Theme: ONEness
Embracing all life & its expressions. Understanding there is no real separation between us. It is more than words, it is a knowing from within that we are ALL ONE Being. What we do to one we do to all. Fear ceases to exist in this state replaced knowing.
Related Vibrakeys
VK01 Creation Cosmology Assists you to access the truth of who you are. Opens chakras, and activates the DNA. A creation story.
VK05 Abundance Connects you to your true nature, calling forth more of your natural light essence, your divine GodSelf, which naturally attracts abundance and the perfect balance of caring for others and self. Helps to cut away all that is not useful anymore. Also assists in connecting with destined connections.
VK21 Flower of Eternal Life - Venus Supports the Ascension process & manifestation of 5th dimensional living and beyond. Through Grace, from the Divine Feminine, your body is formatted to more easily receive full light saturation & patterns of resurrection to assist your body, releasing it from the death hologram (3-Ds: Degeneration, Decay and Dying.) Butterfly Medicine attends.
VK22 Unikey - Grail - Sphinx Penetrates barriers that hide you from yourself and each other. Unlocks dimensional doorways, stargates, files, seals, penetrates the deepest held illusions. Reveal any secrets you are still holding from yourself. Assists in activating DNA to the next levels of evolution. You must be ready for this one. It is a doorway into your center. This is a Power tool. Ready for a new experience of yourself and your world?
VK34 Living Alchemy - Whales It is designed to activate that part of each of us that is a Seer. It is also an alchemical womb for manifestation and co-creation. It draws in the electrical energy of creation to activate the womb where you place your project. This womb aligns with the universal structure of the Flower of Life. There are directions to assist you in becoming clear on the details of your project then calling forth creational support needed to bring your dream-project into manifest form. This is only one of the qualities contained in this design. Besides connecting us with the magnificent Humpback Whales to learn from their vast wisdom, it also connects us to the Ascended Master's Gold vibration to pave the way to manifest abundantly with the projects and creations of our choice.
VK55 Oneness in Wholeness This Vibrakey was created in the energies preceding & leading up to 2009-09-09, the day we entered the Crystalline Age, an age of growing Unity & higher brighter clearer energies & ideas. In the beginning phases of living in a 5th Dimensional Level, our awareness of or remembrance of our true Divinity & Oneness is becoming realized within us.
VK63 Lyran Song of Home The Lyran Heart is a dimensional Portal-Stargate opening through which the Song of HOME flows, connecting us to the Heart of our most Ancient Genetic Origins, the beginning of the Humanoid form. Creating a conscious Energetic Bridge allows The Founders; our Lyran Parents, to send their Sweet Nourishing Nurturing Love Vibration of HOME into our Living Tissue with the assistance of Living Codes and Keys. Suffused with Blue Crystal Seed Liquid Light and high vibrational Crystalline Lyran Waters this design allows full Reconnection to our Lyran Blueprint and opens the Higher Dimensions. Part of the Ascension Project Plan, we awaken to many of our Higher Dimensional Aspects who are inviting us to Merge with them, bring the higher dimensional energies to Earth and begin to Co-create a New Reality for ALL Creation. Updated on 2011-09-16: Strong New Living Codes demand the Mascuine, the archetypal Warrior King come to balance NOW with the Feminine, the archetypal Nurturing Queen. A new Lyran Key Activation is given to help bring these HOME Energies straight into your Body, from seed strings to particles to cells.
VK75 Final Key of Harmony Assists one to begin to break one's polarity habit and make space for our new reality. It helps one learn to move massive amounts of stuck energy. We get to practice non-judgment as one learns to integrate duality. By a brave gesture of showing one's acceptance of ALL our experiences and aspect one begins with a powerful Oneness Initiation & Ceremony where one merges with one's own polarized Masters of Duality into Rainbow Mastery. A gift from Benevolent Source, the final 18th code is presented to complete the previous set of 17 codes flowing into our Earth plane as seen in
VK73 Seeding New Potential.
VK97 Bloom & Thrive A Vibrakey Soul Portrait & Portal for Mother Mary, co-created with her by sisters Saleena Ki and Mary Angelico. On 5-11-2012, Mother Mary asked Mary Angelico to paint her portrait. Mary Angelico and I had co-created something similar for Mary Magdalene in her
VK29 Living Mary design. Mother Mary asks for vivid lush bright green and pink; very alive colors. She says it is time for us to Bloom and Thrive and that is what she wanted portrayed in her portrait-portal. Through Mother Mary's hands flow light language codes for the most recent Crystal Seeding for our inner Masculine and Feminine. She was pleased that this "brings Her out of Heaven & Grounds her into our New Earth." She extends us the invitation to meet her in the New 5D Earth Paradise Garden we are all co-creating and readying ourselves to live at this level of reality.
VK110A EYE of ONE Back2Back Many people are catching glimpses of new dancing rainbow colors. This rainbow bridge helps draw & ground the new color frequencies into the Earth plane, into your cells & DNA. A Rainbow Portal anchored in Hawaii at 19.47N for your pleasure: journey, explore & have fun!
VK110B EYE of ONE Mirror Image Many people are catching glimpses of new dancing rainbow colors. This rainbow bridge helps draw & ground the new color frequencies into the Earth plane, into your cells & DNA. A Rainbow Portal anchored in Hawaii at 19.47N for your pleasure: journey, explore & have fun!