29 Mar Visitors at Lion’s Gate Garden
Yesterday we had visitors. That was exciting since I don’t get many here in quiet little “town” of Booneville. My niece. Melanie Cagle, she is actually my very first niece, brought her amazing children to visit me. Jayden is kind and interesting and Sierra Sky is strong willed and confident in her connection to life & nature.
It was fun to guide them on a magical tour of GardenSong. Introducing them to the different GARDENS and myriads of MAGICAL BEINGS here. This includes my TREE FRIENDS, the CATS, Catalyst and Valentine, the FAIRIES and GNOMES and BIRDS. Jayden’s favorite one was the Lion’s Gate Garden. I shared some about the Lion’s Gate. He says he is a CAT so he can relate to all this.
The astrological 8-8 Lion’s Gate is one of my favorite times of the year. I have created lots of ART from what I have seen during our Omni-D Travel Adventures through this portal. So it is no surprise that we co-created this new Garden named after it. It is anchoring in the energies of this portal that opens during the end of July and through August, connecting us with the Star Sirius and bathing us with its COSMIC ENERGY and INFORMATION. You can enjoy my Art and Stories here: 8-8 Lion’s Gate & Vibrakeys
I love telling stories about all the GARDENS here and hope to do more this next season, though I get awesomely busy tidying up for the change of season into FLOWERS!
I have such a WONDERFUL FAMILY, including HUMANS. I LOVE THEM ALL! Thanks Melanie for coming to visit and posting these pics. Love you ALL!
You can read all about the beginnings here and see lots of photos: