Enhanced Environment
Theme: Enhanced Environment
A clean, clear, safe, supportive space for living; enhanced by frequencies that create a harmonious state in the environment of where we live and work. A space where our Body-Mind-Spirit can live in more ease & clarity.
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Related Vibrakeys
VK01 Creation Cosmology Assists you to access the truth of who you are. Opens chakras, and activates the DNA. A creation story.
VK09 HeartSong Double Re-patterns the language of the heart (love) to its original state. Very sweet to be around. Harmonious with Dan Winters’ work, “Sacred Geometry of the Heart.” Helps run all new patterns “through the heart.”
VK10 Electric Support Supports you physically around electronics & assists electronics to stay stable. Great to place around computers or other electronic equipment.. Protect & upgrade your nerve’s capacity to receive electric energy.
VK11.5 RainbowWater Changes and energizes water, providing it with vibrational patterns to restore it to a vital, natural state; more alive & pure, sweeter tasting, with more energy for your body to use. Water molecule de-clumps, allowing it to be more easily accessible, more cleansing. Supports the DNA recoding process, activation of the crystalline LightBody. Restructured, energized water is one super way to support your body in this time of great transition.
VK11 WaterAlive MasterKey Great for Moving & Directing Specific Energies for healing or for clearing stagnant energy in your environment. Easy to use for Feng Shui. Helps Focus desired energies from other objects. Creates a refreshingly sweet, full bodied, energized water.
VK20 LightBody Bliss Supports re-growth, opening & activation of the Pineal Gland, leading to the natural activation of the LightBody and establishment of a natural boundary system between us and the outer reality. Great for ultra-sensitives. Works synergistically with
VK10 Electric Support. Includes a powerful & simple breathing technique that restores lost memories enabling us to remember ourselves. I love doing this breath in the morning, it seems to open me up psychically. Super energizer!
VK21 Flower of Eternal Life - Venus Supports the Ascension process & manifestation of 5th dimensional living and beyond. Through Grace, from the Divine Feminine, your body is formatted to more easily receive full light saturation & patterns of resurrection to assist your body, releasing it from the death hologram (3-Ds: Degeneration, Decay and Dying.) Butterfly Medicine attends.
VK26 Live Paradise 19.5N Unlock the secrets of your own inner Paradise. A mandala FULL of many beautiful elements that make up the powerful energetic experience of the Big Island of Hawaii. It is intended to assist you in “dreaming” paradise into your life, wherever you are. Frequencies support release of anything that is unlike Paradise, so you live Paradise from the inside out. Originally created on Black Carbon -Silicon Sandpaper as a play on turning from carbon-based life forms to crystalline life forms. Energies hosted by Mamakoe the Shark God and Portal expert, the Whales, Dolphins, Sharks, Turtles, Ocean Creatures, Tropical Plants, Flowers, Sun, Moon, Water, Pele and Mary Magdalene. This design broadcasts these frequencies and energies into your living space, bathing your body-mind-spirit with their support.
VK27 Golden Pyramid Contains many evolutionary codes and energies. Much to discover. Learn to be in harmony with & thrive with the photon belt energies & the increasing plasma from the sun. Create a space of energetic resonance & harmony to live in.
VK28 Safe Haven Disharmonious energies can be cleared easily & quickly by placing this Vibrakey in your home, office or automobile. Immediately neutralizes unpleasant or harmful energies from electro-magnetic frequencies, radio waves, cell phones & other electrical equipment.
VK31 PeaceMaker Created on 9-11-2001: As we dismantle our War Patterns inside, Peace will blossom into our outer world. Supports Ascension: Distortion Clears, Magnetic Code Blessing brings balance to an over Electrified world, Strong new Codes from BENEVOLENT Source call the Masculine to cease war and come to a place of balance and harmony with the Feminine. Masculine-Feminine in cooperation are Power and Love side by side. Creative Action! They Build and Nurture life; bringing new patterns of Dynamic Harmony to co-create a Thriving Growing Sustainable Reality. PeaceMaker supports us to live in our own Truth and to learn to release Judgments that keep energy stuck and cause war amd contention. Design Updated 9-11-2011, on the 10 year Anniversary of the event that was used to launch more war. Newly embedded image of Ejahdama
VK36 Chariot of the Gods, included in the design, moves us past the built in limitations that existed in our previous Adam-Kadmon Blueprint into bodies “fit for the Gods.” New Creation Codes called Trinity and Bright Ones Rise are added and shape the Crystalline energies flowing through to you. Design represents a shattering of the old patterns to make space for the New to Emerge.
VK35 Telos Generator A Gift from our inner Earth family. This design is an energetic generator that uses your existing heart field and expands it. It is a super skill, easy to learn, to activate an internal generator. It helps you customize a field of frequencies x13, to raise your energies immediately so healing, transformation and daily activities are more effective. It is an invitation to reach across the barriers of perception and connect with many other dimensional beings to share technology and skills. It is a focusing point, a Crossing in space/time where beings from a variety of Star Nations, and other sentient Tribes (Elementals to Angelics, beings from ALL our Relations) can share their technologies, techniques, and practice new techniques of co-operative living. It is a way to “land” new civilization and live in a new omni-dimensional way together.
VK37 Sublime Health Amazingly easy & effective set of frequencies are included in the Sublime Health mandala for those who desire greater levels of Health & Well-Being. Vibrational support to strengthen yourself biologically, emotionally & spiritually so you are more resilient & adaptable as you evolve & awaken. It is perfect timing to begin playing with this design as we all move though this time of drastic change and creative chaos into a new reality.
