30 Aug Thunderbeing-Change Maker
Have you ever suspected that you might be a THUNDER BEING, a CHANGE MAKER?
A THUNDERBEING is someone who comes to EARTH with a kind of ENERGY FIELD that generates CHANGE.
They seem to CRAVE CHANGE and a intolerant of STAGNANT ENERGY.
Often someone who doesn’t know they are a THUNDERBEING thinks they are a JINKS or BAD LUCK, because wherever they go things happen to others around them that are less than comfortable if that person is happily going about unconscious of CHANGES that need to be made. Their SOUL knows they need it, even if the HUman part is unaware. Thus a THUNDERBEING, a CHANGE MAKER is sent to interact with them.
Before I understood what ENERGY I carry, it was astonishing what my presence did to others. It was very EYE-OPENING and wonderful when someone wise told me I was a THUNDERBEING and that I was sent to assist EVOLUTION of EARTH… Ahhhh, now understanding this phenomemon has a purpose has helped me more fully accept my choices and learn to assist people in more GENTLE WAYS…
This THUNDERBEING art is #6 of the ART of JUICEYLIVING HEART OPENING HEARTS series… I hope you enjoy and if you are a THUNDERBEING that you come to RELISH your MISSION and love that part of yourself.
This song and Garret Laorto’s sharing about the few of us who have the DAVINCI GENE… I cried and cried the first time I heard this song… see what it does to you…
[Official Video] (HQ)
Just know you are AMONG MANY of US… WE LOVE YOU and THANK YOU for taking on this MISSION and walking the EARTH to bring CHANGE, to help FREE US once and for all… YOU KNOW the WAY….
ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers, you misfits & troublemakers, all you free-spirits & pioneers… Everything the establishment has told you is wrong with you – is actually what’s right with you… Go here: http://WayseerManifesto.com