08 Feb Everything Begins as a Sphere
Everything Begins as a Sphere The image above is Bubble World by Jean-Luc...
Everything Begins as a Sphere The image above is Bubble World by Jean-Luc...
By Colin Whitby
Saleena and I often travel to other dimensions together and, since the advent of Skype chat, we have a written record of our journeys on computer (until then Saleena had to write them down then type them up). We are sharing a few of these journeys here to illustrate how we work and play. As we begin to launch this Omni-D Travel Adventure website more of these journeys will be available as eBooks to download. As many carry the energy and codes of the journeys themselves, we are super excited to be able to share them with you!
With Love, Colin.
This is where we begin to share about
whatever journey takes up our fancy...
whatever we are passionate about...
whatever we are excited about...
in the NOW moment...
Stay tuned for we are just beginning....