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GardenSong Project | Co-Creation with Our Nature World
GardenSong Project is a unique website oriented around conscious co-creation with Nature. In a way, it is about benevolent Contact, in that we must reach out to realms we haven't been able to see easily and get to know the beings that live close to us, yet unseen. Here we learn to operate in an expanded reality on a daily basis by getting to know, communicating with and responding into a previously hidden reality where Ancient Trees are our Elders with wisdom to be listened and responded to, Plants love to serve and help us if we ask, Flowers share their beauty and energy in a new way, Fairies become our friends and co-create with us, Nature Spirits share their gifts with us and Overseeing Elementals cooperate and coordinate their forces to help us enliven and heal all the damage man has unconsciously and consciously enacted upon Mother Earth and the Natural World. Here I share information and inspiration and my OD Life of Saleena Kí stories that orient around Nature and my experience with them. GardenSong Project is orient around a Vibrakey Kit of the same name.This website is a Branch of HomeTree. Buy her art from the Omni-D Store and subscribe to her OD Life Stories at
GardenSong Project, GardenSong, Saleena Kí , storyteller, art of Saleena Kí , cocreation with nature, Mother Earth, communicate with nature, Fairies, trees, plants, plant spirit medicine, Gnomes, Devas, nature guides, pollinator habitat, butterflies, bees, frogs, Indigenous wisdom, elementals, nature spirits, Belves, bear elves, Belf, natural health, grounding, sungazing, nature friends, wild crafting, edible flowers, flowers, wildflowers, native plants, invasives, middle Tennessee, gardening, conscious gardening, geometry gardens, compost, worm heroes, soil , Nature Child, transformational art, nature photography, vibrational art, nature stories, nature art stories, codes, light language, creativity, omni-dimensional, multidimensional, storytelling, story art, omni-d nature, Omni-D Travel Adventures into Nature,
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Co-Creation with Our Nature World

Exploring Our OmniDimensional Nature Together

Connection to Nature & ALL Life NOW!

Reinventing our Life on Earth

It is May of 2017 and I now realize that establishing our connection to the NATURAL WORLD and ALL LIFE that surrounds and supports us is still paramount NOW…. It is a major key to averting the possible physical, environmental and spiritual disaster on Earth that we have been heading toward. The symptoms are all around us, from failing physical health and wellbeing of HUMANS and ALL LIFE on Earth, to Climate Changes that wreck havoc with us, to a loss of PURPOSE, a sense of hopelessness hangs over us if we don’t know how to look past the symptoms and begin to co-create the SOLUTION.

I say “possible disaster” because I know the power of HU-MAN to CREATE REALITY. It is our CREATOR-GOD-GIVEN GIFT. It only takes a few to start new trends and uplift a despairing humanity. If you are ONE whose HEART leads you to assist, then opening to NATURE and learning skills to listen, communicate with, and respond to the NATURAL WORLD and the BEINGS that live all around us is a powerful decision. I invite you to step forward and co-create a New way of living together on Earth together.

There are myriads of  BENEVOLENT UNSEEN BEINGS, and NATURE BEINGS all around you that you can see that are excitedly awaiting for you to connect with them and ask for their help. It is certainly time for CONSCIOUSLY CO-CREATING a NEW SUSTAINABLE RELATIONSHIP with ALL LIFE!   We MUST REINVENT our LIVES here on EARTH and how we live together here with ALL LIFE, both on, in and around our PLANET. Saleena Kí

March 3, 2014 Saleena: Recently I have been realizing that establishing our connection to the NATURAL WORLD and ALL LIFE that surrounds and supports us is paramount NOW. Opening up to these vaguely sensed and mostly unknown mysterious beings is an idea familiar to some and now days, especially in the modernized world, un-thought of for many. These beings have been relegated to the imaginary through old and new Fairy and Folk Tales which give us some hints of our relationship to them and their roles in the natural world. Many of them cast a negative or even scary view on them. Since we haven’t learned to value IMAGINATION AS ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL TRUTHS OF CREATING OUR REALITY, we miss the fresh new connection that is imminent today. It is absolutely necessary for those who wish to step forward and co-create a New way of living together on Earth. It is certainly time for creating a NEW SUSTAINABLE RELATIONSHIP with ALL LIFE!