VK39 Heart of Creation To introduce you to the idea that there are many places-spaces to explore in this vast creation & you are welcome. To entice you to journey to this beautiful powerful place in creation. To connect you to the Heart of Creation so you can explore & receive the many gifts that await you there.
VK46 Rainbow LightShip Still in the Birthing Chamber: Introduces a new level of LightBody full of the new Metatronic Full Spectrum Rainbow Light. Activated in the pineal gland.
VK50 Peace & Harmony Wave There is a Wave of Light & Love Encircling our Earth! Celebrate & support the Grassroots Peace Phenomenon going on all around the Earth. Ride the Peace Wave. Meet the PurePeace Council & help them anchor the pulse of PurePeace in your local area. Learn how to visit & present at the Interdimensional Peace Summit.
VK63 Lyran Song of Home The Lyran Heart is a dimensional Portal-Stargate opening through which the Song of HOME flows, connecting us to the Heart of our most Ancient Genetic Origins, the beginning of the Humanoid form. Creating a conscious Energetic Bridge allows The Founders; our Lyran Parents, to send their Sweet Nourishing Nurturing Love Vibration of HOME into our Living Tissue with the assistance of Living Codes and Keys. Suffused with Blue Crystal Seed Liquid Light and high vibrational Crystalline Lyran Waters this design allows full Reconnection to our Lyran Blueprint and opens the Higher Dimensions. Part of the Ascension Project Plan, we awaken to many of our Higher Dimensional Aspects who are inviting us to Merge with them, bring the higher dimensional energies to Earth and begin to Co-create a New Reality for ALL Creation. Updated on 2011-09-16: Strong New Living Codes demand the Mascuine, the archetypal Warrior King come to balance NOW with the Feminine, the archetypal Nurturing Queen. A new Lyran Key Activation is given to help bring these HOME Energies straight into your Body, from seed strings to particles to cells.
K-EE Environment Enhancement Kit K-EE Environment Enhancement Kit clears energetic pollution and creates and sustains a supportive nourishing nurturing protective energetic environment in your home, office, studio, etc. Some levels of it are testable. Can be used in any building or area used for community activities, such as work, school, nursing home, business. Enhanced environmental frequency protection is foundationally based on
VK28 Safe Haven. I miniaturized the design for cell or wireless phones or devices, including lap tops or tablets. Most people can muscle test their self with their cell phone; without the sticker and with the sticker to see and feel a dramatic difference in your body's well being and strength. This Kit includes an 8.5x8.5"
VK28 Safe Haven Vibrakey, a
K-SH Safe Haven Travel Kit which includes a C-28 4x4", Three C-SH-ST1 for your cell phone, wireless phones or devices, tablet, or lap top computer, 1 Safe Haven eGuide, 8.5x8.5"
VK10 Electric Support to keep near your computer or use for nerve support,
PowerUp! Vibrakey 4x4" energizer & water & food treatment card & 1 Power-Water eGuide, plus
K-TW Transform your Water Kit with
Rainbow WaterAlive Water structure treatment card and eGuide. Extra Stickers can be purchased for $11 each.
K-EP Energetic Pyramid Powerful Energetic Environment for any Practice: Meditation - Yoga - Healing - Transformation - Counseling - Intuitive Readings - Shamanic Journeying. Enhance your Health & Well-Being: Rejuvenate - Balance - Relieve Stress - Activate Youth & Vitality Chromosomes - Turn off Death Codes - Immortalize your Physical Body. Supportive Space for Creativity: Art - Music - Writing - Journaling – Crafting. Meeting Place for Communications & Contact: with Family, Friends & Higher Dimensional Beings.
K-GS GardenSong Project This project is about re-connecting with the beings of Nature to bring about an energetic healing & transformation for the land you feel stewardship with; include home, garden, community. Includes a leading edge Vibrakey design to act as a beginning interface between you & a conscious relationship with Nature.
K-HC Higher Consciousness Kit Raise your consciousness. Clear, clean, enhance, correct & enliven your products or environments to support your awakening and raising your vibration. The alchemy, created by the layering of many key codes & pattern frequencies embedded in this Rainbow Activator Energizer disc, highly charges, energizes & activates.
K-PW PowerWater & Energy Kit This design energizes & increases the potency of anything it comes into contact with, without distorting the patterns that shape it. Restructure & Energizes Water to creates Power Water! Just place the card near anything you would like to charge, energize or clear.
K-SH Safe Haven Travel Kit Disharmonious energies can be cleared easily & quickly by placing this Vibrakey card in your home, office or automobile. Immediately neutralizes unpleasant or harmful energies from electro-magnetic frequencies, radio waves, cell phones & other electrical equipment. This small card has the same qualities as
VK28 Safe Haven. For full description visit
VK28 Safe Haven.
K-SS Sacred Space Kit Creating Sacred Space is a wonderful & powerful thing to do for yourself. This kit can help you do this easier by describing ways to so this & by helping with the energies once it is set up.
S-LW Laser Wand Set 6 WaterAlive single point designs gather energies, draw them into the top of the structure known as the Tree of Life, which then takes on the energies of the WaterAlive patterns & codes as it flows through & shoots the energy out the bottom like a laser wand. You can direct & concentrate a flow of the energy in a certain direction.