Higher Consciousness Kit
This Kit is all about Higher Consciousness. It is designed to assist you in learning more about what is happening to you as the earth & reality around you ascends. It is the choice our Mother Earth has made & it is now end times we live in. The end of some very very long cycles & the reality we have been living out is changing. Learn more about why things feel the way they do & what you can do about it..The Kit includes the Rainbow Activator Energizer disc. It radiates alchemical inducing energies; created by the layering of many key codes & pattern frequencies embedded in the disc. It highly charges, energizes & activates. Helps clear, clean, enhance, correct & enliven your products or environments. Enhances energies & raises vibration of any product, liquid or solid, making it more potent & full of vitality. Keeps the vibrations of a product constant, in a high peak vibrational state. Restructures water in a new way that brings it the opportunity to evolve itself & become a more conscious being. Offers many high vibrational patterns to support you to awaken more & more to a higher consciousness.
Options & Prices
Kit with eGuide | $55.00 | |
Kit with Printed Guide | $62.00 |
See VK Prices & Formats for details on formats. An additional shipping surcharge may apply for international orders or mixed Giclée Print and Laminated Print orders.
Choosing to Ascend
There is a standing invitation right now to choose to ascend. That doesn’t mean leaving earth. It means raising your vibrations which raises your consciousness while you live in your physical body. It means transforming yourself & your experience of reality. This is an opportunity to raise your consciousness, awaken & remember the truth of who you are & what you are doing here. It means the veils thin & you begin to perceive a much greater existence with many higher dimensional beings living in it. Take a moment & look inside to see if this is a choice you want to make. If so tell yourself & the universe you are ready & you choose to ascend.Entering the Higher Dimensions
“There is a Great Awakening happening. There is a new wave surging upon the horizons of our reality, and it is growing exponentially. The domain of Spirituality is awakening. The Earth is waking up, and crystals from all parts of the world are waking up. And humankind is waking up as never before… (during) this monumental time in our lives. We, among the larger sweep of humankind, are awake. It is now time for us to awaken at a deeper level: Now is the time for our Great Awakening.” Lazaris through Jach PurcelEarth’s Rising Vibrations
As our Earth’s vibration rises & she gains a higher consciousness, we must raise ours or be extremely uncomfortable. The way reality operates & responds to us changes & we can feel lost or left behind or learn the new ways.Wonderful Support is Available
Our higher dimensional friends & family that are waiting for us to “awaken” enough to see & perceive & interact with them. All around us the earth is full of higher dimensional beings who can see us & desire to reunite with us & co-create a new realty together.Fallen Dense 3D vs More Dimensions
We are the ones who forgot them. As we “fell” in vibration, we fell asleep to all that vibrates in the higher realms. Children are often born seeing, believing & interacting with the other realms until they realize they are different & become afraid of the consequences of being rejected. Often they are forced to think they are making them up, or imagining them. When we cannot see them or sense them, we have relegated them to our science fiction, fairytales & legends about magical animals, fairies, angels, aliens & even terrible spirits of the dead, mythical beasts & demons. Some of us act as if they don’t exist.Thanking Those Who See & Interact
There are some & always have been, that do see & interact with them. Sometimes they are revered & given an honored role in a community. In societies where there is no tradition or understanding they are often feared & treated with great disrespect; suffering many challenges of being different or dangerous to the sleeping many. Our history is full of horrendous accounts of how they have been treated. In many ways They have held the space for us all to wake up & remember the truth about our existence & reality. To remember the rest of our families & friends who exist in the higher dimensions.This Change is Inevitable
This is what we are now facing… the earth’s reality is shifting upwards in vibration & changing. We are invited to change & raise our frequencies, our vibrations, our consciousness, until we remember the truth about them & everything else we forgot when we plunged ourselves into these unique densities for such an amazing experience!Many Leaving Earth
Some beings here on earth are still working out their experiences in the lower densities & they will split off into places where this is still possible. That will not be possible within the new earth as the frequencies will be higher than they can exist in. Many are already leaving.Higher Dimensional Skills are Needed
As we enter into a higher frequency, or enter into the presence of a being with very high vibrations, sometimes we get very sleepy or feel physically very uncomfortable. All that which is of a denser nature within us begins to surface & needs to leave. Its construct lack support in the higher realms. It can feel like fears, old emotions, negativity. It can be very uncomfortable if we are not aware of what is happening.It is important for us to help our bodies & minds gain abilities to stay conscious, awake & alert & remember what we experience in the higher dimensions. Like our night dreaming, we often awaken with a memory of what we experienced, then as we settle into the denser reality of the day, it becomes very dreamlike & sometimes we totally forget. That is the density we live in.
