17 Aug Sensual Banana-GardenSong1 Hawaii
This is my Day 2 photo: Sensual Bananas, GardenSong Project Hawaii. Taken May 29, 2010 while living on the Big Island.
I was nominated by my dear friend Colin Whitby to post one nature photo a day for 7 days and to nominate a new person every day. Today I nominate my friend Merlyn Mahalo to find his Nature moments. Photos don’t have to be recent, they just need to be taken by YOU. The goal is to flood Facebook with beauty and feel-good vibes.Note: Due to the intense energies I reserve the right to fulfill my 7 day quota in the natural flow of time instead of linear.
I lived in Hawaii for 12 years and had some AWESOME ADVENTURES. That is where the GardenSong Project was born as a Vibrakey Kit . We lived at the top of a hill on B-Street, 1000 feet above sea level and could make it to Pebble Beach, which was of course sea level, at the bottom of the hill in less than 5 minutes. We were located on a lava flow, that was more recent than I was comfortable with, surrounding our housing community. Actually the houses were built right on top of it. Gardening was about chopping out the lava, or building terraced boxed gardens.
My friend, Merlyn Mahalo, was the Master Gardener in the big house where we lived. It was here that we activated the first GardenSong Project. I have many photos that capture the astonishing beauty of the TROPICAL NATURE we lived in daily. This is the first image I will share from GardenSong1 Hawaii. We called it the Garden of Atema which meant a place where more than the flowers blossomed.
This is a detail of BABY BANANAS growing from the very sensual BANANA BLOSSOMS on one of myriads of Tropical Fruit TREES that Merlyn planted there in Kona Paradise. It truly was a TROPICAL PARADISE.
I bet most of you have never seen where your Bananas come from. Here is a peek into at least one variety, and there are many more than Dole or Chiquita grow. I will have to ask Merlyn what kind these are. To be cont…
NOTE: Merlyn said they were probably RED DWARF BANANAS.
Originally Posted on The OD Life of Saleena Ki Facebook page