Art of JuiceyLiving | Go with the Flow…Surrender
Saleena Kí expresses her Omni-D STORYTELLER through Stories. They can be Word Art, Visual Art, Vibrational Art with lots of Color, Light Language & Geometry woven into many layers. Sometimes she is whimsical, sometimes shamanic, sometimes mystical, sometimes musical, sometimes she is barefoot and rooted into Earth, with her nose stuck into some micro world and often she is off flying about in the other dimensions. She calls it OD or Omni-Dimensional. Often you find her at the computer or behind her camera creating new worlds and new realities. Her art is often created with many vibrational layers that often can be felt vibrationally by those in its presence. This website is a Branch of her HomeTree. Most of her art is available for sale from her own Omni-D Store. You can subscribe to her OD Life Stories at
Saleena Kí , storyteller, art of Saleena Kí , transformational art, vibrational art, art stories, codes, light language, creativity, omni-dimensional, multidimensional, storytelling, story art, Joan Ov'Art, omni-d,
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Go with the Flow…Surrender

Go with the Flow…Surrender

Have you ever noticed that something you are trying to do is way too hard or just isn’t working out? Something you want to happen just isn’t happening when you want it to? Join the EARTH EXPERIENCE. We seem to have come here to experience the challenges of forgetting who we are and what we are capable of.  And it is time to REMEMBER… There are certain HIGHER LAWS of how our REALITY seems to work and when we align with them, everything flows much easier.

If I attempt to do something that isn’t flowing easily, I find myself pushing, straining, frustrated. It usually doesn’t turn out very well, even if I can make it happens, and takes way too much ENERGY!

If I remember to let my UNIVERSE know what I would like to happen, then let go, or surrender, I have noticed that when it is time, it all flows easily, everything falls into place and it happens so easily.  Often it is accompanied with circumstances that seem magical.

This art story expresses just this:

RII03-Go with the Flow
Joan Ov’Art aka Saleena Kí

Have you ever noticed how easy it is when it is time?

Surrender….. go with the flow…..

Well, I am grateful that 23.5 years later, it seems to be time to share this ART and MY STORIES! It is all FLOWING so EASILY…

Here is the ORIGINAL; you can see what I had left, after it went through a FIRE and of course the WATER used to put it out.

1998-RII03-Go with the Flow
Original-Burnt & Water Damaged


If you are interested in more SELF HELP SKILL & TECHNIQUES to create a smoother ride through these CRAZY AMAZING TIMES on EARTH, these assist you in catching the WAVE of HIGHER ENERGIES and RIDING it with more grace and ease.


Visit my website Message of our New Universe for more


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