OUR ABILITY TO CO-CREATE with the NATURAL WORLD is the way for our optimal movement into a NEW REALITY that is sustainable and harmonious. Since it involves moving out of our rational minds and into our hearts, and even deeper into our EMOTIONAL FEELING BODY, to some it is scary or at the least makes them nervous.

Many old stories have been passed down the generations of time of the ruthless or vicious nature of some of these “fairy tale” characters. Hey, we Humans have treated these beings thoughtlessly and oft-imes rudely so it is no wonder that they haven’t been very loving back at times. I can only go from this now moment and on my own experiences and choose to take the same ideas I apply to Making Contact into this experience and CREATE SOMETHING NEW. This involved moving into my heart and knowing my intention is to make contact with and co-create only with BENEVOLENT BEINGS that align with my ideals of a NEW SUSTAINABLE EARTH.

 Part of a Sustainable Lifestyle 

I am in service to this NEW EARTH unfolding so that is why I am creating this new portal today. My inspiration moves me in this direction. New ideas are flowing across my inner screen about how to open up and enhance my relationship with these beings as I take steps every day to SHIFT MY LIFESTYLE TO SUSTAINABLE. That is my obsession right now, SUSTANABLE LIFESTYLE, and rightly so… it is a timely time for it.

I started in 2014 to interweave 2 books, 40 Years with Fairies  author Daphne Charters  and Nature Spirits & Elementals Beings – Working with the Intelligences of Nature by  MARKO POGAČNIK..

I am savoring and studying them together. Learning about the realms of the many unseens that live all around us and assist life, including ours, to stay fresh, alive and energized. Of course, there are differing ideas of how these evolutions work and what they are like, what is expected of them by Creator, as each has their own unique filtering systems. I have mine. So it is up to each of us to discern what resonates within your own system and learn to trust your own attraction to certain ideas and information as guidance for your own path. I share my ideas and stories the way I see and feel and experience them.

Never do I say that what I am sharing is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH, it is only MY TRUTH, and I lay it out for your discernment and enjoyment and maybe even challenge. It is up to you to go to your HEART to feel what is YOUR TRUTH.

There is so much presented inside each of these BOOKS that I could read through it quickly and miss the true depths of it. It is more like RESEARCH (for the mind) and FUN ADVENTURE (for the whole body to experience) as I extend myself into these other dimensional worlds that are parallel to ours, yet distinctly intertwined with us. Awareness is just the beginning, then comes the desire to connect, to get to know each other and to share. Yes, these beings are open to share their wisdom and ideas with us and they are willing and able to learn from us, in fact with the unique and powerful way that HUMAN THOUGHTS work, we actually have much to share with them. Every day it is the question of how to implement these new awareness and relationships into my daily life that leads me on to make changes in how I live.

 We NEED these Amazing Beings 

We NEED these amazing beings, as much as we need AIR and SUNSHINE and BEES, to live healthy and successfully and sustainably in our Earth experience. Our lack of knowing and our lack of respectful coexistence is nearly costing us our lives and the life of our dear beloved Planet Earth! The long separation has certainly allowed a disintegration of life quality for us all.

It is time to wake up. Everything in all Creation has aligned to either coax us gently or whack our world to get our attention. WAKE UP DEAR HUMAN, it is the most perfect time for it! It is time for re-connection and new connections to be made.

 How Do We Do Connect? 

One of the challenges of making contact with these beings is that many of us have lost our ability to see beyond certain levels of existence. We see very flatly compared to the vast rich landscape of the unseen worlds all around us. We have been blindly nested in WORLDS OF SUCH FANTASTICAL BEAUTY AND WONDER it is astonishing when you begin to see with new abilities. We may occasionally catch a glimpse through a remembered dream or a meditative experience. Shamanic journeying can take us into the underworld, a place full of Earth Elementals and Nature Spirits. In fact it was through Shamanic Journeying with a certain slow steady drum rhythm that I first began my conscious contact and learning process with the Nature Sprits of Plants, Trees and Stones.

