birthing VK81

SunSeed Incubator

SunSeed incubators pulse and grow with light and energy, similar to a miniature sun awaiting maturity. They reset your assemblage point from finite to infinite, to connect directly to Creator energies and further your awakening. Any that are open to the SunSeed process may expect miracles from now on, as we usher in the Golden Age of peace and harmony.

Options & Prices

Giclée Print 8.5"x8.5"$22.00
Giclée Print 13"x13"$44.00
See VK Prices & Formats for details on formats. An additional shipping surcharge may apply for international orders or mixed Giclée Print and Laminated Print orders.

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VK100 Ascension Sun To assist you in more consciously connecting to and taking advantage of the powerful ascension energies, codes and information flowing through our Sun. To assist in moving from 3D to 5D Hyper Time and Space. To bring through New Life Code Seeds from outside our Creation, to offer us a vast new potential as we become and co-create our Crystalline Paradise New Earth. To honor and support the ascension of Mother Earth-Gaia and to ascend together.

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