This is about how we create and manage our Garden, our Sanctuary, our Patio Garden, our Farm, our Nursery, our Greenhouse, our Ponds, our Lakes, our Rivers, anywhere you are interacting with land, plants and wildlife as a steward, no matter what size it is. It can even be about how we manage empty lots in our cities. How we LANDSCAPE the land surrounding our city buildings. How we manage the side of our roads. It is about learning to make every choice in HARMONY with the greater WEB of LIFE in mind so that we are SUSTAINED and ENJOY LIVING here on Earth.
“We have gotten ourselves into a rather destructive mess here on Earth and there is a way out and that way is being incessantly insistently constructively co-creatively conscious. Being willing to become informed, at all levels of life, and doing our best to make daily choices that support sustainable responsible healthy change in ourselves and in our environment that turns into a world reality that supports, honors and protects ourselves, our children, our Nature, our Planet. In other words, we are the ones that co-create a Bright Future for Earth and for ourselves.” Saleena Kí
Here is a List of QUESTIONS you might consider when you are making choices; whether is is about how to prepare the soil, buy the seeds or plants, where and how to plant the Garden, how and when to nourish the plants, how to manage disease and pests, how and when to water, to harvest, and even when to clear the old plant growth to make room for the new. It can also influence what kind of building materials you buy and use on your land.
How will my choices today affect the Network of Life that lives here; the microbes, the Fungi, the other Plants, the Trees, the Pollinators, the Birds, the little Animals that live here?
How will my choices affect the ELEMENTS; the Soil, the Water, the Air, the Minerals?
How will my choices affect the UNSEENS, like those in the Fairy evolution: Fairies, Gnomes, Elementals and more?
How will my choices affect my family and my own health and well being?
How will my choices affect our Planet, our Mother Earth?
How will my choices affect future generations?
Whether you think like this or haven’t yet expanded your perspective to include this kind of wider thinking, every choice you make affects all these elements of Life. I know that you do your best with what you know. I do and I am learning new perspectives everyday!
So I suggest that you weigh your choices with some of these considerations:
I know you will think of more to add, this is only to get you moving into a way of thinking and considering that your every action, your every choice does make a difference.
“I like to think that my life is like the Butterfly Effect.
One little flap of my wing and it sends out ripples into reality that do change things in places I may never know…
I like to think that…” Saleena Kí