 Plant Spirit Medicine 

One of the challenges of making contact with these beings is that many of us have lost our ability to see beyond certain levels of existence. We see very flatly compared to the vast rich landscape of the unseen worlds. We may occasionally catch a glimpse through a remembered dream or a meditative experience.

Shamanic Journeying can take us into the underworld, a place full of Earth Elementals and Nature Spirits. In fact it was while I was living in Sedona, Arizona I began studying the book, Plant Spirit Medicine by Elliot Cowan.  This is when I first attempted to use Shamanic Journeying with a certain slow steady drum or tapping rhythm to contact and learn from and with the Nature Spirits of Plants, Trees and Stones.

At first I wasn’t very successful until I asked for a MEDIATOR to assist. I went out in the desert and found the right place by intuition and set up a sacred space where I could sit quietly and present my request. I was amazed at all the different beings that showed up. After some discussion, my request was granted and I was, introduced to an ancient Cedar Tree that had 2 parts of its trunk spiraling around each other. It introduced itself as the GrandMother-GrandFather Tree. What a loving and wise being or beings this one was! After that it was much easier to make contact with Nature. A Mediator like this must act as a bridge and translator for us at first.

After that when I would do my Shamanic Journey, the Plant Spirits would appear to me in various forms, from beautiful to strange to funny to endearing, to share about their work and what they might offer me and or my clients. Elliot says that he doesn’t have a list of Plants and what they do because each one’s offerings seem to be unique to each different being and circumstances, so learning to communicate is necessary. When I share my stories and drawings they are only or examples to help your imagination open up.

 “Hey Grrrumpy….” 

Later on, I would be walking down a path and a plant would just talk to me, like one day I was really in a very bad mood. It was more like I was stomping down the trail. I heard a voice say, “Hey Grrrrumpy, come’re….” in a very exaggerated feminine Spanish accent that trilled the rrr, “Come smell my flowers, they will make you feel better.” Surprised, I looked around and saw a medium sized desert bush with tiny little rose pink bell shaped flowers. I already was feeling rather sheepish that my mood was so noticeable. I thought I was alone… funny me. I smelled her flowers, as this plant spirit was definitely feminine. They had a very delicate rose-like scent. They did make me feel better. I could feel a kindness and love emanating from the plant’s spirit also. It was a very wonderful exciting experience.

 Exercises to Open to Elementals 

Marko Pogacnik shares many stories to help you understand the very different nature of these beings. Then he offers EXERCISES to give you ideas of how to begin opening into these rich and diverse worlds of the ELEMENTALS AND NATURE SPIRITS OF EARTH. As he says, it isn’t simply learning to see better, it is a total shift from where and how we see in our body. Most of us are used to only “seeing” from your eyes.

Explore with Your Antennae

A few days ago I tried out EXERCISE #21: Using the Antennae of the Solar Plexus on page 76 in his book, Nature Spirits & Elemental Beings, about how to move into a place inside yourself by dropping into your Solar Plexus and imagining Antennae there, like an insect. He emphasizes that it is from the aspect of your Solar Plexus that guides our emotional fields, and that “the consciousness of elemental beings operates on the emotional plane.” Now with these “feelers” you reach out to where you sense an Elemental or Nature Spirit to be and gently palpate them. Like a friendly gesture, a kind of tap to get their attentions. Staying out of your mind, and being in an even deeper place in your body than your heart, allow yourself to experience whatever will happen. You may receive feelings, or sensations or images or something else. He says that you may later move back into your  mind to interpret the experience. I like to have a journal to draw or write in while the experience is fresh.

Looking for Elementals

When I was walking around the land today, I kept remembering to drop into my SP and extend my antennae or feelers. I suppose I may have looked like some fanciful bug walking around with one who has eyes to see! I sat near some running water and was sensing around to find where the different Elementals might be. I asked them to show me whatever they wanted to show me. I was taking photos and can sometimes see them better through the lens than with my physical eyes. They showed me some interesting things to take pictures of. One was a little Water Spirit dancing in a tiny little waterfall.