How the Rainbow Activator Works
This alchemical combination of colors, intentions, symbols, sacred geometry, vibrational elements & higher consciousness systems strengthens the life force of anything that sits in its field. The energy field radiates over 100 feet in every direction, measurable by dowsing. It will keep items activated & highly charged in the bottle or bag; for your health & well-being.Support for Ascension
Use it as a very specific energetic & consciousness raising support system for you as you awaken & learn to live in the higher frequencies of an evolving multi-dimensional reality. The more vital life force something carries, the more your body is able to use this to replenish itself.Clears & Enhances Environments
It also cleanses & clears the environment of a room, or area, in way similar to Feng Shui. It moves stagnant or stuck energy. It enhances electrical energy fields by correcting incorrect & harmful energy spirals. Remember the field reaches approximately 100 feet or more in every direction, including up & down. Think of it like an orb of energy. This is the same design we embed into the labels of all our Hi-Vibe Living Products to keep the vibrations of the product constant, in a high peak vibrational state.Rainbow Gifts & Ushering in a Golden 5th Age:
On 09-09-2008 I met Lanny Sinkin, an lawyer and advocate for sustainable living and the environment. It was a joyful soulic connection & remembering. He told the story of his experience in November of 2003, during a Hawaiian ceremony on the Big Island of Hawai’i hosted by the re-emerging Temple of Lono, how he had dramatically traveled to the “other worlds” and witnessed the birth of a new Rainbow God who we all called forth and is destined to help release ourselves from the 4th Age densities and support us to usher in the 5th Age. A Crystalline Golden Age with easier access to higher dimensions & higher dimensional beings.You can watch the fascinating story as told by Lanny Sinkin Part 1 and Part 2 and find more story from Lanny here and here.
You can learn to call rainbows into your self & all creation here: Calling Rainbows: Into the 5th Age. You will find a Rainbow Chant download to print out your own instructions to Call in the Rainbows.
Rainbow Adventures
This is what we did… chant the Rainbow Chant every night at sunset for months & this design came as a results of my meeting the Rainbow God & all the gifts that have come since then. There are many Vibrakeys that have been born of this higher Rainbow Light frequencies. You can see them here: Rainbows and explore more of this story here: Rainbow Adventures.Design Elements
C-RA Rainbow Activator Disc: The Alchemy
Active Design Elements
I have always loved rainbows! I see on the internet many reports of rare and stunning sundog, moonbow and rainbow phenomenon. On “YouTube” people everywhere have photographed such unusual things as 2 suns and 2 moons, unusual rainbows that show up in various places around the sun at significant locations and moments. Seems it is time for the rainbow to restore its promise & magic to us on Earth; a way to awaken Humanity from its materialistic focus and remind us of the higher dimensions that are part of our world and accessible to us. A reminder that we are all inter-connected and part of creating this together and responsible for the creation of what has happened and where we will go from here. That we are sustained and loved from many realms beyond our current understanding. Many say that we are the Rainbow People, Rainbow Warriors or Rainbow Children that have been part of prophecies and creation stories from many cultures.Half Light vs. Full Light
When I first saw The Vibrakeys in a vision, I saw colors I had never seen before. I wondered how I would get colors like that to create the Vibrakeys with. One day I was reading in a book about the Devas of Color. I decided to ask them to help imbue my colors with these higher frequencies I had seen. I am sure this has happened as many comment on how brilliant these designs seem to them. When I talk about a full light frequency it is different than when I talk about full spectrum light. I believe that we have lived for a long time with only half light frequencies. Thoth calls it Oritronic Light. This causes us to only see and experience half of what is possible within creation. Sort of like being blind in one eye. It limits our consciousness. Today we are gradually receiving more and more of the full frequency light which he calls Metatronic Light. I believe the rainbow light we are calling in is helping us to evolve our reality into Metatronic Light. Here is a description I found: Akashic definition of: Metatronic and Oritronic:“Metatronic or Metatronic spiral refers to the full-light presence spectrum of awareness, while Oritronic or Oritronic spiral is the half-light, incomplete light presence spectrum in which the earth for the most part, dwells within. One cannot simply switch from Oritronic to Metatronic in their awareness, but must unravel the Oritronic way of thinking before they can begin the Metatronic spiral of awakening. Certainly many individuals have bursts of Metatronic awareness at times, but this is not actually accepting the Metatronic spiral as your path. One must release the Oritronic modality completely before they can truly say "I exist in the Metatron." Source
