Colin at the TOR in Glastonbury on Winter Solstice 2015
Waiting for the New Masculine
Saleena: I have been waiting for YEARS for the New Masculine to anchor in and show up! Over the years we have done lightwork myriads of times to clear and heal the old programs and wounds of the Feminine and Masculine (2002 on…) and bring in their new archetypes (2007). We each have intended, imagined, journeyed, declared, written stories & songs and created art (as early as 1996), in hopes of a new era for the new Masculine and new Feminine to fully embody and find their new Relationship, both within us and expressing in our outer relationships.
Summary of Co-Creating HIS Soul Portrait
Around 2011, my sister, Mary Angelico , & I were invited to co-created a Soul Portrait for the New Feminine with Mary Magdalene. It was initially called Mary Unveiled, and that is literally what happened to us as we participated. Read More Here. Her portrait was incorporated into a Vibrakey now called VK29 Living Mary. During that time, MaRi, the aspect of Mary Magdalene I became a messenger for, shared a beautiful description of the New Feminine. So I fully expected the soul portrait for the New Masculine to show up soon after. I created a place to gather information and resources, an alchemical womb, a birthing chamber of sorts, for his new Soul Portrait we began calling VK83 Excalibur Returns. Feeling that it was time for Lady of the Lake to return Excalibur to him, I wrote a song for him called Excalibur Returns. Mary A., Colin Whitby, Marimar and I all discussed what the New Masculine would be like and what elements his soul portrait might have in it. Mary A. agreed to paint it.
So we waiting and watched for inspiration to come to us. It was different in that WE decided to do it, and no one from the higher realms came in and commissioned us. Mary A. asked several people to be her model for the New Masculine and they politely declined. You can’t make it up. We had to wait for the flow from higher realms to begin and for inspiration to ignite the process.
Finally after a long time waiting, Colin decided to commission Mary A. to paint the New Masculine Soul Portrait expressing the new Masculine energies. Just as in Mary Magdalene’s Living Mary, where we used Mary A.’s face to represent Mary M., we all felt inspired to use Colin’s face, his eyes, to radiate these new energies through. He had been inspired in his daily morning meditations to connect with and begin to embody the new Masculine energies. These next transcripts are a misc. of conversations and journal entries from Colin and Mary A., as the soul portrait unfolded. Again, similar to how Mary A. and I had to embody the energies as we co-created, so did Colin experience something similar. At first we thought this soul portrait would be used to create VK83 Excalibur Returns. So far that inspiration and merger hasn’t happened. This painting seems to embody the whole adventure of Colin’s volunteering to be the ONE human to finally fully embody this New Masculine energy and more.
Balance & the New Masculine
Saleena Note: We had decided that the soul portrait for the New Masculine needed a crystal that would compliment the crystal wand Mary Magdalene holds for the New Masculine in VK29 Living Mary. It was quite the adventure finding the right one and he did. Much care was used to clear it and activate it to hold the right energies for this whole New Masculine process.
12/17/2015 Colin Whitby 11:58pm:
Balance has been my theme for December and on the Solstice I took a crystal that had been blessed by Hilary Carter with the divine feminine energy to the Tor in Glastonbury to connect to her at a specific time. She was in Bali on her 22222 day on planet earth and we tuned in at 2.22 pm my time which was 22.22 her time. She loves numbers and this one was a 2’s day, on Tuesday. We were also connecting to the Tipping Godness group, so the energy was really being amplified by our team.
My role was to bring in the new divine masculine (NDM) energy, something I’ve been working with Saleena Ki and her sistar Mary Angelico for the last two months. Read more…
Message from the New Masculine
[12/23/2015 1:24:28 PM Colin:
C: Awesome grounding and blessing day yesterday, Solstice, beautiful energies. What can you tell me about it? (I asked who would like to connect and New Masculine stepped in)
New Masculine: Hello, we greet you for the first time. It has been a long time in your earth years waiting for the exact moment when the collective is ready to meet us. Now is the time – Colin picked this up when he was trying out his writing skills last year, his working title was ‘It is time’ – and it is 🙂
We have been working on many level, and through many channels, to bring this energy through on your Solstice celebration.
Colin was asked to step into this energy, the New Masculine, which can now be present on earth at the invitation of the divine feminine. So many who have been holding the divine feminine through Sophia, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Shekina, ISIS (to name but a few) have been preparing the way, making it possible for this new male energy to emerge.
This is the exact complement to the divine essence of the feminine, now bringing balance into your domain. Colin, in this moment, is now holding our blueprint which is available to all. It only needs one person to step into the vibration and accept it into the human experience for the new flow to begin. Now we will be prompting Colin to write from this new place, to see how easy it is to ‘be’ so completely in this new flow.
You are invited to be with this now, dig deep and connect with our divine presence.
We are no longer separate, for the new masculine cannot exist without its counterpart, the divine feminine. These two energies are so interwoven now that separation is no longer possible.
We are deeply honoured to be asked to be present at this time, and changes are sure to follow. If you watch the news you will begin to notice change for the better. Watch and you will see.
We are the energy of the New Divine Masculine represented through Colin.
C: Thank you NM
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