If you Encounter Uncomfortable or Painful Omni-D Travelling Symptoms…
If you fall asleep when you encounter Higher Beings or Dimensions…
If you desire to Expand Your Abilities to Perceive More…
If you desire to Activate more of your Super Senses…
If you have firmly decided to Ascend…
This is where we share
Tools & Techniques that help to
activate your Super Senses,
Broaden Your Abilities to Perceive More in your Reality
& help your Body-Mind Hold More Light.
The higher you vibrate, the easier it is for you to Travel through the higher dimensions. We always set our intentions that we travel to and encounter Benevolent Beings and Places. Sometimes when we encounter Higher Dimensional Beings or enter Higher Dimensional Spaces it is very hard to stay awake or we get a headaches or feel dizzy. Sometimes we get hot or feel pressure. Occasionally we encounter a blockage in our own body-mind that feels uncomfortable or even painful .
These are techniques we have learned to use that help free the blockage or expand us until the energies flow through us easier. Sometimes it just takes time to get used to certain levels in this Creation. We always follow our hearts and use our intuition to let us know if the place we are in is valuable enough to stay.. We also learned to expand ourselves so that we enter the Adventure with the highest potential to be in harmony with those we encounter.
This page includes many of the skills listed below and more:
There are so many designs that address different ways to raise your vibrations and become more and more aware of an Omni-Dimensional World. These are TOOLS full of ACTIVATIONS, SKILLS, WISDOM and GUIDANCE. Meet different HOST BEINGS with much to share to assist your ASCENSION PROCESS.
It is important it is to keep your energy field and body free and clear of anything toxic, negative, parasitical or of low vibration if you want to feel good and be able to use your new abilities for enhancing your LIFE.