
Peace & Harmony Wave

Gandhi said: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." This reminds us all to open our hearts to the beauty of our Mother Earth & All Life that lives here. To evoke us to do whatever it takes to come to a place of peace inside. To inspire us to envision & co-create our earth as a place where we ALL live in peace, harmony, safety & creativity together. To create a place for ourselves as part of a Universal existence that has respect for & peaceful relations with all others. To radiate & anchor the PurePeace Pulse everywhere with your help. This is more than a local project; it is an all encompassing project.

Options & Prices

Laminated VK 8.5"x8.5"$44.00
Giclée Print 13"x13"$44.00
See VK Prices & Formats for details on formats. An additional shipping surcharge may apply for international orders or mixed Giclée Print and Laminated Print orders.


World Peace Wave; How it Began

This Vibrakey began with a petition from a friend who co-created the Live Peace Foundation was involved in the creation of the World PeaceWave Project. Originally this design began as their logo & expanded to become a Vibrakey. They are a visionary organization doing their part to create World Peace. Together we are bringing in the higher dimensional frequencies & codes of Peace.
We create PEACE from a single idea of PEACE
through believing in PEACE
through visioning PEACE
through living PEACE
through loving PEACE
We LIVE PEACE & here it is for us to experience, to share, to be
A wave of light encircling the planet
Mahalo! Thank You! Frances, Julia & Joan. I am happy to play & delighted now to share this Vibrakey to encourage & support us all to work together at many levels to create a new reality where this is the way life is.

Gandhi said: "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

This design reminds us all:
To open our hearts to the beauty of our Mother Earth & All Life that lives here.
To take action to do whatever it takes to come to a place of peace inside.
To inspire us to envision & co-create our earth as a place where we ALL live in peace, harmony, safety & creativity together.
To create a place for ourselves as part of a Universal existence that has respect for & peaceful relations with all others.
To radiate & anchor the PurePeace Pulse everywhere with your help.
This is more than a local project; it is an all encompassing project.

What Can I do?

Peace is very popular right now: Do an internet search & you will find an astonishing variety of creative grassroots movements on behalf of establishing Peace as a predominate environment on our Planet Earth. We are doing it! We are insisting things change here on Earth & we are doing what we are inspired to do to be the change we desire. My belief is that peace must first happen inside & then it has a chance of showing up in a staying way in the outer world expression of our reality.
Peace begins inside. When it is inside, it flows easily out into the world. See VK31 PeaceMaker

Messages from Many Races

I will share a few of the many treasures & wisdoms shared in the Guide & Manual. Lyrans, are one of our Founder Races, & they are participating, also. You have to open your hearts very wide & larger to receive-perceive them. They remind us, they are not “out there,” they are “in here,” inside us. We are the Lyrans. We are them. We are the parents of this creation!

Message from the Lyrans

“Our hope from the very beginnings was peace. A peace that comes from deeply knowing your connection to Source. Many experiments have been… (they pause…) played out throughout all time & space. We are all very happy about the experiences we have had. It is “joyful-ecstatic-peaceful-satisfying.” We are feeling this about the place that you are taking this planet. This planet… ”

Saleena: They are taking us in an embrace, that touches us to the core of our beginnings. I can feel it spreading through every cell, right down to the seed strings that create this amazing illusion of a body. They hug us from the central core of our being & it moves out through our body, in the same way the Peace Wave moves out from the Earth. They are using this to anchor in a Peace frequency co-created from many many races & dimensions. They show me it is not a local project, but an all encompassing project.

“We are creating a coalescing co-creation of peace for All There Is. So your World Peace Wave project is a focal point here on earth, but it is connected to all there is everywhere.” --from 2007-03-27 World Peace Wave Pre-Conference Call: Be the Peace

Message from MaRi Magdalene

“Many of the greatest minds & hearts of the galaxies have been meeting, placing their ideas together to bring peace to a much bigger realm than was first imagined. Your allies, The Peace Council, have been presenting their Peace Pulse in the center of the Peace Summit.

