04 Feb Thoth
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Ascended Master who incarnated as an Egyptian God & is associated with writing & mediation between light & dark.
“His feminine counterpart was Seshat. He was the scribe to the gods who kept a great library of scrolls, over which Seshat (the goddess of writing) was thought to be mistress. He was associated by the Egyptians with speech, literature, arts, learning. Both he and Seshat were measurers and recorder of time. Many ancient Egyptians believed that Seshat invented writing, while Thoth taught writing to mankind. She was known as ‘Mistress of the House of Books’, indicating that she also took care of Thoth’s library of spells and scrolls.” From Thoth
Related Terms:
Egyptian God, Greek God, Scribe, Alchemist, Ascended Master, Architect, Sheshat, Ma’at, Ahnk,
Our Stories:
Saleena: He is the host of VK20 Lightbody Bliss
I met Thoth briefly one day when I was playing with one of the Vibrakey designs called VK20 Lightbody Bliss. He appeared to me and asked if I would like a way to easily activate my memory of how to active my Lightbody and that it was something I already knew. I just needed to remember…. Of course I said, YES! Thoth gave us the Hi-Vibe Living Skill; Bliss Breathing. I trusted him because I remembered him… I remembered a life when I was a Scribe for this particular Thoth.
You can learn the technique and hear more of my story by taking my Free BLISS BREATHING Course offered through our OMNI-VERSITY
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These are Vibrakeys that Thoth helps host:
“Would you like to learn how to remember to activate your Lightbody in a simple way? You already know how.” Thoth who appeared to Saleena when she was creating VK20 Lightbody Bliss
Thoth, a compilation of information on Crystalinks
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Enjoy our Free BLISS BREATHING Course offered through our OMNI-VERSITY