Omni-D Travel Adventures | Home
Saleena Kí expresses her Omni-D STORYTELLER through Stories. They can be Word Art, Visual Art, Vibrational Art with lots of Color, Light Language & Geometry woven into many layers. Sometimes she is whimsical, sometimes shamanic, sometimes mystical, sometimes musical, sometimes she is barefoot and rooted into Earth, with her nose stuck into some micro world and often she is off flying about in the other dimensions. She calls it OD or Omni-Dimensional. Often you find her at the computer or behind her camera creating new worlds and new realities. Her art is often created with many vibrational layers that often can be felt vibrationally by those in its presence. This website is a Branch of her HomeTree. Most of her art is available for sale from her own Omni-D Store. You can subscribe to her OD Life Stories at
Saleena Kí , storyteller, art of Saleena Kí , transformational art, vibrational art, art stories, codes, light language, creativity, omni-dimensional, multidimensional, storytelling, story art, Joan Ov'Art, omni-d,
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Welcome Traveler to

Welcome Traveler!

Omni-D Travel Adventure Poster by Saleena KíWelcome! Join the fun as

Saleena , Marimar & Colin Whitby travel & explore the omni-dimensions.

Begin Here

If you are just becoming aware you are an omni-dimensional being you might pick up some ideas or learn how and why traveling and exploring other dimensions is fun & satisfying. We are all waking up, some understand what is happening to them, some are feeling overwhelmed by the planetary transition we are all making now. We share one piece, we share the benefits you can experience when you know you are an unlimited being.

Learn More

If you are a seasoned traveler, come play with us. We are just beginning to share our stories and are in process of publishing them. For now we offer some awesome fun insightful ways you can play with us and find more purpose and pleasure in your life.

Travel with Us through our Audio Journeys 

Explore through our Index of Journeys

Enjoy our Adventure Blog

If you are ready for a quantum leap in your own personal life schedule your own

Personal Omni-D Travel Adventure Session

You can also enjoy Saleena’s

Art that Activates & Expands Consciousness

or simply click around on the menu to

Explore & Play with US!

Purple-Blue-b-fly-fav-icon-43Latest Adventure Blog

  Welcome to our

  Omni-D Travel Adventurer's World !

This is where we begin to share about

whatever journey takes up our fancy...

whatever we are passionate about...

whatever we are excited about...

in the NOW moment...

Stay tuned for we are just beginning....

Balancing & Integrating

My Masculine & Feminine Energies

By Colin Whitby

Whilst discussing with Saleena how it would be a great idea to review a Vibrakey we wondered which one to start with. There are now 99+ VKs; some finished and published and some are still in the "Birthing Chamber."  Just before this question arose we had been working with some really amazing Elemental Energy and had seen both the Male and the Female energies merging within me. See Omni-D Travel Adventure; Colin's Elemental Merge.

Omni-D Travel Adventure; Colin's Elemental Merge

Saleena and I often travel to other dimensions together and, since the advent of Skype chat, we have a written record of our journeys on computer (until then Saleena had to write them down then type them up). We are sharing a few of these journeys here to illustrate how we work and play. As we begin to launch this Omni-D Travel Adventure website more of these journeys will be available as eBooks to download.  As many carry the energy and codes of the journeys themselves, we are super excited to be able to share them with you!

With Love,  Colin.