Rainbow Activator Disc
The Rainbow Activator disc is made up of 2 Full Spectrum- Metatronic Full Light Frequency Rainbow Discs, activated by the new Rainbow God, Kahl, of the 5th Age, which encases a full array of potent codes, light language symbols, light, colors and energetic devices; many frequencies designed to assist us in raising our frequencies and thus our consciousness. These were merged, with help, to create a harmonious and powerful alchemy. Then placed together inside and sealed. Some of these elements come from other dimensional places and I can understand with my higher consciousness, then when I attempt to use our limited words to describe them, they fall short. Imagine attempting to name this? Here is my best description of the many design elements used to create this amazing Rainbow Activator Disc:Other Design Elements
PowerUp! Vibrakey & Rainbow WaterAlive includes: Pyramid Power in frequencies of Gold, Copper, and SilverBlue Pyramid, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Moon cycles
Sun, Cosmic Codes for Ascension, Magnetics
Tri-fold Flame from the Ascended Masters
Water Ball with Sacred Water frequencies from all over the planet
Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins who help us wake up to Love & Omni-Dimensional Living.
Water Actions: snake-like meandering, tumbling, surging, left & right spins, pooling, resting, overflowing…
VK13 Universal Library includes Super Collider energies x13, Flame Letters, 7 Fold Geometries, spiral, gold.
Introduction Water Codes from the Ambassadors which began the process of offering our Earth’s water a chance to evolve; to accept a new level of intelligence and consciousness. See VK01 Creation Cosmology, VK27 Golden Pyramid, VK43 Primal Creation, VK44 BluWater Elixir, K-PW PowerWater & Energy Kit, for more information about these beings & their gifts to us.
New BluWater Crystal Codes set into a Crystal Matrix Lace pattern & accompanying Super Consciousness Activator Disc that come from VK44 BluWater Elixir & are a gift from the Ambassadors, Chulosians; our Mother Lemuria..
Immunity T-Cell Strengthener from VK17 Biological Strengthener & an Arcturian crop circle.
Itkza: with two parts; Silver; from the beginning & Gold; from where time ends, in a carrier of Blue Liquid Light; frequencies from sacred liquids from all over creation. A gift from TehNehMah, one of our ShipBuilder friends. Representing the Silver & Gold Triangles these elements activate in our bodies.
Masculine-Feminine Balancing Codes & Alchemical Union Codes; a Marriage of Heaven & Earth & Divine Union from VK19 Codons - DNA, VK47 Alchemical Marriage, VK48 Divine Alchemical Union.
Liquid Gold StarFire, a gift from Divine Goddess-Mother to help remember immortality from VK22 Unikey - Grail - Sphinx.
DNA Grail Codes as a gift from MaRi (Mary) Magdalene, Je-Su (Jesus or Yeshua) & the Sirian Ahkus, who remember & carry the fullness of Christ.
Magnetic Codes balancing from Isis & the Divine Feminine from VK31 PeaceMaker.
Violet Flame Crystal Ball hosted by St. Germaine.
Nature Spirals, Gold & Opalescent Butterfly Wings set into a matrix grid for their frequencies.
Blue Pearl Sending & Receiver Unit embedded & activated with Ohm, Monatomic Elements & Alchemically potent Ionic Minerals; these elements are from VK37 Sublime Health & the Arcturians and the minerals are a gift from White Wizard-David Tanner & the Divine Father. See RedRockNaturals.com to order his quality products.
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Features of K-HC
Alchemy: the art of changing one thing into another, creating the new world nowAnti-Aging: process of turning off death code, turn on Youth & Vitality codes, Master Cell-Pineal Gland
Blueprint: new available, supporting us to reconfigure, and restructure
Energize: raise the energy level of body or objects
Energy: frees stuck, increases lifeforce
Opening: to more aliveness, each other, your heart
Past: antidote for living in, completing and freeing stuck energy
Water-Emotions: helps stuck emotions flow, helps with natural feelings being restored
Vibrakeys that work with K-HC

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