Essence Imbuer
The design includes higher dimensional elements for clearing-energizing which makes it useful for many purposes. How many ways can we clear-clean & energize things around us to enhance our physical & energetic environment to enhance our every day life? Learn how to support yourself energetically in many ways. Energize your Food & Water. Restructures Water & Liquids to support your health & well-being & raise your consciousness. Move & Direct Energies wherever you want them. Create your own Potent Custom Formulas.VK42 has an unique Essence Imbuer that helps in creating your own custom formulas for your health, well being & elevating consciousness. It is designed to create potent energetic formulas from anything. This tool is also about expanding your understanding of energy.
Design Evolution

Options & Prices
Laminated VK 8.5"x8.5" | $33.00 | |
Giclée Print 13"x13" | $44.00 |
See VK Prices & Formats for details on formats. An additional shipping surcharge may apply for international orders or mixed Giclée Print and Laminated Print orders.
It’s all about energy!
This tool is about expanding your understanding of energy.An Easy Convenient way to Energize, Potentize & raise the Vital Life Force of food & you! To Restructure and Energize Water. To assist in the creation of Custom Energetic Formulas by creating an enhanced environment where Energetic Patterns can be transferred into water or other liquid carriers. To Potentize physical and non-physical items.
The design includes higher dimensional elements for clearing-energizing which makes it useful for many purposes. How many ways can we clear-clean & energize things around us to enhance our physical & energetic environment to enhance our every day life?Support Yourself
Learn how to support yourself energetically by raising the frequencies around you in many ways. Energize your Food & Water. Restructure Water & Liquids to support your health & well-being & raise your consciousness. Move & direct energies wherever you want them. Create your own Potent Custom Formulas.Kitchen Alchemy
Great for kitchen alchemy; adding a new kind of vitality to your recipes, foods and supplements. Energizes Food, Restructures Water & Liquids, Energizes & Enlivens Supplements, Formulas, Essential Oils, Essences & other health care products.Super Potent Formulating
VK42 has an unique Essence Imbuer that helps in creating your own custom formulas for your health, well being & elevating consciousness. It is designed to create energetic formulas from anything. From physical items, such as foods, flowers, herbs, colors. & crystals to energetic things such as the frequencies of happiness, harmony, love, planets tones, rainbows, whales, etc. you can imbue the frequencies into your own custom formula.Charge & Potentize any Formulas
If you are creating any kind of products, you can use this to enhance them so they are radiant with desirable energies. See the Rainbow Activator in K-HC to take the energy enhancement to a new level. It increases the potency of anything it comes into contact with, without distorting the patterns that shape it.Unique Formulation Design
The design elements prepare everything in a unique way; first to enable the item (s) to give their essence or frequency, second to prepare the carrier (distilled water) to receive what you are transferring into it. With this unique technology, it is easily & powerfully accomplished. It assists in creating a highly programmable water molecule & treats the items (that are being programmed in) such a way they easily give their signatures to the water.When it is finished, your formula is highly charged with the desired frequencies & easily assimilated into your system. Full instructions are on the back of the Vibrakey & in the New Manual.
How many things can we clear & charge to empower our experience of everyday life?
How it Works
Energy is drawn into the center, altered by the different design elements, then flows out the arrow ends of all 6 WaterAlive Designs in circular ring, creating a continuous torus-like action. This flows out into the room. Then the energies are attracted into the center again. I see the torus as donut shaped field in which the energy is continuously circulating, so it refreshes & enlivens, keepingHighly Programmable
One design aspect of the VK13 Universal Library design acts like a super collider & creates a conditions where the molecules spin so rapidly it lessens the normal gravity conditions, thus becoming excited & highly programmable. See VK13 Universal Library for more details about this.Many Uses
Clears, Moves & Directs Energy
This designs seems to energize & clean the atmosphere in a room, keeping it more energetically fresh & clear.Feng Shui
Feng Shui uses it to move-clean-clear stagnant air-energy or clear & energize a weak or blocked area. Use it at the center of an altar or sacred space.Jewelry, Clothing, Cosmetics…
Clothing & jewelry have been shown to hold energies. Energize & Clear your Jewelry & Clothing.Charge & clear you cosmetics & body care products. Make sure you choose products with as many natural & less harmful chemicals as possible for your beautiful skin & body & our earth environment.
Recycle the Energies
Note: When your products are charged & restructured with these frequencies, when you throw the empty parts away, the patterns of the restructured water & energized materials go into the recycling process & land fills… passing on their higher frequencies to other materials, earth, water & surrounding areas.Clear & Charge Project Supplies
Consider raising & clearing the energies of any kind of materials you are using for your projects; from the clay you sculpt with to the building materials you are building a house with. Everything is alive at some level & responds to energies. Many physical items hold energies, both positive or negative & can impart certain feelings & experiences to those who are near them.Art Supplies Paints Building Supplies Gardening Supplies; Plants Seeds Fertilizers
Design Elements
Design includes: PowerUp! Vibrakey, WaterAlive Single, VK13 Universal Library, WaterBall with sacred & power water frequencies gathered from waters all around the Earth, Ocean Water energized by Wild Dolphins blowing bubbles in grid & geometry shapes.Purple Ball anchors St. Germaine’s Violet Flame to purify, elements of Fire & Water, Sunlight, Alive Green Earth & Energetic Imbuer device.
6-single point WA1 are placed in a circle around a VK13 Universal Library which is made up of higher dimensional design elements from 4 StarNations: Super Colliderx13 which creates energetic conditions for particles to become highly programmable.
Seven Fold Geometry accented by Flame Letters & hosted by Sekmet.
All in All Ring or God’s Gold Key from Atlantis & even more ancient technology.
Full Metatronic Color Spectrum. Pyramid Power with Gold, Silver, and Copper & more! See VK13 Universal Library back for more details.
Features of VK42
Energize: raise the energy level of body or objectsImmortality: clear genetic tampering, release distortions, kundalini energize and vitalize, practice ecstasy, turn on more codons, activate Lightbody, Breathe Bliss, Gratitude, Appreciation
Water-Emotions: helps stuck emotions flow, helps with natural feelings being restored
Vibrakeys that work with VK42

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