Often when I get in the right frame of reference inside, the Stone People start sharing their faces with me. That is great fun! They often point out certain stones or twigs of little bits of natural treasures they want me to take home with me. I also was looking for unusual ways that the Tree Spirits shape branches to accentuate and increase energy at special points in the land. I found a few. Overall I find that my awareness has increased with the addition of just this one shift in my way of “seeing” into the Elemental realms.

Actually I tried this out with my friend, Colin, and it works for as new experience of exploring a human, also. We have had great fun testing it out. It is like adding a new sense!

Once contact has been made &

a new relationship, even friendship,  

is established, it is time for co-creation.

Hug from a Tree 

Today was gray all day, in fact for 5 days it has been that way, so while writing this, I noticed the Sun shining across the side yard. I grabbed my camera and headed outside to catch some rays. After wandering about a-bit looking for a good place to do some SUN GAZING for energy, I heard one of my TREE FRIENDS in the yard calling me over. This is one of the smaller Maple trees in the yard that introduced herself as GOLDIE. She was a blaze of Golden Yellow leaves the year we moved here to Tennessee.

She has been through some trauma, due to a huge building was erected a few feet away from her. It changed her whole situation, blocking 50% of her view of the land around her. Funny, we never really think about things like that, unless we are being very conscious and in communications with the beings in Nature around us. I sat down with my back to her to watch the SUN set and absorb some rays for energy and my health and well being. I asked her how she has adjusted to her new companion building? She said she has adjusted and thanked me for asking.

A few days ago I was walking past her and she asked if I would stack some stones near her base? I did and she was delighted. Today as we sat together, I could feel her, and I went down into my Solar Plexus and connected with my ANTENNAE and opened to her. Most of my attentions were on the SUN, and suddenly I felt her arms reach out and surround me and HUG ME! It was so tangible and I was TOUCHED SO DEEPLY I started crying gently, thanking her for such a lovely gift. We sat together for awhile, me enjoying such a treat from my friend, Goldie.

When I rose to go on with some more explorations outside, I thanked her and she asked me if I would build something pretty around her base. I got all emotional again and assured her I would be delighted to.

What an amazing experience it is being open to  and sharing my world with these lovely NATURE BEINGS!

GardenSong Guidance & Co-Creation 

While I was sitting near GOLDIE, I also began to see something else. Since I set up the GardenSong Project when I first moved here several years ago, I get ideas and feel I am guided as to what needs to be done to enhance and upgrade the landscape so we are more energetic and in harmony with the Earth and all the unseens.

When I first moved here it was one big flat grassy area. It was a shock to my system after living in lush Hawaii for 12 years! So I initiated contact, through the easy to follow directions in my GardenSong Project and began the TRIPOLI SANCTUARY. Since then I have been impulsed and moved to gather many STONE BEINGS to the land, adding lots of wood piles and more natural areas and defining some areas where the Nature Beings feel more safe from the constant mowing that goes on around here in the South.

Converting Grass

It seems that vast wide open grassy areas that go on and on for miles is the common habit here. It is a shame because it takes away so much habitat for our Pollinators and other useful insects and turns it into a gas-guzzling, time consuming, constant maintenance project. Far from a sustainable lifestyle.

I still giggle when I think about the astonished look on the man’s face when I asked him to please mow around certain plants. He looked at me with a puzzled look on his face and said, with his gentle Southern drawl, “Them’s weeds to us, Ma’am.” I must really be something different than most humans are used to around here!

Learning about the Wild Life

Last year there was an area where a number of YELLOW DOCK plants came up in the grass. I took over some of the mowing so I could begin to carefully allow certain plants to grow and add their wonderful energies to the sanctuary. I am also very excited to learn more about the NATURAL WILD LOCAL PLANTS and what is their MEDICINE and ENERGY about? So my yard is rather peculiar and actually many neighbors have commented how much they like it.

Garden Visions

Whose Idea?

