
HeartSong Double

Re-patterns the language of the heart (love) to its original state. Very sweet to be around. Harmonious with Dan Winters’ work, “Sacred Geometry of the Heart.” Helps run all new patterns “through the heart.”

Design Evolution


Options & Prices

Laminated VK 10.75"x5.3"$33.00
Giclée Print 19"x9.5"$55.00
See VK Prices & Formats for details on formats. An additional shipping surcharge may apply for international orders or mixed Giclée Print and Laminated Print orders.

Related Pages

2014-01-05 Heart Portal
2011-04-22 CREATIVE CELEBRATION – Mother Earth Day – Gratitude Dance!
2011-04-19 Tristan’s Adventures as a Lightflyer – Creating a New Earth
2010-03-27 Invitation: New Super Consciousness Grid; Create a Unified Heart & Mind; Create the Reality We Desire Now

Features of VK09

Compassion-others: getting into your heart, dropping judgment
Dying-Hospice: assistance in transitioning and completions, all keys by themes
Heart: opening, strengthening, restoring original language
Intimacy: starts within
Love: ability to remain in a state of love, open hearted
Loved: to be able to allow and receive true love flowing to you
Opening: to more aliveness, each other, your heart
Past: antidote for living in, completing and freeing stuck energy
Relaxation-Calming: throughout the body
Sex: conscious sexuality
War-Conflict: ending it inside
Water-Emotions: helps stuck emotions flow, helps with natural feelings being restored
Web of Life: Antakarana, remember connection to all

Vibrakeys that work with VK09

VK38 Sacred HeartGate The heart space is not just a physical space inside a physical heart. It is physical and energetic. The “Whole Heart" is a vast experience! There is so much to explore inside each of your own hearts.

Related Themes

Ecstatic States
Enhanced Environment
Heart - Sacred HeartGate - Awakened Heart
Light Language - Codes - Glyphs
Optimal Health & Wellbeing
Sacred Relationship
Sublime Health Project


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