In the beginning they were a small group with a big idea. They created the pulse from the most pure essence of peace, with no dogma or interpretation attached & like a band of gypsies, began to carry it from planet to planet, contacting anyone who would listen & get it anchored in everywhere they could. Attention was drawn to them because of their success & they were invited to bring their Peace Pulse into the center, creating the heart of this Peace Summit. The results are that many minds & hearts & cultures who are very different from each other have found ways to communicate.
Tay-Ah-Oosh Na-Tan-Nal. It goes many ways. It means “Peace for All.” --MaRi Magdalene through Saleena Ki
Look at how far reaching one idea can spread! I invite you ALL to participate in this World Peace Wave project & in the creation of a new co-created vibration of Peace destined to be broadcast throughout ALL of Creation. We have a unique position in the plan of things, what happens on Earth seems to influence ALL of Creation so be courageous & inspired!
Begin within & cultivate Peace, then take the actions that attract you to participate.

Invitation to the Peace Summit

We were first invited to attend a Peace Summit which is a Collective Vibration of Peace for All. The Invitation is to Co-Create an Alchemical Collective Vibration of Peace for All. You are invited to participate in the ongoing Peace Summit. Read more of the story here: http://spinningstars.wikispaces.com

Design Elements

Creating the Design & the Gifts in it

1st I was asked, by StarBand OutReach Council, who guide me with The Vibrakeys, to bring certain codes/energies into the design. These codes are in the water that surrounds the Earth.
2nd I was asked to anchor the Pure Peace Pulse into the design so it pulses out PurePeace frequency everywhere.
3rd is a gift from Creator Whales: These are codes of love, not codes of light which contain information. They were the impetus to create this Vibrakey as one of many ways they bring people in touch with the new codes coming in from higher dimensions all the time.
This new liquid looks like a river of silver water, like liquid mercury, with multi-colored super-saturated flower petals in it. At one point we saw this hyper-dimensional watery substance all around earth. They are remind me to think dimensionally. If it is happening to earth, it is happening to every cell of our body. The whales sing to open us & anchor the new codes. If you want to hear them live in Hawaii check on www.jupiterfoundation.org

Creator Whales share about the Design

“The codes have been progressing & they are going to continue to progress. This is a great vehicle to bring great souls into contact with the codes, colors, sounds that are emitted through this design. We make sure of that. It has many elements that are beyond your explanation of words but can be felt when one is quiet and allows the feelings to arise while sitting in front of this design.
We are love. That is what we are. Peace is a byproduct of being in alignment with love.”

Energetic Research

Related Pages

2011-08-15 Peace & Harmony Art
2011-03-02 World Freedom Day-Declaration of Human Freedom with Omni-Dimensional Options
2010-03-18 Assembly for Earth: Day 2 Sculpting the New Grid
2010-02-13 Sonic Valentine to Earth; Worldwide Meditation

Features of VK50

Dying-Hospice: assistance in transitioning and completions, all keys by themes
Integration of Polarity: balance and integrate masculine-feminine principles within, release resistance to polarities to find neutral appreciation for the experience, Ho’oponopono
Peace of Mind: experiencing harmony in your body and mind
Relaxation-Calming: throughout the body
World Peace: starts inside, shatters war matrix, beliefs

Vibrakeys that work with VK50

VK31 PeaceMaker Created on 9-11-2001: As we dismantle our War Patterns inside, Peace will blossom into our outer world. Supports Ascension: Distortion Clears, Magnetic Code Blessing brings balance to an over Electrified world, Strong new Codes from BENEVOLENT Source call the Masculine to cease war and come to a place of balance and harmony with the Feminine. Masculine-Feminine in cooperation are Power and Love side by side. Creative Action! They Build and Nurture life; bringing new patterns of Dynamic Harmony to co-create a Thriving Growing Sustainable Reality. PeaceMaker supports us to live in our own Truth and to learn to release Judgments that keep energy stuck and cause war amd contention. Design Updated 9-11-2011, on the 10 year Anniversary of the event that was used to launch more war. Newly embedded image of Ejahdama VK36 Chariot of the Gods, included in the design, moves us past the built in limitations that existed in our previous Adam-Kadmon Blueprint into bodies “fit for the Gods.” New Creation Codes called Trinity and Bright Ones Rise are added and shape the Crystalline energies flowing through to you. Design represents a shattering of the old patterns to make space for the New to Emerge.

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