So sitting under Goldie, with my awareness dropped into my SP, I was looking out toward the old Stone Wall where those YELLOWS DOCKS were growing. I started seeing a clear vision of myself carrying many old logs there and defining a YELLOW DOCK GARDEN. I saw an opening through which I could walk in. I remembered that a few days ago, when walking through one of the pastures on our land, I saw a bunch of old long log, laying along the fence line and thought I would use them somehow.

I began to wonder whose ideas come first? Is it my idea or is it an idea coming from the NATURE BEINGS all around? That is part of the agreement made with the GardenSong Project, to be open to co-create with them. Actually it is just wonderful that things flow so smoothly and sometimes magically to do the ideas that come to me to do. I believe that when we are impulsed from creation, given an inspiration to do a kind of project, we are also given all the means to carry it out.

The ENERGIES of the LAND here in GardenSong are now much more VITAL and pleasant and sometimes amazing things happen to assure me the health of this land is improving.

 Little Miracles of Stone Migration

One such thing happened after a long trench was dug right through the lawn from the water meter to the new building, the one near the Tree Goldie. It was a mess and went right in between two Trees in front. I could feel a general upset from the LITTLE NATURE SPIRITS there.

One day I sat down and apologized to them, assuring them there wasn’t anything I could have done to change it, yet I could help now and what did they want? The GNOMES that take care of the roots of the TREES showed me an image of me making a STONE CIRCLE around the area with one entry on the northeast side. One side has a sidewalk along it so it would be a semi-circle actually.

I started going to BAILEY BRANCH, the DRY BRANCH where water runs only when it rains hard, and retrieving STONES of all sizes and shapes, anywhere I could find ones that WANTED TO COME LIVE IN GardenSong with me, to begin the circle. In the meantime, the idea of making a mound of dirt in the middle where I could sit and ground came to me, along with the idea of building two different STONE BENCHES in just the right places came to me.

I had hauled so many car-fulls of STONE PEOPLE and it still wasn’t enough. One day my neighbor called to ask me if I wanted some rocks? I said sure and she said they would bring them to me, just decide where I want them. 5 little 4 wheeler trailer-fulls later, we had heaps of STONE PEOPLE piled up, easy to get to! Plenty to build with and I was amazed!

Gradually, the GNOMES all calmed down and things settled out into a much nicer feeling. I like to go sit inside the Stone Circle to be with them and enjoy the new energies. I’ve planted flowers around one of the large Maple Trees, who calls herself, Callie.
Then I hung a Bird Feeder in PEARTAL, who was my first Tree friend.

Now this Garden is called the GNOME GROVE.

Now one more little miracle… all along where the trench was dug, a certain local plant has thrived and grown very thick. One day my friend, Rebecca, asked me if I had planted those lovely flowers on the backside of the new building? I said I didn’t so, later I went out to see them. It was mid March and those natural plants have become so thick and luxurious and bloomed in the most beautiful reddish violet tones. In just the right light they glow! It makes me want to go lay down in them! Later I learned they were named HEN BIT.

This is Nature healing the wounds of the Earth.

What Fairies Do

Since I have been learning so much about FAIRIES and what they do, I know that every blade of grass. every tree and every plant and flower has an OVERSEEING FAIRY who tends them and directs the impulses of power they gather from the MOON and SUN to ALL LIVING THINGS so they can GROW PROPERLY and stay ALIVE. 

I have a HOUSE FAIRY who introduced herself one day to me and told me she helps me with all the plants. Her name is VIOLET. I was glad to know someone was helping me with all these FLOWERS. FAIRIES give the PLANTS encouragement and support and strive to inspire them to fulfill their purpose to create beauty. I know that each Fairy tends to love what they do and tends to their stewardship with great joy. Some work with the PLANTS, some with FLOWERS, some with SEEDS, some with BULBS and so on. There are even ones who SPECIALIZE in the TREE’S BARK.  I knew that this lush area of NATIVE FLOWERS were getting some extra impulses!

What fun it is to begin to understand and be more in tune with what is going on  all around me. These things that I was previously oblivious to!

