection. Carries the frequencies of balancing and belonging. Powerful trance inducer. Learn about using the sexual-kundalini energies to rejuvenate and heal the physical body. Hosted by the Divine Feminine: Divine Mother, Sisters of Isis and Mary Magdalene.

VK20 LightBody Bliss Supports re-growth, opening & activation of the Pineal Gland, leading to the natural activation of the LightBody and establishment of a natural boundary system between us and the outer reality. Great for ultra-sensitives. Works synergistically with VK10 Electric Support. Includes a powerful & simple breathing technique that restores lost memories enabling us to remember ourselves. I love doing this breath in the morning, it seems to open me up psychically. Super energizer!

VK21 Flower of Eternal Life - Venus Supports the Ascension process & manifestation of 5th dimensional living and beyond. Through Grace, from the Divine Feminine, your body is formatted to more easily receive full light saturation & patterns of resurrection to assist your body, releasing it from the death hologram (3-Ds: Degeneration, Decay and Dying.) Butterfly Medicine attends.

VK22 Unikey - Grail - Sphinx Penetrates barriers that hide you from yourself and each other. Unlocks dimensional doorways, stargates, files, seals, penetrates the deepest held illusions. Reveal any secrets you are still holding from yourself. Assists in activating DNA to the next levels of evolution. You must be ready for this one. It is a doorway into your center. This is a Power tool. Ready for a new experience of yourself and your world?

VK26 Live Paradise 19.5N Unlock the secrets of your own inner Paradise. A mandala FULL of many beautiful elements that make up the powerful energetic experience of the Big Island of Hawaii. It is intended to assist you in “dreaming” paradise into your life, wherever you are. Frequencies support release of anything that is unlike Paradise, so you live Paradise from the inside out. Originally created on Black Carbon -Silicon Sandpaper as a play on turning from carbon-based life forms to crystalline life forms. Energies hosted by Mamakoe the Shark God and Portal expert, the Whales, Dolphins, Sharks, Turtles, Ocean Creatures, Tropical Plants, Flowers, Sun, Moon, Water, Pele and Mary Magdalene. This design broadcasts these frequencies and energies into your living space, bathing your body-mind-spirit with their support.

VK27 Golden Pyramid Contains many evolutionary codes and energies. Much to discover. Learn to be in harmony with & thrive with the photon belt energies & the increasing plasma from the sun. Create a space of energetic resonance & harmony to live in.

VK31 PeaceMaker Created on 9-11-2001: As we dismantle our War Patterns inside, Peace will blossom into our outer world. Supports Ascension: Distortion Clears, Magnetic Code Blessing brings balance to an over Electrified world, Strong new Codes from BENEVOLENT Source call the Masculine to cease war and come to a place of balance and harmony with the Feminine. Masculine-Feminine in cooperation are Power and Love side by side. Creative Action! They Build and Nurture life; bringing new patterns of Dynamic Harmony to co-create a Thriving Growing Sustainable Reality. PeaceMaker supports us to live in our own Truth and to learn to release Judgments that keep energy stuck and cause war amd contention. Design Updated 9-11-2011, on the 10 year Anniversary of the event that was used to launch more war. Newly embedded image of Ejahdama VK36 Chariot of the Gods, included in the design, moves us past the built in limitations that existed in our previous Adam-Kadmon Blueprint into bodies “fit for the Gods.” New Creation Codes called Trinity and Bright Ones Rise are added and shape the Crystalline energies flowing through to you. Design represents a shattering of the old patterns to make space for the New to Emerge.

VK33 5D Manifestation - Dolphins New Landing Matrix from the Dolphins- Assisting us as Source Creators to bring into reality; all the dreams, visions, ideas, thoughts, and whatever you clearly see, and spend time feeling strongly about. Helps bring it into form. It also acts as a dream-catcher, as you enter in and return, combing out unnecessary aspects out of your visions, dreams, ideas, etc..

VK34 Living Alchemy - Whales It is designed to activate that part of each of us that is a Seer. It is also an alchemical womb for manifestation and co-creation. It draws in the electrical energy of creation to activate the womb where you place your project. This womb aligns with the universal structure of the Flower of Life. There are directions to assist you in becoming clear on the details of your project then calling forth creational support needed to bring your dream-project into manifest form. This is only one of the qualities contained in this design. Besides connecting us with the magnificent Humpback Whales to learn from their vast wisdom, it also connects us to the Ascended Master's Gold vibration to pave the way to manifest abundantly with the projects and creations of our choice.

VK55 Oneness in Wholeness This Vibrakey was created in the energies preceding & leading up to 2009-09-09, the day we entered the Crystalline Age, an age of growing Unity & higher brighter clearer energies & ideas. In the beginning phases of living in a 5th Dimensional Level, our awareness of or remembrance of our true Divinity & Oneness is becoming realized within us.

K-EP Energetic Pyramid Powerful Energetic Environment for any Practice: Meditation - Yoga - Healing - Transformation - Counseling - Intuitive Readings - Shamanic Journeying. Enhance your Health & Well-Being: Rejuvenate - Balance - Relieve Stress - Activate Youth & Vitality Chromosomes - Turn off Death Codes - Immortalize your Physical Body. Supportive Space for Creativity: Art - Music - Writing - Journaling – Crafting. Meeting Place for Communications & Contact: with Family, Friends & Higher Dimensional Beings.

K-HC Higher Consciousness Kit Raise your consciousness. Clear, clean, enhance, correct & enliven your products or environments to support your awakening and raising your vibration. The alchemy, created by the layering of many key codes & pattern frequencies embedded in this Rainbow Activator Energizer disc, highly charges, energizes & activates.

K-HW Health & Wellbeing Kit This combination of Vibrakeys supports you to manifest vibrant physical health and emotional well-being. The set includes K-TW Transform your Water Kit, K-PW PowerWater & Energy Kit, VK15 Love's Power, VK17 Biological Strengthener, VK40 Rejuvenation - Deep Rest, and 3 mini stickers of VK28 Safe Haven.

K-PW PowerWater & Energy Kit This design energizes & increases the potency of anything it comes into contact with, without distorting the patterns that shape it. Restructure & Energizes Water to creates Power Water! Just place the card near anything you would like to charge, energize or clear.

S-LW Laser Wand Set 6 WaterAlive single point designs gather energies, draw them into the top of the structure known as the Tree of Life, which then takes on the energies of the WaterAlive patterns & codes as it flows through & shoots the energy out the bottom like a laser wand. You can direct & concentrate a flow of the energy in a certain direction.

S-WE Water - Energy Set Water Light and Energy Interplay: Water, Light, and Energy are all creational elements. They work together to create and make life manifest. The higher the vibration in these elements the more vital and flourishing life becomes. In this set we offer Vibrakeys that contain frequencies to support the process of raising these vibrations and our consciousness. Home
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