Theme: Meditation
Quiet your mind, enter your heart, open to a higher experience of who you are. Opens our inner doors for guidance & inspiration. When you quiet your mind, you make room for what is ready to present itself. Meditation may be linked w breathing & movement
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Related Vibrakeys
VK01 Creation Cosmology Assists you to access the truth of who you are. Opens chakras, and activates the DNA. A creation story.
VK13 Universal Library The Master Engine for the whole Vibrakey grid. It includes 4 Power systems: Pyramid Power, 7 Fold Geometry, Super Collider, All-In-All-Ring made of God’s Gold Key and Mother's Silver Ring which is made up of symbols that give access to a Universal Library of information. This is based on ancient Atlantean technology and is even more ancient. There are sounds, colors, names, math formulas, angelic keepers to be discovered within each symbol. Use your imagination, pay attention, observe & open up to the creativity. You can use the Potentizer part of the design to increase the potency of anything you expose to it; food, water, supplements, materials, even yourself. Use it to
build power grids for healing & ceremony.
VK14 Genetic Feast Helps clear all malevolent genetic tampering, restoring the integrity of your genetic material and opening you to greater potential as it nourishes you at a deep genetic level.
VK15 Love's Power Activates Thymus gland, strengthens the immune system and Opens the Heart. Beautiful rainbow crystal lotus. Attunement ceremony from Mother Meera, and the 7 SiStar Rays. Mantra included: “I am safe, I am strong, I am pure love!” Very sweet!!! Also reconnects you with your true power.
VK23 Dolphin's Window Restores us to Primal Time Frequency, re-aligning us with our original Divine Timing, reducing stress & struggles associated with linear time. Restores our connection to natural Earth Rhythms, increasing our ability to trust and relax into the flow of things, and enjoy life more. Fun guided journey into the Temple, first for a chakra tune-up, using Universal Light Language Symbols, then for your Primal Time activation. Our friends, the Dolphins, host this unusual and powerful experience and provided the inspiration and codes for the design. The Golden Dolphin = Soul Level Avatar Mastery. Multi-dimensional time travel codes assist in opening the door for learning and supporting time travel adventures.
VK27 Golden Pyramid Contains many evolutionary codes and energies. Much to discover. Learn to be in harmony with & thrive with the photon belt energies & the increasing plasma from the sun. Create a space of energetic resonance & harmony to live in.
VK33 5D Manifestation - Dolphins New Landing Matrix from the Dolphins- Assisting us as Source Creators to bring into reality; all the dreams, visions, ideas, thoughts, and whatever you clearly see, and spend time feeling strongly about. Helps bring it into form. It also acts as a dream-catcher, as you enter in and return, combing out unnecessary aspects out of your visions, dreams, ideas, etc..
VK34 Living Alchemy - Whales It is designed to activate that part of each of us that is a Seer. It is also an alchemical womb for manifestation and co-creation. It draws in the electrical energy of creation to activate the womb where you place your project. This womb aligns with the universal structure of the Flower of Life. There are directions to assist you in becoming clear on the details of your project then calling forth creational support needed to bring your dream-project into manifest form. This is only one of the qualities contained in this design. Besides connecting us with the magnificent Humpback Whales to learn from their vast wisdom, it also connects us to the Ascended Master's Gold vibration to pave the way to manifest abundantly with the projects and creations of our choice.
VK35 Telos Generator A Gift from our inner Earth family. This design is an energetic generator that uses your existing heart field and expands it. It is a super skill, easy to learn, to activate an internal generator. It helps you customize a field of frequencies x13, to raise your energies immediately so healing, transformation and daily activities are more effective. It is an invitation to reach across the barriers of perception and connect with many other dimensional beings to share technology and skills. It is a focusing point, a Crossing in space/time where beings from a variety of Star Nations, and other sentient Tribes (Elementals to Angelics, beings from ALL our Relations) can share their technologies, techniques, and practice new techniques of co-operative living. It is a way to “land” new civilization and live in a new omni-dimensional way together.
VK36 Chariot of the Gods A "Tree of Life" or "Genetic Blueprint" is a Template for the Creation of the Body-Mind and is, at some level, a soul choice. This new Tree of Life offers a dimensional upgrade of our Blueprint to the next level, removing certain limiting factors incorporated into the current Adam-Kadmon Tree-Blueprint. Included in the upgrade is a reconnection to Source Power. It evolves us into feelings, senses, knowings, awakenings & en-lightenings thus introducing us to realms of experience that heretofore were unknowable. We evolve by rising in frequency & vibration, which in turn connects us to the greater information of Creation. This new Blueprint has the full capacity to go to the Point of Original Knowing and become fully conscious while embodied in alignment to Source. The Ejahdama Tree of Life structure is made of Bubbles and various colors of Liquid Light; sending out waves that alchemically interact within the body to activate New Codes, thus new potential, in the expressed Physical Vehicle. This sources from the Metaluratronic realm, meaning Metatron accompanied by the Feminine aspect Aluraton. When the feminine aspect of any archetype joins the masculine consciously, the power of that archetype accelerates.
VK44 BluWater Elixir New kind of intelligence offered to water of this planet. Exciting vibrational raising codes and designs from our friends, the Ambassadors. Includes Red Creation Codes and all the previous water designs to thoroughly restructure your water for the most wonderful taste!
VK45 Sol Dancing Sun Communications with our Sun lead to more awakening. Learn from our Sun Sol. Includes a detailed process for creating White Gold Alchemy in your pineal gland. Align yourself through the glyph given by the Ambassadors for a journey into the Sun's Living Library and discover what is there for you.
VK61 Rainbow Mirror The Rainbow Mirror introduces you to the new Rainbow God, Kahl. This higher dimensional being is neither masculine nor feminine & can take on any form that pleases the situation. The Vibrakey connects you to the full spectrum Metatronic Light that reflects the fullness of truth. Kahl has brought us many gifts since his birth. I had so much fun with it, that I wanted to offer you the Rainbow Scroll to play with.
VK63 Lyran Song of Home The Lyran Heart is a dimensional Portal-Stargate opening through which the Song of HOME flows, connecting us to the Heart of our most Ancient Genetic Origins, the beginning of the Humanoid form. Creating a conscious Energetic Bridge allows The Founders; our Lyran Parents, to send their Sweet Nourishing Nurturing Love Vibration of HOME into our Living Tissue with the assistance of Living Codes and Keys. Suffused with Blue Crystal Seed Liquid Light and high vibrational Crystalline Lyran Waters this design allows full Reconnection to our Lyran Blueprint and opens the Higher Dimensions. Part of the Ascension Project Plan, we awaken to many of our Higher Dimensional Aspects who are inviting us to Merge with them, bring the higher dimensional energies to Earth and begin to Co-create a New Reality for ALL Creation. Updated on 2011-09-16: Strong New Living Codes demand the Mascuine, the archetypal Warrior King come to balance NOW with the Feminine, the archetypal Nurturing Queen. A new Lyran Key Activation is given to help bring these HOME Energies straight into your Body, from seed strings to particles to cells.
VK64 Inside BETH A view of BETH, the new Superconsciousness Living Grid, from the inside.
K-HC Higher Consciousness Kit Raise your consciousness. Clear, clean, enhance, correct & enliven your products or environments to support your awakening and raising your vibration. The alchemy, created by the layering of many key codes & pattern frequencies embedded in this Rainbow Activator Energizer disc, highly charges, energizes & activates.