New World Now

Theme: New World Now

We create it with every thought and focused intent

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Related Vibrakeys

VK01 Creation Cosmology Assists you to access the truth of who you are. Opens chakras, and activates the DNA. A creation story.

VK06 Fruition Mission Draws the higher aspect of you out, like a seed, into full fruition of self, and full sun of soul. Opens you to what you came here to be and do. Connects you to your true identity, the fulfillment of your mission. Universal Law of Love is applied as we remember our connection to all life. Opens third eye. Works well with VK15 Love's Power.

VK15 Love's Power Activates Thymus gland, strengthens the immune system and Opens the Heart. Beautiful rainbow crystal lotus. Attunement ceremony from Mother Meera, and the 7 SiStar Rays. Mantra included: “I am safe, I am strong, I am pure love!” Very sweet!!! Also reconnects you with your true power.

VK22 Unikey - Grail - Sphinx Penetrates barriers that hide you from yourself and each other. Unlocks dimensional doorways, stargates, files, seals, penetrates the deepest held illusions. Reveal any secrets you are still holding from yourself. Assists in activating DNA to the next levels of evolution. You must be ready for this one. It is a doorway into your center. This is a Power tool. Ready for a new experience of yourself and your world?

VK30 Sanctuary - New Earth Celebrating the recognition of Earth as a sanctuary for life and creative living.

VK31 PeaceMaker Created on 9-11-2001: As we dismantle our War Patterns inside, Peace will blossom into our outer world. Supports Ascension: Distortion Clears, Magnetic Code Blessing brings balance to an over Electrified world, Strong new Codes from BENEVOLENT Source call the Masculine to cease war and come to a place of balance and harmony with the Feminine. Masculine-Feminine in cooperation are Power and Love side by side. Creative Action! They Build and Nurture life; bringing new patterns of Dynamic Harmony to co-create a Thriving Growing Sustainable Reality. PeaceMaker supports us to live in our own Truth and to learn to release Judgments that keep energy stuck and cause war amd contention. Design Updated 9-11-2011, on the 10 year Anniversary of the event that was used to launch more war. Newly embedded image of Ejahdama VK36 Chariot of the Gods, included in the design, moves us past the built in limitations that existed in our previous Adam-Kadmon Blueprint into bodies “fit for the Gods.” New Creation Codes called Trinity and Bright Ones Rise are added and shape the Crystalline energies flowing through to you. Design represents a shattering of the old patterns to make space for the New to Emerge.

VK34 Living Alchemy - Whales It is designed to activate that part of each of us that is a Seer. It is also an alchemical womb for manifestation and co-creation. It draws in the electrical energy of creation to activate the womb where you place your project. This womb aligns with the universal structure of the Flower of Life. There are directions to assist you in becoming clear on the details of your project then calling forth creational support needed to bring your dream-project into manifest form. This is only one of the qualities contained in this design. Besides connecting us with the magnificent Humpback Whales to learn from their vast wisdom, it also connects us to the Ascended Master's Gold vibration to pave the way to manifest abundantly with the projects and creations of our choice.

VK50 Peace & Harmony Wave There is a Wave of Light & Love Encircling our Earth! Celebrate & support the Grassroots Peace Phenomenon going on all around the Earth. Ride the Peace Wave. Meet the PurePeace Council & help them anchor the pulse of PurePeace in your local area. Learn how to visit & present at the Interdimensional Peace Summit.

VK57 New Earth Simulator Visit the New Earth Simulator to see how new technologies and ways of living will transform the Earth.

VK58 Crystal Seeding Higher Source Consciousness entering the Earth plane & all life. Crystal seed codes activate the highest level of Crystalline Christ Consciousness ever brought to Earth. Activates Codes of Light in the grail lineage, those working within the Sirian Ascension project. Provides newest frequency of abundance, reconnecting us to live in the flow of the Universe. At its heart is the Cosmic Resetter & Resynchronizer from VK55 to help align systems of all kinds into harmony with the greater whole. Gifts from Source Creator, MaRi Magdalene, JeSu, Sirian Ahkus and Butterfly Beings.

VK64 Inside BETH A view of BETH, the new Superconsciousness Living Grid, from the inside.

VK65 Our NUE Universe First a New Universe is born within the old Universe, nestled in the center & ready for cocreation. A new Universal Logos is born; the Divine Child of Divine Father & Divine Mother. See 12-21 Portal of Love - Birth of a New Universe for the story. This new Universe has now been birthed into its own space as of 2011-06-18. Calibrate your Body-Mind-Spirit to this NUE Universal Energy. New codes flow in through the design from Source to inform this new Universe.

VK97 Bloom & Thrive A Vibrakey Soul Portrait & Portal for Mother Mary, co-created with her by sisters Saleena Ki and Mary Angelico. On 5-11-2012, Mother Mary asked Mary Angelico to paint her portrait. Mary Angelico and I had co-created something similar for Mary Magdalene in her VK29 Living Mary design. Mother Mary asks for vivid lush bright green and pink; very alive colors. She says it is time for us to Bloom and Thrive and that is what she wanted portrayed in her portrait-portal. Through Mother Mary's hands flow light language codes for the most recent Crystal Seeding for our inner Masculine and Feminine. She was pleased that this "brings Her out of Heaven & Grounds her into our New Earth." She extends us the invitation to meet her in the New 5D Earth Paradise Garden we are all co-creating and readying ourselves to live at this level of reality.

VK110A EYE of ONE Back2Back Many people are catching glimpses of new dancing rainbow colors. This rainbow bridge helps draw & ground the new color frequencies into the Earth plane, into your cells & DNA. A Rainbow Portal anchored in Hawaii at 19.47N for your pleasure: journey, explore & have fun!

VK110B EYE of ONE Mirror Image Many people are catching glimpses of new dancing rainbow colors. This rainbow bridge helps draw & ground the new color frequencies into the Earth plane, into your cells & DNA. A Rainbow Portal anchored in Hawaii at 19.47N for your pleasure: journey, explore & have fun! Home
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