A Little Flower Gift

When I first started my FLOWER POT GARDEN for the FRONT PORCH, I was visiting a neighbor, Sissy, who loves Flowers as much as I do. She had given me many starts of FLOWERS to plant in my yard. One of them was a lovely CLOVER that blooms a light pinkish purple flower that I really love. I tried to start it and I was sad it didn’t make it. One day I was talking to the BEINGS in TRIPOLI SANCTUARY in general and asked if they could bring some of that CLOVER to my yard? There was some growing across the street in front of one of the other houses.

I had some WINDOW BOXES I had set up with racks along the railing to hold them up higher where plants where easy to see. I had planted some MEDICINAL HERBS in one and for some reason I had a little pot of dirt sitting in the middle of it. I can’t remember for the life of me why it was there. One day I saw that one of those CLOVERS had sprouted up in it! I was amazed! I knew they had brought it there just for me! I thanked them and today it is lush and big and has continued growing and blooming vigorously, even through the winter. (I carry that window box inside on the freezing nights.) It is edible, too, so I enjoy  adding some of its PINK FLOWERS and CLOVER LEAVES to my SALAD or DINNER once in awhile.

May 2017 NOTE: I later learned this PLANT is named PINK WOOD SORREL and it now is thriving in the HAPPY MORNING SUN GARDEN. The BUTTERFLIES and BEES LOVE IT and so do I!

Where Do I Start? 

There is much to explore and learn, the question is where does one start and how does one go about opening up to a world that is such a mystery? Here are a few options: 

 GardenSong Project 

As I mentioned, I have an energetic art design and project called the GardenSong Project. It includes a design that helps you reconnect with NATURE, much like the Mediator in Plant Spirit Medicine. It was crafted with the help of some Nature Spirits, MaRi Magdalene , the Divine Mothers and Mother Earth. It is overseen by an Elemental called Tiagrat. He keeps track of each project as it is set up and guides the local beings in their mutual connections with you, the steward of your Garden or Sanctuary.

It can be a house with a tiny bit of land about it or even a small deck where you grow in containers, a huge farm or piece of land, it can even be a building or business, actually. It’s not about what you own, it is about what you are in stewardship of. The kits includes an eGuide with very clear step by step guidance about how to set up your project and how to make your first connections and many stories to enhance your experience. It is the opening for the activation of new skills within an alchemical container where you may explore, experience and co-create. The art and the information serves as a bridge to get you going.

I have had so many amazing delightful experiences since I created this project and set up my first GardenSong Project in Hawaii, called Garden of Atema. Someday I will share more of those stories. I already shared a few of the fun experiences I am having now at Tripoli Sanctuary.


You can purchase your GardenSong Kit here

with everything you need to get started:

GardenSong Project



 Designs that Activate Your Super Senses 

Vibrakeys are very unique designs that are omnidimensional and assist in clearing, building bridges and showing the way to other dimensional places. There are many design I have to offer that help activate your system to become more multi or omni dimensionally functioning. They are powerful tools, easy to use and best chosen by intuition. See which ones attract you, as each person has different reasons for not seeing or using their higher gifts. If you do need help,

I offer Vibrakey Readings

to assist in your choices &

understanding of how they work with you.



 More Resources 

Nature Spirits & Elemental Beings

Working with the Intelligence in Nature   

Author Marko Pogacnik


Fairy’s Portal

40 Years with Fairies


author Daphne Charters


GardenSong Portal


Omni Earth – Kingdom of Fae – Elementals Unicorns & Dragons


Ringing Cedar Series

Anastasia’s Dream

A life changing set of books with stories that will inspire you to take part in changing our Reality into something WONDERFUL!



I once met a man who was in love with water! I met him while walking on my street near my home in Hawaii. After we talked abit we realized we had a mutual love, water, and much in common to share. I invited him over and a wonderful afternoon unfolded as more of the mysteries of the Water Elementals were revealed through his wonderful photos and stories. Meet Ha’a:

Remember the Water



This is an Organically growing page begun in 2014 and still growing…

check in as inspired!

Saleena Kí 

©2017 Joan Ov’Art, all rights reserved